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According to psychologist Kurt Lewin, which of the following is not

a stage in the change process? 

a .unfreezing.
 b. mediating.
 c. moving.
 d. refreezing.
2. Holding back information, playing one person against another and
providing slanted information are examples of: 

a. manipulation.
 b. implicit and explicit coercion.
 c. Negotiations.
 d. none of the above.
3. An example(s) of internal change forces is (are):

a. inadequate communication.
b. problems in moral.
c. market competitors.
d. a & b.
4. Employees may resist change for which of the following

a. self interest.
b. habit and personal inertia
c. fear.
d. all of the above.
5. Motivational driving forces may include:

a. words of praise from a manager.

b. low moral.
c. effective reward systems.
d. a & c.
6. Transformational change in an organization refers to

a. complete change in almost all aspects of the organization

b. Incremental change in which necessary improvements are
made in the existing organization
c. no change in any aspect of the organization
d. None of the above
7. Who has given the hierarchy of needs hierarchy theory of

1.Abraham Maslow
2.David McClelland
3.Victor Vroom
4.Frederick Herzberg
8. How many levels are there in Needs Hierarchy theory of

a. Six 6
b. Five 5
c. Four 4
d. Three 3
9. Which among the following is the highest level need under Need
Hierarchy Theory of Motivation?

a. Physiological Need
b. Safety and Security Needs
c. Self-esteem Needs
d. Self Actualization Needs
 10. Name the motivation theory that is based on Satisfaction-

a. Alderfer – ERG theory

b. Maslow – hierarchy of needs theory
c. Herzberg – Two factor theory
d. Skinner’s reinforcement theory
11. Which of the following is / are method of managing stress

a. Job relocation
b. Career counseling
c. Recreational facility
d. All the above
12. Which of the following is / are not a method of managing

a. Time management
b. Supervisor training
c. Role Analysis techniques (RAT)
d. Rorschach test
13. A technique to bring changes in the entire organization, rather
than focusing attention on individuals to bring changes easily.

a. Organizational development
b. Organizational change
c. Organizational culture
d. Organizational conflicts
14. Which of the following is/are not organizational factors
causing stress

a.Task demand
b.Role demand
c.Role conflict
15. Stress can affect not only your health but also other aspects
of your life. What else can be affected by stress?

a. Family relationships
b. Work performance
c. Your attention to safety
d. All of the given options
16. Which of the following is one of the relationships proposed in
expectancy theory?

a. Reward-satisfaction relationship
b. Satisfaction-performance relationship
c. Rewards-personal goals relationship
d. Effort-satisfaction relationship
17. Your boss never gives you the benefit of the doubt. When you were
late back from lunch, he assumed that you had simply taken too much
time. He never considered that the elevators were out of order
and you had to walk up 10 flights of stairs. Your boss is guilty of _____.

a. Self-serving bias
b. Selective perception
c. Fundamental attribution error
d. Inconsistency
18. Which of the following frameworks is used in the development of
the overall model of OB?

a. The cognitive framework

b. The behavioristic framework
c. The social learning framework
d. All of the above
19. Which of the following statements regarding internal forces of
motivation is true?

a. They are more important to understand than external forces of

b.They are less important to understand than external forces of
c. They are as important as external forces of motivation.
d.They are seldom recognized by managers.
20 Which of the following is NOT a “pull” force of motivation?

a. availability of training
b.performance-level goals
c. rewards and compensation
d.pressure for high levels of output
21. Which of the following is NOT an internal motivational

a. goals
c. attitudes
22. All of the following EXCEPT _____ can be used to form a useful
framework for analyzing the sources of motivation in the workplace.

a. the characteristics of the job

b.the characteristics of the individual
c. the characteristics of the work situation
d.the characteristics of the business environment
23. _____ focus on the needs a person is trying to satisfy and the
features of the work environment that seem to satisfy those needs
a. Process theories
b.Content theories
c. Situational theories
d.Motivational theories
24. Which of the following is NOT a content theory?
a. Maslow’s need hierarchy
b. Vroom’s expectancy theory
c. Herzberg’s two-factor theory
d. McClelland’s acquired needs theory
25 . To begin motivating an associate, a manager informally questions
about employee satisfaction with his job’s ability to provide safety, social
interaction, self-respect, and opportunities for growth. What theory of
motivation is this manager most likely trying to apply in working with
the associate?

a. Maslow’s need hierarchy

b.Vroom’s expectancy theory
c. Herzberg’s two-factor theory
d.McClelland’s acquired needs theory
26.According to Frederick Herzberg, _____ are elements associated
with conditions surrounding the job.

a. hygiene factors
b.motivating factors
c. economic factors
d.environmental factors
27. A manager wishes to improve the job performance of a group of
clerical workers. Based on Herzberg’s theory, _____ would be an
appropriate motivator.

a. providing them with a better health care plan

b.setting up a break room where coworkers could socialize
c. offering them opportunities for achievement and recognition
d.redecorating their offices so that they are pleasant and
28. _____ involves increasing the complexity of a job to provide a
greater sense of responsibility, accomplishment, and achievement
a. Goal setting
b.Job enrichment
c. Job enhancement
d.Positive reinforcement
29. While they agree that satisfaction is a factor in motivation, scholars
note that there is little evidence that increasing employee satisfaction
actually increases motivation. This has led them to criticize the _____
as being overly simplistic.

a. equity theory
b.expectancy theory
c. two-factor theory
d.hierarchy of needs theory
30. _____ asserts that individuals are likely to compare the ratios of
inputs to outcomes they receive against the ratios of other people,
such as colleagues or acquaintances.

a. Acquired needs theory

b.Equity theory
c. Expectancy theory
d.Two-factor theory
31. Whereas _____ focus on which variables affect motivation,
_____ focus on how the variables affect motivation.

a. content theories; process theories

b.process theories; content theories
c. equity theories; expectancy theories
d.goal-setting theories; reinforcement theories
32. All of the following EXCEPT _____ are process theories of
work motivation.

a. goal-setting theory
b.expectancy theory
c. social cognitive theory
d.acquired needs theory
33. The basic components of _____ are effort, performance, and

a. equity theory
b.goal-setting theory
c. expectancy theory
d. social cognitive theory
34. A software engineer believes that if she can complete her current project on
time she will get the promotion to team leader that she strongly desires. However,
she doubts that she can complete the project on time. Within the context of
expectancy theory, what level of motivation would the engineer have and why?

a. very high, since the level of expectancy and the level of valence are both
b. moderately high, as high levels of valence and instrumentality offset low
expectancy levels
c. moderate, since high levels of expectancy and high levels of valence will
be balanced by the low level of instrumentality
d. low, since the expectancy, instrumentality, and valence of the outcome must
all be high for motivation
35. Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory defines _____ as
gaining knowledge by observing how others perform a task and
then modeling one’s own behavior in a similar manner.

a. interactive mastery
b.vicarious learning
c. ocular discernment
d.physiological observation
36. A call center manager hopes to improve the performance of her staff
by decreasing the average time spent on a call. First, she sets up a
performance board where the average length of a call for the previous
week is posted and compared to the average call length for the previous
four weeks. Then, she encourages the staff to reduce the average.
According to goal-setting theory, how could she improve this scheme?

a. She should make the goal easier.

b.She should make the goal more specific.
c. She should make the goal less specific.
d.She should make the goal more elaborate.
37. Goal-setting research suggests that people will exert higher
levels of effort when goals are _____.

a. easy and general

b.challenging and specific
c. very difficult to attain and specific
d.moderately easy to attain and general
38. A production supervisor receives a bonus for each day a project
is completed ahead of schedule. This is an example of _____.

a. motivation
b.negative reinforcement
c. positive reinforcement
d.equitable incentivization
39. A sales representative is told that if he exceeds his sales for
the last quarter by 20 percent then some of his more difficult
clients will be transferred to another sales representative. This is
an example of _____.

a. extinction
c. negative reinforcement
d.positive reinforcement
40. _____ increase the probability that people will repeat a behavior;
_____ decrease the probability that people will repeat a behavior.

a. Extinction and punishments; positive reinforcements and negative

b.Extinction and positive reinforcements; punishments and negative
c. Positive reinforcements and punishments; negative reinforcements
and extinction
d.Positive reinforcements and negative reinforcements; extinction and

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