Types of Digital Devices

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Presented by group 1
01 Mainframe Computers



04 Single board computers

Mainframe computers
• The mainframes computers are the type of computers that have high-
performance can be used for intensive processing of operations that cannot be
done by normal computers.

• Mainframes are generally known for their large size, amount of storage,
processing power and high level of reliability.

• The mainframe computers are mainly used in the banking sector, corporate
sector, and government agencies as there is always a requirement of the
secured system so that transactions can be done in a secure manner, and data
can be kept safe from the external world.
Desktops computers

• A desktop computer is a personal computer built to be used at a desk.

• This type of computer would contain most of the computer

components, such as the CPU, the hard disk, and the RAM. They often
provide users with the option to upgrade them or add additional

• Desktop computers need to have peripheral devices connected to it,

such as a monitor , mouse, keyboard.

• A monitor would then sit on top of the computer case, and an external
mouse and keyboard would attach to it.
All in one desktop computer

• An all-in-one computer (often referred to as AiO)

computer is commonplace in modern workspaces.

• It’s a computer that combines all desktop

components in one enclosed unit, instead of having
a separate computer tower from the display

• It functions in the same way as a traditional

desktop arrangement, but typically has a smaller
profile and takes up much less space.

• L a p top com p ut er s , a l s o k n ow n a s no te b oo k s ,
a r e p ort a b l e co mp ut e rs t ha t y ou c a n t a k e w i th
y ou a n d u s e i n d iff e re nt en vi r onm en t s .

• L a p top s i nc lu d e a k e y b oa rd , a s cre e n , a tr a ck
p a d a nd a re ch a r g ea b l e b a t te r y .

• The d evi ce d e ri ve s i ts na m e f r om b ei n g a b le t o
b e us ed b y re s t in g on a p e rs on 's l a p w it h out t he
ne ed f or a d e s k or ot he r s ur f a ce .

• Com p o nen t s s u ch a s p ro ces s or s , m ot he r b oa rd s ,

me m ory s t ic k s, h a r d d r ive s , g ra p h i cs ca r d s , a nd
in t er f a ce d e vi ces a r e a ll i te m s th a t f or m a
la p t op com p u te r. The s m a l l er th e s e c omp on e nt s
a r e, t he s ma l l e r a n d l ig h te r a la p t op ca n b e .
Single board computer

• A computer with all of its essential components such as RAM,

CPU, and GPU built-in. They're ·designed differently from a
standard desktop or personal computer and they use a wide
range of microprocessors.

• They can easily be produced and have a quick time to market

compared to personal computers or laptops.

• Single-board computers offer the superior processing power,

memory capacity, and storage options compared to traditional
PCB motherboards
Mainframe computer

Mainframes can add or hot swap system capacity without disruption.

Mainframes are designed to handle very high volume input and output (I/O) and
emphasize throughput computing.

Mainframe computers comes with their own operating system that supports wide
range of hardware and software.

A single mainframe#2
can replace dozens or even hundreds of smaller servers.
Desktop computer advantages

It can be easily expanded if your needs change (you can add more storage, RAM or a
better graphics card at a later date).

Desktop can perform higher quality.

It got bigger storage system to let you save more data and giving you a faster

CONFLICT #2 have more power and more features.

Desktop computers
Laptop computer advantages

The lightweight, compact size, the built-in battery in the laptop.

The laptop is straightforward to use with none additional devices.

Highly portable and allow you to use your computer almost anywhere.

CONFLICT #2 screen than desktops.

Bigger and better quality
Single board computer
They're very small, they can easily be embedded into devices or applications where
space is limited.

SBCs are also incredibly efficient, giving them an edge where power-saving is concerned.

They are more affordable than personal computers, and you don’t have to worry
about all the extra components.

They #2and use.
are easy to set up

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