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Chapter 6 Industrial unrest- I

Concepts,types Causes & Prevention

Industrial Disputes- Definition
Sec2(k) of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947defines Industrial disputes as,” In
Industrial dispute means any dispute or difference between Employers &
Employers,or Employees & workmen or between workmen & workmen ,which is
connected with the employment or terms of employment or with the conditions of
labour of any person.”
● There must be employment contract & Employees must draw salary more
than 1600 p.m
● Dispute must for common cause
● Should have support of trade union & appreciable no of employees
● Continuous demand for the redressal of grievance
● Parties must have direct/ substantial interest in the matter
Types of Disputes

1. Interest Disputes( economic disputes)

2. Grievance disputes( legal disputes)
3. Dispute over unfair labour practice
4. Recognition Disputes
Causes of Industrial Disputes
Factors that lead to Industrial 3. Temperament of the Industrial
Disputes are :- workers
● Industry related factors 4. Failure of the trade unions to
● Management factors
safeguard the interest of working
● Government related factors
● Miscellaneous factors
5. Unfair management practices
Causes includes:-
1. Demand for wage increase 6. Outdated & outmoded laws
2. Dissatisfaction due to 7. Irrelevance of Government
employment related factors conciliation machinery
8. Political Interference
9. Sickness of Indian Industry
Settlement of The Industrial Disputes
● Settlement of unrest in monetary in nature by government
● Strengthening the Union
● Streamlining the machinery
● Amendment to the disputes Act ,1947
● Encouraging effective participation of the workers in the
decision - making process.
● Education of workers
● Adoption of Good personal management practiceS.

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