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Name: Atlas Sajid

Class: B. Ed (Honors)
Supervisor: Dr. Makhdoom Ali Syed

 Basic primary education strengthens the success of a society.

 Mathematics has played a key role in building up our


 Mathematics is considered as part of human thought and logic.

 Mathematics is poorly taught in primary schools.

 The reason is that it is taught by un-qualified and non-

professional teachers.

 Lack of qualified teachers, improper curricula and school

environment are responsible for the poor interest in the
mathematics by the students.
Statement of the Problem
Mostly students at primary level in tehsil Kotli are
concerned by poor academic performance in Mathematics
in the school. Despite various efforts by parents like good
staff accommodation, prize of appreciation for those
teachers who will have reached a certain percentage in
terms of pass rate as well as monetary incentives, the
performance in mathematics at ordinary level remained a
cause for concern. Poor academic performance in
Mathematics at primary school level has become a trend in
tehsil Kotli AJ&K. Therefore, the researchers saw a need
to investigate and find out the major causes of lack of
interest in study of mathematics of primary level students
of tehsil Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Objectives of the Study
1. To find out the causes of lack of interest in study
of mathematics of primary level students of tehsil

2. To suggest remedies to tackle the problem of lack

of interest in study of mathematics of primary
level students of tehsil Kotli.
Research Questions

1. What are the causes of lack of interest in study

of mathematics of primary level students of

tehsil Kotli?

2. What are the remedies to tackle the problem of

lack of interest in study of mathematics of

primary level students of tehsil Kotli?

Delimitations of the Study

The study was delimited to

 Government primary schools

 Female Teachers

 Tehsil Kotli
Research Methodology
Research Design
 Descriptive by nature
 Survey method
Population of Study
 Population were seven hundred eighty six (786) female
Sample of Study
 Simple random sampling technique were used
 Two hundred and forty (240) primary school teachers were
selected as sample of the study
Research Instrument
 A five-point Likert Scale questionnaire
 30 items were in this questionnaire
Validity of Research Instrument
 Instrument was administered for validity to 3 experts
from the Department of Education UoK AJ&K.
Reliability of the Instrument
 Cronbach’s alpha
 0.79
Data Collection
 Personal visit
 Questionnaire distributed to two hundred forty (240)
Data Analysis
 Data will be analyzed by using SPSS
 Frequency, Simple percentage and Mean scores
Results Related to Causes of Lack of Interest in Study of
Female teachers agreed that

 Students consider mathematics as a boring subject. Mean

score (M=4.15) of primary school teachers showed that they
are agreed with statement.

 Students cannot remain attentive throughout the math’s class.

Mean score (M=3.85) of primary school teachers showed that
they are agreed with statement.

 lack of qualified teachers is responsible for the lack of

interest in the mathematics. Mean score (M=4.24) of primary
school teachers showed that they are agreed with statement.
Results Related to Remedies to Tackle Problems of Lack of
Interest in the Study of Mathematics
Female teachers agreed that
 Teachers can encourage students to get highest marks by
satisfying a wish for them. Mean score (M=3.97) of primary
school teachers showed that they are agreed with statement.
 Teachers can encourage the students to solve math’s
problems every day. Mean score (M=3.81) of primary school
teachers showed that they are agreed with statement.

 Teachers may use activity-based learning to ensure creativity.

Mean score (M=3.75) of primary school teachers showed that

1. It is concluded that students feel mathematics is hard, tough
and a boring subject as they do not practice of mathematics
at home. Students are unable to develop a connection
between the subject and themselves to cope up with the
pressure to perform in mathematics.
2. It is concluded that students have low IQ level, lack of
understanding about signs and symbols in mathematics so
they cannot remain attentive throughout the math’s class.
Students have no suitable helping books in their schools
that is why they show negative attitude towards
3. It is concluded that poor teaching methods, teachers’ low
interest to teach backbencher students and lack of qualified
teachers is responsible for the cause the lack of interest in
mathematics. Schools bad condition of teaching is also the
cause of less interest in mathematics.
4. It is concluded that teachers can encourage students to
get highest marks by satisfying a wish for them and employ
projectors through which the students can participate in
solutions. They can also avoid assigning too much
homework to build interest in mathematics.
5. It is concluded that teachers can encourage the students
to solve math’s problems every day by linking the
mathematics lesson to reality and involve the students in
Math’s puzzles to make process an enjoyable experience.
Teachers can also provide proper study material to students
in classroom that to boost students’ confidence to perform
6. It is concluded that teachers may use activity-based
learning to ensure creativity and group-work to solve
Math’s problems can be effective ways of reinforcing
concepts learnt. Moreover, schools can be employing more
qualified mathematics teachers and can be provide with
enough teaching aids on teaching mathematics.
1. Teachers may use attractive methods and educational
activities to provide the atmosphere to increase students'
motivation and increase their level of interest. Teachers may
also teach mathematics without the pressure of examination
which creates anxious feelings among students.
2. To develop a positive attitude towards mathematics teacher
may create comfortable classroom environment in which
students may feel easy.
3. Teachers may utilize brainstorming activities which may
develop problem-solving skills to make them able to
overcome the negative attitude towards mathematics.
4. Schools may give opportunities to students to perform
essential activities regarding mathematical concepts to
make them master and fluent in computational skills.
5. Teachers may assign home task to their children in
order to develop self-efficacy and sense of mastery in them
and parents may give them proper time and attention in
order to understand their problems in mathematics in their
actual essence.
6. The teachers may teach charming methods to enhance
the mathematical capabilities of the students so they can
become best in mathematics.
Thank You

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