Hydrogen Sulphide H2S Awareness

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Hydrogen Sulphide H2S Awareness

H2S gas is one of the most occupational hazards that
can be found on many industrial jobsites.
H2S may accumulated whenever a mixture of
hydrocarbons and sulphur are found.
Purpose of H2S Awareness
To alert employer and worker to the danger involved
in working with H2S.
To provide the guidance for controlling H2S danger.


Sources Of H2S
Oil & Gas Wells
Gas plants & Refineries
Petro-Chemical Plants
Sulphur Recovery Plant
Underground Mines
Physical Properties of H2S
COLOUR: Its colourless gas.
ODOUR: Its smell like rotten egg at low
VAPOUR DENSITY: Its heavier then air, thus it will
settle in low areas.
EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: Mixed in the proper proportion
with air or oxygen and exposed to an ignition source
may create an explosion.
FLAMMABILITY: Will burn and create Sulphur
Dioxide(SO2) which is also very toxic gas.
Physical Properties of H2S
SOLUBILITY: Soluble in most fluids.
BOILING POINT: Liquefied H2S boils at a very low
temperature so it is usually found as a gas.
Toxic Level Of H2S
1 ppm You can smell it.

10 ppm 8 hour occupational exposure limit. At this level of concentration it is

recommended personal wear appropriate breathing apparatus.
20 ppm Ceiling occupational exposure limit. No work shall be exposed to 20
ppm at any time.
100 ppm Loss of smell in 2 to 15 minutes. May burn throat, causes headache and
1000 ppm Causes immediate unconsciousness.

Ppm Parts of gas per million parts of air by volume.

H2S Detection
H2S low concentration is easily recognized by its
characteristics foul odour similar to rotten eggs.
If the concentration of the gas is above the 100 ppm
range the sense of smell is quickly loss.
Never rely on your nose to detect the presence of H2S
must used the detection devices.
H2S Detector
There are following H2S detector devices.
Personal monitor
Portable monitors
Fixed continuous monitors
Respiratory Protection
When you are present in any area where H2S is a
potential hazard, you must wear approved respiratory
protective equipment.
There are the following breathing apparatus are:
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus(SCBA).
Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus(SABA).
Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus(EEBA).
Breathing Apparatus Operation
There are following steps should be observed when
wearing Breathing Apparatus;
1. Prepare the Equipment
 Conduct a parts inventory.
 Check air pressure (do not use if not full).
 Open the cylinder valve.
2. Wear the Cylinder
 Proper methods include over the head or side sling
style(similar to putting coat).
 Tighten all straps and buckles.
3. Wear the Face piece
 Place the mask on the face ensuring there is no hair within
the seal surface. Side burns, beards and eye glasses will
effect the seal.
 Tighten the straps (chin to forehead).
 Check the seal.
4. Connect the Breathing Tube
 Connect tube to regulator and test breathing.
5. Check the Alarm
 Close the cylinder valve.
 Slowly breathe down the system. The alarm should sound
when the pressure gauge indicates ¼ of the volume
Safe Briefing Areas(Muster Stations)
All worksite must have at least two muster points in
the event of H2S gas release.
The muster points must be located such that one is
positioned upwind from potential H2S release points at
all times.
When the H2S gas release all person should report to
the designated safe upward briefing area and
participate in a headcount.
Rescue Techniques
Get out of the area by proceeding to a safe area.
Well control team wear Breathing Apparatus to
perform duties.
Sound the alarm(worn others).
Wear Breathing Apparatus(protect yourself).
Rescue victims(use buddy system).
Revive victim(mouth-to-mouth/first aid).
Obtain medical aid(emergency contacts).
H2S First Aid Procedure
If a worker is overcome and his breathing has stopped due to the
inhalation of H2S artificial resuscitation(mouth-to-mouth) must
start immediately once the victim has been brought to a safe area.
1. Check responsiveness
 Shake and shout at the victim.
2. Check breathing (look, listen and feel)
 Place your ear close to the mouth and nose: look for chest
movement; listen for breathing & feel for breath on your cheek.
3. Open the airway
 Tile the head back using the head tilt chin lift method and
check inside the mouth for obstructing objects.
H2S First Aid Procedure
4. Re-check breathing
 This is done to see if opening the airway was sufficient to
restore breathing.
5. Ventilate the lungs
 If not breathing : keep the airway open; take a deep breath;
slowly blow into lungs for 1-1.5 seconds.
6. Check the pulse
 If pulse is detected, continue ventilations at the rate of 12-
15 times per minutes.
 If no pulse is detected, start CPR.
 Only qualified persons are allowed to perform CPR.
Safety is Everyone Concern
Commitment to safety excellence can be achieved
through the active support of all employees.
Participation in safety meetings, observation of safe
work procedures and reporting of hazards are just few
key elements of the support requires from contractors,
sub-contractors and service companies alike.
Our main objective is to ensure that the work is
performed safely and effectively with due regard to the
protection of personnel, property and the enviroment.

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