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The Present

Formation, usage, examples
• The Present Continuous affirmative is formed with the auxiliary verb to be in the
simple present (am, is, are) and the present participle of the notional verb
• We are preparing the presentation

• In the interrogative the auxiliary –be stands before the subject.

• Are you getting ready for the party?
• The negative is formed by inserting the particle –not between the auxiliary and
notional verbs.
• She is waiting for the results
The present continuous is used
When we speak about the action which is happening now, at the moment of
• He is running towards me right now
When we speak about temporary situations
• I am staying with my girlfriend until I find new flat.

When we speak about the action which is happening around the present
• I am taking the course about astrology.
• When the action happens today, this week (month, year, season), but is not
characteristic of the other days, weeks, months, years, etc
• You are speaking very fast today.
• He is not performing this season because of his trauma.

• When we talk about changing/developing situation

• The number of confirmed cases is rising. 
• The nights are getting shorter
• With the word –always-, (constantly, forever) when we want to emphasize that
the action annoys us and we complain about it.
He is always taking my clothes from me.

• When we speak about personal arrangements which will happen in the near
I am meeting my boss this afternoon.

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