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Read these sentences.
1. My mother takes good care of
her ornamental plants. She
waters them everyday.
2. Mother waters her ornamental
plants with love and care. She
checks on them everyday.
What does water mean in the first and second sentence?
Denotative – refers to the literal
or dictionary meaning of the word.
Grace has lovely roses in her garden.
The mahogany tree stands behind our house.
Plants cannot manufacture their own food
without sunlight or sunshine.
Connotative – refers to the emotional
suggestion or other related meaning
attached to the word.
Her three daughters are her life’s roses.
Keep that fire of unity burning in our heart!
We can survive any typhoon of challenges in
life by being strong and positive.
Activity # 1
Identify the underlined words and if it’s denotative
or connotative.
1. Be a role model to your siblings and try to plant them the
value of patience.
2. Don’t be a tiger. Everyone is afraid of you.
3. Rain usually falls unceasingly during the months of July,
August, and September.
4. Father is a mahogany tree, strong, and resilient.

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