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Unit Two

Reading & Vocabulary

• What is the information on this unit opener about?

• How do you spend your time (24 hours) as a student? Talk about
Leisure time (sports, social media)
Other activities

• Are you a day person or night person?

Reading Strategies: Previewing & Skimming
Previewing Skimming
• Requires to combine clues, evidence & • Requires to combine clues, evidence &
background knowledge. background knowledge.

• Previewing a text means that you get an idea • Previewing doesn’t involve reading the text,
of what it is about without reading the main but Skimming involves reading the text very
body of the text. quickly.

• It helps us decide whether we should read • We skim when we need the big picture or
the article, passage, book etc. or not. the main points of a reading.

• It also helps us know which part of the text • When we skim a text, we need to read it
we should read and which part we can skip. quickly and in chunks.
What do we read when we skim a text?

We should read: o Chapter summary

o Title/Subject o First & last sentences of

o Subtitles/Headings each paragraph

o First and last paragraphs

o Pictures
o Bold words
o Graphs
o Chapter review questions
o Captions

o Introduction & Conclusion

Reading Strategy: Scanning

o Scanning is a reading technique we use when we search for specific

information in a text.
o Specific Information: particular name, telephone no, number, date,
key words.

o Look for words that are bold faced, italics, in a different font size,

or highlighted words/phrases.
o when we scan, we should find key words in the question.
Study Skills: Choosing when to study

Read the word file titled “ Top 9 Study Tips”

Vocabulary Development
Collocation: when two or more than two words go together naturally
Reply reply a message/email
Answer answer a call

Collocations with TIME

1. Adjective + time
free time, good time, tough time, specific time, wonderful time, long time,
short time etc.
2. Verb + time
make time for, kill time, waste time, use time, take one’s time, run out of time
3. Preposition + time
on time, in time, by the time etc.
Grammar & Writing

Grammar Writing

 Determiners of Quantity  Topic Sentence

 Paragraph Writing
Determiners of Quantity
They are used to show the quantity or number of something.
They answer “how much?” or how many?”.

• Determiners of quantity with plural countable nouns

a couple of, a lot of, lots of, a few, any, some, plenty of,
several, many, a number of etc.

• Determiners of quantity with uncountable nouns

a great deal of, a little of, a lot of, lots of, any, some, plenty of,
much etc.
(+) e.g. Fatima needs some apples for this recipe.
(+) e.g. There’s some milk in the refrigerator.
(?) e.g. Would you like some water?
(?) e.g. Do you have any honest friends?
(-) e.g. I don’t have any ideas about it.
(-) e.g. They don’t have any time to start MBA.
e.g. The government needs a great deal of money to run the system.
e.g. There are plenty of books in the library.
e.g. Plenty of time/ plenty of money/ plenty of progress / plenty of wood

Is a series of related sentences developing
a single topic.
Kinds of Sentences in a Paragraph/
Parts of a Paragraph

 Topic Sentence

 Supporting (Body) Sentences

 Concluding Sentence
Topic Sentence

o Topic sentence states the main idea of a paragraph.

o This is the most general sentence of a paragraph.

o It has two parts: the topic and controlling idea.

o It normally appears in the beginning of a paragraph.

o It summarizes the key points of the paragraph.

Topic Sentences

Ex: Social networking sites can be harmful for students.

Topic Controlling Idea

Ex: I am good at managing my time for a number of reasons.

Topic Controlling Idea

Ex: My high school graduation was an exciting day for me.

Topic Controlling Idea
Concluding Sentence

o It is the last sentence of a paragraph.

o It repeats the idea of the topic sentence in other words.

o It is also known as “Restatement”.

o A concluding sentence may sometimes be:

 restatement/summary
 opinion/suggestion/recommendation

TS: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires eating a nutritious diet and getting
regular exercise.

CS: These two aspects, eating a healthy diet and exercising on regular basis,
will maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Now write your own C.S for the following T.S.

• I think cigarette smoking should be banned in public places.

• My graduation ceremony was the happiest event of my life.

• Social Networking sites can be harmful for students.

• Mantoo is my favorite dish and it is very easy to cook.

Writing Task: Homework

Write a paragraph of not less than 7 sentences on the following topic:

How well do you manage your time?

Sample Paragraph

I am good at managing my time. Before I study, I take a

little time to create a list of things I need to do and a schedule.
I do not want to waste any time so I collect all the items and
texts I need and put them on my desk. While I am studying, I
follow my schedule to make sure I finish on time. If I study for
a long period, I take a break so I can concentrate. The break is
only a few minutes, as I need to be efficient and finish my
work in time. I think it is important to have plenty of free time
too. I have several hobbies, so I make time for them. Overall, I
think I have good time-management skills.
Thank You !

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