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By Geraldine Grace Estolatan
The issue about gender equality in
the Philippines is deemed as
unimportant by many Filipinos.
However, the blooming Generation Z
knew and acknowledge that this
issue should be taken as something
important. There are some reasons
why Filipinos, old and young, were
still conflicted on how they would
address this issue. Discussing about
the conflictions could open the
minds of many Filipinos regarding
this topic.
To begin with, Filipinos are somehow blinded by
their religiousness. In fact, many Filipinos
discriminate people belonging in the LGBTQIA+
because of their belief that a man should be only for
a woman and a woman should only be for a man.
This belief was considered toxic by many people
belonging in Generation Z. A presidential candidate,
Manny Pacquaio, released his point of view about
this issue and called homosexuals as beings that are
“worse than animals”. This statement, got the
attention of many people belonging in the LGBTQIA+
and he was bashed. Manny defended himself by
using what is written in the holy books. Yet,
discrimination of these people was clear in his
statement. This opinion by the presidential
candidate, proves that many Filipinos are narrow
minded. They wouldn’t open their minds to fight for
the well-being of others. Instead, they would preserve
the image of gender by turning a blind eye to gender
Another reason is, Filipinos tend to put a
specific label in every gender they knew. Gay and
lesbian people would be labeled as “bakla” and
“tomboy” here. These labels are known by many
people. It is also true that this “labeling” of the
members of the LGBTQIA+ is a way of
discriminating or bullying. Truth be told, in our
country, even kids in the streets not younger
than seven or six, use these labels to start fights
with their playmates. This thing is very alarming.
It is clear that these kids are taught that being
gay and lesbian are wrong and immoral. After all,
it means that the parents are also oriented that
way and doesn’t bother to open their minds to
the betterment of many people including the
LGBTQIA+. The discrimination would continue
and gender equality wouldn’t bloom if this was
going to continue for longer.
The last reason is as important as the first
and second one. Gender equality does not only
revolve around the members of LGBTQIA+ but
also around straight men and women. There is a
belief that women would always be under the
power of men. Some males would always take
advantage of their bigger body frames and make
women submit to them. This thing being done,
disregards gender equality. Some Filipinos think
that a woman would be weaker than a man but
no, that’s not a fact. Women, may have smaller
and petite body structures but that doesn’t make
them powerless and weaker than men. Moreover,
Hidilyn Diaz, a weightlifter and the first Filipino
Olympic Gold Medalist, is a woman. These facts
should be enough for Filipino people to
acknowledge gender equality and not
differentiate women and men based on who is
stronger and weaker.
In conclusion, the issue of
gender equality is as
important as other issues
inside a country. Gender
equality helps and does good
for the well-being of many
people. It should be
considered and discussed so
people would have a better
understanding of this issue
and respect everyone
regardless of their genders.

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