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Cross culture

What is cross culture communication?

 Cross cultural communication refers to the communication between people who have
differences in any one of the following: styles of working, age, nationality, ethnicity,
race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Cross cultural communication can also refer to
the attempts that are made to exchange, negotiate and mediate cultural differences
by means of language, gestures and body language. It is how people belonging to
different cultures communicate with each other.
 Each individual can practice culture at varying levels. There is the culture of the
community he grows up in, there is work culture at his work place and other cultures to
which one becomes an active participant or slowly withdraws from. 
 Cross cultural communication has been influenced by a variety of academic
disciplines. It is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to
conflicts between individuals or groups. Cross cultural communication creates a feeling
of trust and enables cooperation.The focus is on providing the right response rather
than providing the right message.
Examples of cross culture
 Here are a few examples of cross-cultural differences that, if unknown, can wreak havoc in an interpersonal

 It is not considered polite to say 'no' in India. If a person does not like a proposal or proposition, they would
actually agree, but with a qualifier. They would say yes to an unacceptable proposal, then counter with a more
acceptable one.
 When speaking to a Japanese colleague who has closed their eyes, do not take offense! They are listening intently,
not nodding off. Closing their eyes shows respect for the speaker's opinion or interest in what they are saying.
 In many cultures, for example, countries in Asia, it is considered impolite and aggressive to hold eye contact with
a person. This characteristic contrasts with Americans who hold eye contact as an indication of engagement and
 Natives of France may kiss a team member on the cheek upon introduction. Do not misjudge that they are being
overly familiar in their greeting; it is the norm in France to greet even strangers with a kiss.
 A waiter or hairstylist in the United States should not expect to receive a tip from an Australian tourist. It is not
customary to tip for such services in their country.
Pros of cross culture communication

 1.It increases productivity. According to research conducted by the International Labour Organisation,

companies that offer cross-cultural training experience higher levels of productivity compared to those that
 2. It improves customer service. When customers feel comfortable interacting with members of your team,
they’ll be more likely to provide feedback and share ideas.
 3.It reduces turnover rates. Employees who receive cross-cultural training are less likely to leave their jobs
because they know how to interact with colleagues from different cultures.
 4.It boosts morale. Research shows that workers who participate in cross-cultural training are happier than
those who don’t. As a result, they’re also less likely to take time off or complain about their workload.
 5.It helps employees develop skills. As mentioned above, cross-cultural training allows individuals to gain
valuable insights into other cultures. This knowledge can help them develop better communication skills
and become more efficient at solving problems.
 6. It leads to greater innovation. In order to innovate, businesses must first learn about the needs of their
target market. By participating in cross-cultural training programs, companies can learn about the
preferences and behaviours of people from all over the world. Through these interactions, they can discover
ways to improve products and services.
Cons of Cross culture communication

Differences of cross culture
 Culture influences the words we speak and our behavior. Cross cultural
communication thus refers to the communication between people who have
differences in any one of the following: styles of working, age, nationality,
ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
 Cultural Differences in Communication may cause several serious
concerns that might affect your business and the working relationship.
 You’ll find hundreds of cultural differences in communication from
country to country. Cultural diversity makes communication hard, and in
business, it can be extremely delicate because people from different
cultures might have diverse behaviors, language, signs, expressions, etc.
 All modern businesses need to be aware of these cultural differences in
communication to build professional relationships. Understanding these
different cultural barriers in communication is vital to business success
because of the multicultural work environment.
The following table displays some basic
differences related to cross culture
Some basic examples of differences
Challenges in cross culture communication
Major Challenges in cross culture
 Different Communications Styles.
 Different Attitudes Toward Conflict.
 Different Approaches to Completing Tasks.
 Different Decision-Making Styles.
 Different Attitudes Toward Disclosure.
 Different Approaches to Knowing
Some basic challenges in cross culture
 Etiquette/Protocol
 Language Issues
  Relationship Issues
 Timing Issues
 Trust and Information Issues
 Body Language Issues
Skills Required in cross culture
Basic Skills required in Cross Culture
 In today’s diverse workplace, communication issues can take on an added
dimension of complexity. Every culture has its own set of tacit assumptions
and tendencies when it comes to face-to-face interactions, and trying to
get your point across effectively can sometimes be difficult. Even when a
language barrier doesn’t exist, cross-cultural communication can be
challenging. Here are our top ten tips for effective cross-cultural

 Maintain Etiquette
  Avoid slang 
 Speak slowly
Skills Required in Cross Culture
 Keep it simple
 Practice active listening
 Take turns to talk
  Write things down
  Avoid closed questions
 Be careful with humour
  Be supportive

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