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Literature, in general, is the representation of

different human experiences.

As Gopalkrishnan puts it, “literature is a

particular reflection of social reality. And since
Politics or Economics is a most important
factor of social reality, hence the divorce of art
from politics or economics is as absurd as the
divorce of art from words themselves. "
Class struggle is ever present in our
world. Even in first world countries, this
issue still exists. It becomes a hot topic in
the well- known literary text such as
“Dialogue on Poverty” by Yomanoue no
Okura , “Literature for the Masses” by Mao
Zedong and even teleseryes like “Ang
What is Marxist Criticism / Marxism?

 A type of literary criticism based on the

writings of German philosopher Karl Marx
 It is a critical approach to literature which
shows the relationship between literature
and the social—mainly economic conditions
under which it was produced.
Some of the key concepts of Marxism
include worker's uprising materialism,
class struggle, effect of capitalism,
classless society, ideology, and
working class
Marxism is the scientific study of
society and literature is a
particular reflection of it.

Literature is an outcome of the active

participation of the writers in the
socio-political, and economic life of the
The common aspects looked into when using
Marxist criticism are as follows:

• Social class as represented in the work

• Social class of the writer /creator
• Social class of the characters
• Conflicts and interactions between
economic classes
How to use Marxism in Analyzing Literary
a. Title of the book/article/work
b. Writer’s Name
c. Thesis statement
a. Major findings, claims, ideas, or messages
b. You may address the following questions:

Whom does it benefit if the work or effort is

accepted/successful/believed, etc.?
❖ What is the social class of the author?
Which class does the work claim to represent?
❖ What values does it reinforce?
❖ What values does it subvert?
❖ What conflict can be seen between the values the
work champions and those it portrays?
❖ What social classes do the characters represent?
❖ How do characters from different classes interact
or conflict?

a. overall impression of the work

b. Scholarly or literary value of the reading
Activity 1. True or False
Read the statements in each number. On a separate sheet of paper, write T
on the blank provided before the number if you think that the statement is
TRUE and F if your answer is FALSE.

1. A literary device is any specific aspect of literature, or a work,

which we can recognize, identify, interpret, and/or analyze.
2. The setting is how the various elements of a story are assembled.
3. The plot is the author’s means of conveying to the reader a character’s
personality, life history, values, physical attributes, etc.
4. Literary elements are aspects or characteristics of a whole text.
5. The conflict is the turning point in a story, at which the result
becomes inevitable, usually where something suddenly goes wrong; the
“dramatic high point” of a story.
Activity 2. Can You Discriminate?
Write down your thoughts and ideas about the picture below. Use
a separate sheet of paper for your answer.
Critical Race Theory, or CRT, is a
theoretical and informational mode that
examines the appearance of race and
racism across central cultural modes of
Why Use This Approach?
CRT's approach to literature or other modes of cultural expression includes much
more than simply identifying race, racism, and racialized characters in fictional

1. works. Rather, it (broadly) stresses the importance of examining and attempting

to understand the socio-cultural forces that shape how we and others perceive,
experience, and respond to racism.
• There will be three rounds.
• You will work in groups of 3-4 members and be assigned to breakout rooms.
• You will be given 1 minute to confer with each other and answer the questions.
• Each group will assign one person to submit their answer to the teacher via
direct message/private chat as soon the round is over.
• Good luck!

• You have one minute to discuss and answer.

• Type the letter that corresponds to the correct answer
your group has discussed.
• Submit your answers by the end of the round.
The wind whispered Question #1
sweetly in my ear.

What literary device is used in this sentence?

a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. irony
You are the sunshine Question #2
that brings light to my
grey days.

What literary device is used in this sentence?

a. allusion
b. simile
c. metaphor
d. anaphora
The laughter of the Question #3
witch sounded like
nails on a chalkboard.

What literary device is used in this sentence?

a. simile
b. alliteration
d. litotes
1. C. Personification

This example is not a metaphor or simile because the

wind is not being compared to anything.

There is nothing in the sentence that suggests it means

the opposite of what it being stated, so the answer is
not irony.

LET'S CHECK It is an example of personification, which is when you

give human attributes or qualities to non-living things
or concepts. The wind cannot literally "whisper",

KNOWLEDGE! because it isn't a person.

2. C. Metaphor

This is not an example of an allusion, which is defined

is an an indirect reference.

It is not an anaphora, which is the repetition of a word

or expression at the beginning of sentences or clauses.

This example features a comparison of two unlike

objects. In this example, "you" and "sunshine" are
LET'S CHECK compared to one another. It is a metaphor and not a

simile, because it is a direct comparison and does not
use the words "like" or "as".

3. A. Simile

A simile is an indirect comparison of two unlike

objects using the words "like" or "as". In this sentence,
the laughter of the witch is being compared to nails on
a chalkboard.

It is not an example of alliteration, which is the

repetition of consonant sounds.

LET'S CHECK It is not an oxymoron, because it doesn't feature two

contradictory terms side by side.

KNOWLEDGE! It is not an example of litotes, because it does not

express an understatement.


• You have one minute to discuss and answer.

• Submit your answers by the end of the round.
Question #4
Pretty Princess Pamela
prefers to prance and

What literary device is used in this sentence?

Question #5
Matt rapped with
the band while the
man in the tan hat
What literary device is used in this sentence?
Question #6
The bacon popped and
sizzled in the frying
The words "popped" and "sizzled" are words that sound
like their meaning. What literary device is this?
4. Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds. In
this example, the /p/ sound is repeated throughout the
sentence in the words "Pretty", "Princess", "Pamela",
"prefers", "prance" and "pirouette."

5. Assonance
LET'S CHECK Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds. The

words "Matt" "rapped" "band" "man" "tan" "hat",
and "clapped" all have the short a vowel sound.

6. Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is when a word evokes its actual
LET'S CHECK sound. The sounds of the words "pop" (which

means a sharp, snapping noise) and "sizzle" (a
hissing sound that is made when cooking) suggest

UNDERSTANDI the words themselves.



• Read the selection and identify the correct literary

• You have one minute to discuss and answer.
• Submit your answers by the end of the round.
Read this excerpt from Question #7
William Wordsworth's
poem "I Wandered
Lonely as a Cloud" (16):

"I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills"

What literary device is used in the phrase

"I wandered lonely as a cloud?"
Read this excerpt from Question #8
William Wordsworth's
poem "I Wandered
Lonely as a Cloud" (16):

"Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance."

This excerpt describes a field of daffodils. What literary device is used in

the phrase "tossing their heads in sprightly dance."?
7. Simile
This phrase shows an indirect comparison between I/
the speaker and a cloud, using the word "as".

8. Personification.
LET'S CHECK In this excerpt, daffodils are described as "tossing

their heads in sprightly dance", which is an action
that only humans can perform.

You've reached the end of
this quiz. Good job!
Remember: writers use literary devices to creatively express meaning
in unique ways. When you are able to identify and understand literary
devices, reading and writing become more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Wordsworth, William. “The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Vol. III.” The Project Gutenberg, Project Gutenberg, 8 Apr. 2018,

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