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What do you intend to do?

 Azzrinaz syafana
 Chelsea Ananda Nugroho
 Devina syafa Azzahra
 Evanna aisyiyah putri
 Furqon Ilham Maulana
 Muhammad Javi Moreno
 Salwa Febianti Anggita
Table of Content

• Understanding of Giving Itentions

• Rules and Examples of Giving


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A. Definition of Intentions
An intentions is something that we would like to do
in the future. These are general plans for the future.
B. Social Function of Intention
To state plans plans for something intended to do
in the future. When we are talking about an
intention, we have not taken specific, concrete steps
to achieve the action. We are just talking about
something that we hope to do in the future
a. Be Going to
We use “be going to” to talk about a planned
activity for future.

Subject (I, You, We, They, He, She, It) + is/am/are

+ going to  + simple verb

* I am going to finish my project this night.
* Are you going to join with me in writing essay
contest? b. Would Like
We use “would like” to when you want to do
something or when you have/dont’t have a
definite plan

Subject (I, You, We, They, He, She, It) + would Like
+ simple verb

* I would like to bake cookies with Riri.
* What would you like to do on the long
c. Will
We use “will” when you have/don’t have a
definite plan.

Subject (I, You, We, They, He, She, It) +  will +

simple verb

* I will make my own composter at home..
* Will you go fishing with me and my dad?
d. Would Rather
We use “would rather “ to express a plan but
there is a comparison with another statement or
to show a choice form different options.

Subject (I, You, We, They, He, She, It) + would

Rather + simple verb

* I would rather stay at home than go fishing.
*Would you rather stay at home or go outside?

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