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Managing Project Teams

Tushar Sakhalkar, PMP

Why Teams? What is Team? Team Lifecycle Team Formation The Right Way Team Roles & Personalities Building & Managing Teams Five Dysfunctions of a Team Sucessful Teams & Communication Experiences & Wrap up

Why Teams?
Humans are essentially social, they like working with other people Outputs greater than individual effort Balances strengths and weaknesses Opportunities for personal development

What is team?

Number of members Interaction with each other Perceive themselves to be a group Aware of each other Definable membership Common vision / goal /mission / objective Workload sharing & dependency Timetable Roles Balancing skill sets

Project Team Management PMI

Team Lifecycle

Project Activities Group Activities

Orientation to Project Emotional response to demands of the project Open exchange of relevant information of a solution Emergence Dissolution of the group

Testing and dependence Intragroup conflicts Development of group cohesion of functional roles Emergence

Why Teams? What is Team? Team Lifecycle Team Formation The Right Way Team Roles & Personalities Building & Managing Teams Five Dysfunctions of a Team Sucessful Teams & Communication Experiences & Wrap up

Formation of Team Recruitment

Factors affecting recruitment

Importance of the project Management structure for the project Required skill sets Volunteer Database Past experience / rapport Problem-solving ability Availability Technological expertise Credibility Political connections Ambition, initiative, and energy

How to recruit

Who to recruit?

Selecting Teams - The Common Way

Traditionally -Team members are selected according to functional need only

Based on job description, experience.

QS, Structural Engineer, Cost Consultant, Construction Manager

Behavioural needs not usually taken into account


characteristics not considered Nor aptitudes Role fitment Role to personality match not taken in to account

RESULT ?. Possibility of poor

Why Teams? What is Team? Team Lifecycle Team Formation The Right Way Team Roles & Personalities Building & Managing Teams Five Dysfunctions of a Team Sucessful Teams & Communication Experiences & Wrap up

Belbins Team Roles

Implementer Co-ordinator Shaper Plant

co n se rva ti , d u ti l p re d i b l ve fu , cta e


calm, self-confident, controlled

highly strung, outgoing, dynamic individualistic, serious-minded, extrovert, enthusiastic, curious, communicative sober, unemotional, prudent

Resource investigator


Monitor-Evaluator Team Worker socially oriented, rather mild, sensitive Completer-Finisher painstaking, orderly, conscientious,



single minded, self-starting, provides knowledge & skills in rare supply

Ernie Obengs Types

Personality Types Spiritually

Commercial Businessman
Assertive, Stands for Principles & Values Sattvik Noble, Man of Perfection, incarnation of Love & Compassion

Enlightened Soul

Noble Leader with Vision Learner Trainee Criminals, Law-breaker

Simple minded, lacks worldly experience

Rajasik Aggressive, full of selfish drive, prone to active life

Commoner, no guidance, prone to influences

Tamasik Lazy, sensuous, inactive

Opportunist, wants others to work for him prone to violence

Political Leader

Behaviors of Personalities
Personality Type-> Philosophy at work Intention of work Assertive Detached, dedicated to work Selfless, Works out of compassion, Quality- conscious Aggressive Attached to work and results Selfish, Works under compulsion, Quantityconscious Opportunist Insecure, attached to status and authority Ego-centered, Works out of need to survive

Attitude at work

Considerate and always attempts Careful and dominates in all Careless and finds fault to make everyone participate aspects of work with others Runs forward to take risk and protects others Stays behind and make others take risk. Never Based on ones own pet preferences.

Risk taking Distribution of authority Relationship with others Outcome

Based on willingness to work and Based on contribution to capabilities earlier accomplishments

Participates in others life shares Professional. Never Prejudiced. ideas, feelings and emotions involves in others emotions & feelings Goodwill, Peace-of-mind, Security, Stress, Loneliness, poor Insecurity, hatred, Caring and harmonious health and disharmony with restlessness relationship. others.

Why Teams? What is Team? Team Lifecycle Team Formation The Right Way Team Roles & Personalities Building & Managing Teams Five Dysfunctions of a Team Sucessful Teams & Communication Experiences & Wrap up

Team Building & Managing


Prime responsibility of project manager Involves spectrum of management skills/leadership Knowledge of task, team, & individual needs Relationships between the 3 Adairs action-centred leadership model

Task / People Relationship

Project Managers Responsibilities

Project Manager needs to

Clarify objectives of team Allocate well-defined tasks Provide opportunities for personal development Set performance targets Reward & Celebrate Ensure good communications

Characteristics of Effective Team

Task / Result Oriented Technical Success On Time / Budget Performance Committed / Result Oriented Innovative / Creative Concern for Quality Willingness to change Ability to predict trends People Oriented High Involvement / Energy Capacity to solve conflicts Good communication Good team spirit Mutual trust Involvement / Group membership Need for achivement

Drivers and Barriers

Unclear Objectives Interesting Work Recognition Accomplishment Experienced Leader Good direction Qualified Colleagues Professional Growth Mutual help / trust Flexibility in work Insufficient resources Power struggles Conflicts Aloof management Poor job security Shifting goals Poor returns for efforts

Project Manager should look for

Some team members do not fit in

Affects individual & team performance Dominant personalities, technocrats Too many similar people

Some poor teams do not even recognise their own shortcomings !!! No clear leadership

PM does not fit in, promotion to final level of incompetence !!

Groupthink team too quick to agree without proper consideration of the issues

Why Teams? What is Team? Team Lifecycle Team Formation The Right Way Team Roles & Personalities Building & Managing Teams Five Dysfunctions of a Team Sucessful Teams & Communication Experiences & Wrap up

Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Absence of Trust Fear of Conflict Lack of Commitment Avoidance of Accountability Inattention to Results

Ref. : The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni Jossey

Absence of Trust

Team with absence of trust

Conceal their weaknesses and mistakes from one another Hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback Hesitate to offer help outside their own areas of responsibility Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of others without attempting to clarify them Fail to recognize and tap into one another's skills and experiences Waste time and energy managing their behaviours for effect Hold grudges Dread meetings and find reasons to avoid spending time together Personal histories Team effectiveness exercises

Leaders response

Fear of Conflict

Team that fear conflict

Have boring meetings Create environments where back-channel politics and personal attacks thrive Ignore controversial topics that are critical to team success Fail to tap into all the opinions and perspectives of team members Waste time and energy with posturing and interpersonal risk management

Leaders response

differences of opinion Show restraint during arguments & allow natural resolution Control the aggression & conflicts

Lack of Commitment

Team that lacks commitment


ambiguity among the team about direction and priorities Watches windows of opportunity close due to excessive analysis and unnecessary delay Breeds lack of confidence and fear of failure Revisits discussions and decisions again and again Encourages second-guessing among team members

Leaders response

messaging (Review of decisions and actions) Deadlines Contingency & War Case scenarios Low-Risk Exposure Therapy (Exposing non-

Avoidance of Accountability

Team that avoids accountability


resentment among team members who have different standards of performance Encourages mediocrity Misses deadlines and key deliverables Places an undue burden on the team leader as the sole source of discipline

Leaders response

of Goals & Responsibilities Simple but regular progress reviews Team rewards

Inattention to Results

Team that is not focused on results


to grow Rarely defeats competitors Loses achievement-oriented employees Encourages team members to focus on their own careers and individual goals Is easily distracted

Leaders response

declaration of results Result based rewards

Ref. : The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni Jossey

Why Teams? What is Team? Team Lifecycle Team Formation The Right Way Team Roles & Personalities Building & Managing Teams Five Dysfunctions of a Team Sucessful Teams & Communication Experiences & Wrap up

Successful Team Profile Belbin

Composite picture of an ideal team


Co-ordinator (Chair) one strong Plant spread of mental abilities spread of personal attributes

role coverage


match of attributes to team responsibilities adjustment to realisation of imbalance


weakness through self


Communication Link to Success

Effective team communication is.

Listening Critical assessment of ideas without personal attack Avoiding being side-tracked Balance of transparency & responsibility Passive agreement Suspending judgement Supporting a bad idea

Effective communication is not.

Why Teams? What is Team? Team Lifecycle Team Formation The Right Way Team Roles & Personalities Building & Managing Teams Five Dysfunctions of a Team Sucessful Teams & Communication Experiences & Wrap up

How teams may differ

Construction Social Spread Skill Spread Education Spread Response to monitory rewards Geographical SeparationBarriers Language Time Keeping Motivational Techniques Transparency EPC IT

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