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Summary Of


 Stress has always been a burden to mankind with records of it centuries ago. The
term “stress” was invented by Hans Selye, a Physician and held as the father of
stress research. In Physics, stress can be described as a force that produces strains
on the body.
 Hans Selye began using the term stress after completing his medical training at
the University oof Montreal in the 1920s. He noticed that no matter what his
hospitalized patients suffered from, they all had one thing in common. They all
looked sick. In his views, they were all under physical stress (n.d.). History of
Stress. Centre for Studies on Human Stress.
Background of the study

 With the rising cases of students who have been feeling stressed
lately, particularly for the senior high school students, It is our best
interest to study and analyze the main factors and causes of stress
for students and what may be the things that will make them cope up
with the stress they’re already having. Having to analyze briefly
with our study, it would come up with a possible conclusion of our

 A case study is utilized in this study in order to gather and analyze what are the
causes of stress for students and on how they cope up with it.
 The study was conducted in Ilocos Norte National High School, and the
participants were Senior High School students from all tracks.
 A total of 50 Senior High School participants were given survey questionnaires, to
which 49 questionnaires were submitted back. Although we prioritized the
confidentiality of the respondents.
 Surveys were conducted among the 50 participants in which they were given one
survey questionnaire with around 10 questions each.
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
 According to the results gathered from our
survey questionnaires with question no. 1
 With interpretating the data gathered, most
students think that doing their homework's and
school activities causes stress while some
students thinks that it varies or depends on what
type of activities or homework's that can cause
them stress while the remainder thinks they
don’t feel stressed at all, as all mentioned on the
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
 The data gathered shows that majority of the
participants (61%) spend their time doing their
homework with them having to spend around 1-
2 hours doing their homework's and school
 Around 23% of the students spend their time
doing their homework’s less than what the
majority student spend
 While the rest spend their time more on doing
their schoolwork’s either 3-4 hours or 4-5 hours.
 With the result heavily implying that average
students spend their time around 40 mins to 2
hours doing their schoolwork’s.
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
 Majority of the participants spend their time doing
their homework’s around 40mins during the
weekends. Having to compare with the last data of
how many hours do student spend during the school
days with the comparison having a drop of time
spend from 60% to 24% (1-2hours) from schooldays
to weekends while rest of the students spend their
time more doing homework’s during the weekends.
We concluded that majority of the students spend
their time more doing homework’s during the
weekend due to the fact that it is the start of the rest
days for students with them having most of their time
after school week, free.
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
 With the Data gathered majority of the
participants sleep less than 7 hours as show in
the data while only 18% percent of the
students sleep at the needed time to sleep (7-
8hours) and the remaining students sleep
more than the average. Theorizing that the
reason why majority of the students sleep less
are due to insomnia driven by stress or their
driven capabilities of doing their homework’s
way past bedtimes having them no sleep at
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
 The participants showed various cause of stress based
on their experiences and thinking's, the growing cause
of stress among students as shown in the data is related
with their studies with more students getting stressed at
their homework’s, schoolwork’s and any school related
while financial issues is the next leading cause of stress
for students having about 30% experiencing financial
problems in life making them feel stressed also around
15% of the students are concerned and stressed about
their health the remainder are either stressed about their
friendship(10%) and Relationship(10%).
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
 The emotional or psychological consequences of
stress that students have noticed varies with the
various answers of the participants.
 Most of the participants suffer from anxiety as a
consequence of stress in which they experiences
fear, lack of confidence, nervousness and
anything related to anxiety, While majority of
the participants experiences either sadness or
anger (both 22%).
 19% of the participants suffer from depression,
one of the worst serious medical illness.
 While 11% of the participants experience the
feeling of overwhelmed.
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
 Headache is experienced by majority of the
participants (45%).
 Increased heart rate is the second physical
effects experienced by students with roughly
 Weight loss were experienced by 15% of the
 While the remaining students (26%) experienced
Hair loss, sore, sweating and others
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
Data Interpretation and Analyzation
 Most of the participants think that their family and love ones are the people that can help them from anything stress
related, the following quotations from recently conducted survey below would support our claim and statement.
“The people/ Organization I think that can help me from stress is my family and friends, I can share my problems to them
without being judged” – participant 1
“My Family because it’s easier to tell them what you are going through”
- participant 2
“ My family because My family can only understand me” – participant 3
“I think the people that can help me from stress is my family or friends I can share/Talk to them my problems” – participant
With the quotations heavily implying that the students’ family and loved ones are the people that can only understand them
very well just by talking or bonding with them making them feel eased out from the stress that the student’s are going
Summary and Conclusion

 The Data gathered from the survey concluded our case study report about Perspective of
students to stress which various responses were gathered and interpreted with the effects of
stress to the participants varies from their experiences, understandings, and personal
backgrounds/issues we can add up that stress comes from different ways. The leading factors
of stress are both Financial and Studies as interpreted from the data we have gathered and Most
students prefer sleeping, scrolling through social media, eating, and accompaniment for them
to cope up with stress. It is a sad reality that most students have to go through stress from
studies, Financial issues, Health, and relationships and to the already growing burden for
students despite those, most of the participants prefer their family and love ones as their
comfort away from stress.

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