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Malaysian Studies

BY: Jana Hosam
About Myself
• Name: Jana
• Surname: Hosam
• Country: Egypt
• Lives in: Malaysia
• Age: 13
• Likes: Kpop (BTS THE MOST)
• Dislikes: Dust (allergic)
• Favourite food: Shrimp & Salmon
• Family: Dad, Mom, BIG brother and myself (the youngest)
Where Is Malaysia Located?

Right there!
Main Physical Features

• Numerous caves run through the country due to the karst landscape caused by water eroding limestone. The
Mulu Caves in East Malaysia are the largest caves in the world. They are located between the Penambo range
and Brunei, and form a major tourist attraction.
• Malaysia contains numerous islands, the largest of which is Banggi Island in Sabah, which has an area of 440.7
square kilometers (170 sq. mi). It is followed by Betruit Island in Sarawak, Langkawi in Kedah, and Penang
Island in Penang. The largest island shared with another country is Borneo, followed by Sebatik Island. In
addition, Malaysia lies within the world's coral reef distribution. The reefs can be usually found around islands
such as Sipadan Island, Swallow Reef, and Redang Island. Sipadan Island, an underwater mountain, is
Malaysia's only oceanic island.

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