Intergrating Sophia Revised by Radith Again

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Integrating Sophia; Humanoid Robots

into Society

By Radith 6D
Table of content
01 Background of the Paper 02 Describing Sophia

03 The Benefits of the Sophia Robot 04 Conclusion and Suggestion

This a video about Sophia the robot

Background of
the Paper

In this modern era, activities related to humans have
been shift from traditional to modern. This transition
occurs with increasing technology development. One
example of technology that is currently developing
Background of rapidly is robot technology. The use of robots currently
covers all aspects of human life, both in industry and in
the Paper daily activities. In the last decade the integration of
robotic technology in everyday life has had a positive
impact in supporting human activities, and introducing
interaction between robots and humans so that human
work becomes easier.
Problems and Discussion Topics

Based on the background described above, it can be concluded the

summary of the problem follows as:
1. How is the process of the making of Sophia robot?

2. How does the robot Sophia work?

3. What are the benefits of robot Sophia for human life?

Objectives of the Paper

1. To provide information about the Sophia robot.

2. To describe how the Sophia robot works.

3. To describe the benefits of robot Sophia for human life

On October 25, 2017 at the Future
Investment Summit of Riyadh, a robot
named Sophia has been granted full
History of the citizenship from Saudi Arabia.
Throughout the history of developing
Sophia Robot artificial intelligence for robots, Sophia is
the first robot in the world to be granted
citizenship with artificial intelligence
embedded in it.
Sophia is a humanoid robot developed by the Hong Kong-based
company Hanson Robotics. Sophia has been designed to learn
and adapt to human behavior and work with humans, and has also
been interviewed in various countries, including being granted
citizenship from Saudi Arabia. Sophia said that she was first
activated on April 19, 2015.
Hanson Robotics is the company that develops the most human-like robots in the
world, endowed with extraordinary facial expression abilities, aesthetics and
interactivity with humans. The company and its founder, Dr. David Hanson, has built
a reputation around the world for creating robots that look and act as if they were
actually alive, and produced many famous robots that have received major media
attention and received much public acclaim, for example the artificial intelligence
embedded robots created by Hanson Robotics companies are ALICE, Sophia,
Albert Einstein HUBO, Han, Professor Einstein, Jules, Diego-san, Philip K. Dick
Android, and Zeno.
he combination of Google Chrome Alphabet's speech recognition technology
(Speech Recognition) and other speech recognition systems allows Sophia to
process speech, chat and become smarter over time. Hanson collaborated with IBM
(International Business Machines Corporation) and Intel company to apply some of
their technologies to the Sophia robot, such as Computer Processor technology,
cameras in the eye, actuators (robot propulsion), and others.
Sophia is a robot with an attractive
Describing female face, built so far only to its waist.
Her eyes are cameras with the ability to
Sophia recognize faces she has seen before
(which allows her say hello to anyone by
name). Her skin is made of a special
variety of silicone (Frubbet), which is
flexible enough to perform 62 facial
expressions (anger, joy, sadness,
amazement, annoyance, fear, etc.).
She has an electronic synthetic voice system that allows her to speak and gesticulate as she
makes her speech. However, the most "human" aspect of this robot is its ability to learn from
the experience it gains whenever it has the chance to interact with people. Thus, Sophia
becomes increasingly familiar with the culture, customs, feelings, emotions, and linguistic
styles. One of the goals of its creators, with David Hanson at the head, is that Sophia
manages not only to maintain an intelligent conversation with human beings on any topic,
and on her own initiative, but that her dialogues are always accompanied by the emotional
charge that characterizes the normal conversation between two people.
One of the goals of its creators, with David Hanson at the head, is that Sophia
manages not only to maintain an intelligent conversation with human beings on any
topic, and on her own initiative, but that her dialogues are always accompanied by
the emotional charge that characterizes the normal conversation between two
The work system adopted by Sophia is a combination
of cameras (sensors) inside the robot with computer
algorithms. Then also the kinetic motion of his wrists
The Making and legs. This means that she is a mobile robot she
can go wherever she wants. She also has facial
Process of expressions and eye contact with the target (the
interlocutor) is maintained as the main focus. The
Sophia Robot development carried out by Hanson Robots on
Sophia is considered revolutionary. It is a combination
and refinement of a number of previous robots.
Sophia's AI Vision system is directly linked to its
name Synthetic Organism Unifying Language
The field of robotics is
fast-growing in this
current era, robots are
specialized with their
Technologies complicated movements
with the elegances like
Study back-flipping, practicing
parker moves, even
“carving” classical
sculptures. Sophia a
robot whose
intelligences were
widespread with an
unsettling human-like
Sophia is the first emerged two years ago as a super intelligent human-like
robot with a realistic face and its appearances. Eventually she uses the
eloquent language and intricate facial expressions have stirred suspicion
among AI experts, who say Sophia is merely a “sophisticated puppet‟. Much of
the discussion revolved around comparison between humans and robots,
advances in AI, and the threat it posed to human race. Sophia sought to
alleviate the concerns of a robotic takeover of the world by saying, ”Robots
should be helping humans.
The Benefits of
the Sophia There are many uses for robots in
various aspects of life, from households
Robot to industry. But in general, the use of
robots is to facilitate human work.
Because a robot that has been regulated
by the system will not get tired. This can
make the job easier to do, because there
is no fatigue on the robot.
Impacts of due to the existence of robots in human
Sophia life, it can cause conflicts in the future
with technological determinism in the
development of robots taking place in
Indonesia, none other than the overall
factors that determine how.
The development of robot technology gets priority due to the elements the interests of
globalization that force Indonesia to use robot technology, so that the state of Indonesia does
not become the country that is lagging behind other countries developing or other developed
countries. In the media, especially written, it comes back to touch the issue of robotic ethics.
That is, the moral aspect that involves designing and building robots endowed with human
intelligence and its negative or positive consequences in society. Many people now wonder if
robots could occupy any position occupied by a human being. Joseph Weizembaum, a famous
computer scientist, warned in 1975 that robots should never occupy the position of a judge, a
policeman or a soldier. Investigations such as those carried out by Robinson and others (2013)
are now more valid, when they conclude that the company of an intelligent robot significantly
dissipates the feeling of loneliness of the elderly, even more than the company of a pet.
The implementation of Humanoid robot has become
so common in human daily life. A technology has
made our life simpler and easier and has become an
inseparable part of human life. Humanoid Robots
have been designed to address all those limitations
and seem to have an advantage over other platforms
when it comes to holding natural conversations with
Conclusion humans. This paper was meant to provide the reader
with a thorough understanding of the advantages
Sophia robots for human life. It can be concluded
that the creator of the robot Sophia is Hanson
Robotics. This Sophia robot has the ability to imitate
facial expressions, chat, and recognize people.
Sophia can also joke, sing, and create works of art.
In making the Sophia robot is not easy, therefore with
the presence of the Sophia robot it can help and
introduce the intelligence of the robot itself. for future
generations, hopefully the Indonesian state can create a
robot so that the presence of robots can introduce
advantages and benefits. For elementary GIS 2
Suggestion students, I hope you can take advantage of robotics
extracurriculars to learn the basics of assembling robots
I hope the students of GIS 2 Serpong are excited to
design or assemble robotics so that they have the
basics. because someday it will be useful both for
yourself and others.
Thank You
By Radith 6D

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