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Physics 111: Lecture 9

Today’s Agenda
 Work & Energy
 Discussion
 Definition
 Dot Product
 Work of a constant force
 Work/kinetic energy theorem
 Work of multiple constant forces
 Comments

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 1

Work & Energy

 One of the most important concepts in physics

 Alternative approach to mechanics

 Many applications beyond mechanics

 Thermodynamics (movement of heat)
 Quantum mechanics...

 Very useful tools

 You will learn new (sometimes much easier) ways to
solve problems

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 2

Forms of Energy

 Kinetic:
Kinetic Energy of motion.
 A car on the highway has kinetic energy.

 We have to remove this energy to stop it.

 The breaks of a car get HOT!
 This is an example of turning one form of energy into
another (thermal energy).

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 3

Mass = Energy (but not in Physics 111)
 Particle Physics:

E = 1010 eV
e- e+
+ 5,000,000,000 V - 5,000,000,000 V

(b) M E = MC2

(c) ( poof ! )

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 4

Energy Conservation
 Energy cannot be destroyed or created.
 Just changed from one form to another.

 We say energy is conserved!

 True for any isolated system.
 i.e. when we put on the brakes, the kinetic energy of the car is turned into heat using friction in the brakes. The total energy of the “car-breaks-road-atmosphere” system is the same.
 The energy of the car “alone” is not conserved...
» It is reduced by the braking.

 Doing “work
work” on an isolated system will change its “ energy”...

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 5

Definition of Work:

Ingredients: Force (F), displacement (r)

Work, W, of a constant force F

acting through a displacement r
 r
is: Fr
W = F r = F r cos  = Fr r

e m
la c
“Dot Product” s p
d i

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 6

Definition of Work...

 Only the component of F along the displacement is doing

 Example: Train on a track.

 r
F cos 

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 7

Aside: Dot Product (or Scalar Product)
Definition: a
a.b = ab cos  
= a[b cos ] = aba b

ab b
= b[a cos ] = bab

Some properties:
ab = ba
q(ab) = (qb)a = b(qa) (q is a scalar)
a(b + c) = (ab) + (ac) (c is a vector)

The dot product of perpendicular vectorsPhysics

is 0 !!
111: Lecture 9, Pg 8
Aside: Examples of dot products

i.i=j.j=k.k=1 j

i.j=j.k=k.i=0 i x

Suppose Then

a=1i+2j+3k a . b = 1x4 + 2x(-5) + 3x6 = 12

a . a = 1x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 = 14
b . b = 4x4 + (-5)x(-5) + 6x6 = 77
b=4i -5j+6k

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 9

Aside: Properties of dot products

 Magnitude:
a2 = |a|2 =a.a
= (ax i + ay j) . (ax i + ay j)
= ax 2(ii . i) + ay 2(jj . j) + 2ax ay (ii . j)
= ax 2 + ay 2

 Pythagorean Theorem!!


ax j

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 10

Aside: Properties of dot products

 Components:
a = ax i + ay j + az k = (ax , ay , az) = (a . i,
i a . j,
j a . k)

d da db
 Derivatives: (ab )  b  a
dt dt dt

 Apply to velocity

d 2 d dv dv
v  (v v )  v  v   2v  a
dt dt dt dt

 So if v is constant (like for UCM): d 2

v  2v  a  0

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 11

Back to the definition of Work:
Work, W, of a force F acting
through a displacement  r is:
W = F  r

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 12

Lecture 9, Act 1
Work & Energy
 A box is pulled up a rough ( > 0) incline by a rope-pulley-weight arrangement as shown below.

 How many forces are doing work on the box?

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 13

Lecture 9, Act 1
 Draw FBD of box: v
 Consider direction of
motion of the box
 Any force not perpendicular
to the motion will do work:
N does no work (perp. to v)
T does positive work

f does negative work 3 forces mg

do work
mg does negative work

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 14

Work: 1-D Example
(constant force)
 A force F = 10 N pushes a box across a frictionless
floor for a distance x = 5 m.


Work done by F on box :

WF = Fx = F x (since F is parallel to x)
WF = (10 N) x (5 m) = 50 Joules (J)

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 15


Force x Distance = Work

Newton x Meter = Joule

[M][L] / [T]2 [L] [M][L]2 / [T]2

mks cgs other

Dyne-cm (erg) BTU = 1054 J

N-m (Joule)
= 10-7 J calorie = 4.184 J
foot-lb = 1.356 J
eV = 1.6x10-19 J

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 16

Work & Kinetic Energy:

 A force F = 10 N pushes a box across a frictionless

floor for a distance x = 5 m. The speed of the box is v1
before the push and v2 after the push.

v1 v2


Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 17

Work & Kinetic Energy...

 Since the force F is constant, acceleration a will be

constant. We have shown that for constant a:
 v22 - v12 = 2a(x2-x1) = 2ax.
 multiply by 1/2m: 1
/2mv22 - 1/2mv12 = max
 But F = ma 1
/2mv22 - 1/2mv12 = Fx

v1 v2
m a


Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 18

Work & Kinetic Energy...

 So we find that
 1/2mv22 - 1/2mv12 = Fx = WF

 Define Kinetic Energy K: K = 1/2mv2

 K2 - K1 = WF
 WF = K (Work/kinetic energy theorem)
v1 v2
m a


Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 19

Work/Kinetic Energy Theorem:
Net Work done on object}
change in kinetic energy of object}

Wnet  K

 K 2  K1
1 2 1 2
 mv 2  mv1
2 2

 We’ll prove this for a variable force later.

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 20

Lecture 9, Act 2
Work & Energy
 Two blocks have masses m1 and m2, where m1 > m2. They are sliding on a frictionless floor and have the
same kinetic energy when they encounter a long rough stretch (i.e.  > 0) which slows them down to a stop.
Which one will go farther before stopping?

(a) m1 (b) m2 (c) they will go the same distance



Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 21

Lecture 9, Act 2
 The work-energy theorem says that for any object WNET = K
 In this example the only force that does work is friction (since both N and mg are perpendicular to the block’s motion).



Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 22

Lecture 9, Act 2
 The work-energy theorem says that for any object WNET = K
 In this example the only force that does work is friction (since
both N and mg are perpendicular to the blocks motion).
 The net work done to stop the box is - fD = -mgD.

 This work “removes” the kinetic energy that the box had:
 WNET = K2 - K1 = 0 - K1

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 23

Lecture 9, Act 2
 The net work done to stop a box is - fD = -mgD.
 This work “removes” the kinetic energy that the box had:
 WNET = K2 - K1 = 0 - K1
 This is the same for both boxes (same starting kinetic energy).

m2gD2m1gD1 m2D2m1D1

Since m1 > m2 we can see that D 2 > D1

m1 m2

D1 D2
Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 24
A simple application:
Work done by gravity on a falling object
 What is the speed of an object after falling a distance H,
assuming it starts at rest?
 Wg = F r = mg r cos(0) = mgH
v0 = 0

mg j
Wg = mgH r

Work/Kinetic Energy Theorem:

Wg = mgH = 1/2mv2
v  2 gH v

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 25

What about multiple forces?

Suppose FNET = F1 + F2 and the

displacement is r.
The work done by each force is:
F1 r
W1 = F1 r W2 = F2  r

WTOT = W1 + W2 F2
= F1 r + F2 r
= (F1 + F2 ) r

WTOT = FTOT r It’s the total force that matters!!

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 26

 Time interval not relevant

 Run up the stairs quickly or slowly...same W

Since W = F r

 No work is done if:

 F = 0 or
 r = 0 or
  = 90o

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 27

W = F  r

 No work done if  = 90 o.

 No work done by T .

No work done by N.


Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 28

Lecture 9, Act 3
Work & Energy
 An inclined plane is accelerating with constant acceleration a. A box resting on the
plane is held in place by static friction. How many forces are doing work on the block?

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c)

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 29
Lecture 9, Act 3
 First, draw all the forces in the system:



Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 30

Lecture 9, Act 3
 Recall that W = F Δr so only forces that have a component
along the direction of the displacement are doing work.



 The answer is (b) 2.

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 31

Recap of today’s lecture

 Work & Energy

 Discussion
 Definition
 Dot Product
 Work of a constant force
 Work/kinetic energy theorem
 Properties (units, time independence, etc.)
 Work of a multiple forces
 Comments

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 32

Physics 111: Lecture 10

Today’s Agenda
 Review of Work
 Work done by gravity near the Earth’s surface
 Examples:
 pendulum, inclined plane, free fall
 Work done by variable force
 Spring
 Problem involving spring & friction

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 33

Review: Constant Force

Work, W, of a constant force F F

acting through a displacement r
 r
is: Fr
W = F r = F r cos() = Fr r
e m
la c
is p

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 34

Review: Sum of Constant Forces

Suppose FNET = F1 + F2 and the

displacement is S.
The work done by each force
is: FTOT
F1 r
W1 = F1 r
W2 = F2 r
WNET = W1 + W2 F2
= F1 r + F2 r
= (F1 + F2 ) r
WNET = FNET  r

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 35

Review: Constant Force...
W = F rr

 No work do ne if  = 90 o.

 No work do ne by T.

 No work do ne by N.


Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 36

Work/Kinetic Energy Theorem:

Net Work done on object}
change in kinetic energy of object}

WF = K = 1/ 2mv22 - 1/ 2mv12

v1 v2
m WF = Fx


Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 37

Work done by gravity:

 Wg = F r = mg r cos 
= -mg y

Wg = -mg y
r  j
Depends only on y !

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 38

Work done by gravity...


NET = W1 + W2 + . . .+ Wn

= F r 1+ F r2 + . . . + F rn
= F (r1 + r 2+ . . .+ rn)
= F r mg
= F y r2
y r3
Wg = -mg y

Depends only on y,

not on path taken!

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 39

Lecture 10, Act 1 Falling
Falling Objects
 Three objects of mass m begin at height h with velocity 0. One falls straight down, one slides down a
frictionless inclined plane, and one swings on the end of a pendulum. What is the relationship between
their velocities when they have fallen to height 0?

v=0 v=0 v=0

vf vi vp

Free Fall Frictionless incline Pendulum

(a) Vf > Vi > Vp (b) Vf > Vp > Vi (c) Vf = Vp = Vi

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 40

Lecture 10, Act 1
v=0 v=0 v=0

vf vi vp

Free Fall Frictionless incline Pendulum

Only gravity will do work: Wg = mgH = 1/2 mv22 - 1/2 mv12 = 1/2 mv22

v f  v i  v p  2 gH does not depend on path !!

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 41

Lifting a book with your hand:
What is the total work done on the book??
 First calculate the work done by gravity:

Wg = mg r = -mg r
 Now find the work done by v = const
the hand:



Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 42

Example: Lifting a book...

Wg = -mg r
WNET = WHAND + Wg v = const
= FHAND r - mg r a=0
= (FHAND - mg) r

= 0 since ΔK = 0 (v = const)

 So WTOT = 0!!

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 43

Example: Lifting a book...
 Work/Kinetic Energy Theorem says: W = K

Net Work done on object} = {change
change in kinetic energy of object}

In this case, v is constant so K = 0

and so W must be 0, as we found.

v = const


Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 44

Work done by Variable Force: (1D)
 When the force was constant, we
wrote W = F x
 area under F vs. x plot:

 For variable force, we find the area
by integrating:
 dW = F(x) dx.



W   F ( x )dx
x1 x1 x2

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 45

Work/Kinetic Energy Theorem for a
Variable Force
W   F dx F  ma  m dv
dv dx dv dv
 m  dv dx = = v (chain rule)
x dt 1
dt dt dx dx
 mv  dv
v1 dx
 m  v dv

1 1 1
 m (v22 v12 )  m v22  m v12  ΔKE
2 2 2

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 46

1-D Variable Force Example: Spring

 For a spring we know that Fx = -kx.

F(x) x1 x2

relaxed position

F = - k x1

F = - k x2

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 47

 The work done by the spring Ws during a displacement from x1 to x2 is the area under the F(x) vs x plot between
x1 and x2.

F(x) x1 x2

relaxed position

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 48

Spring... Spring
 The work done by the spring Ws during a displacement from x1 to x2 is the area under the F(x) vs x plot between
x1 and x2.

Ws   F ( x )dx
F(x) x1 x2

  ( kx )dx
x x1

Ws 1 x2
  kx 2
-kx 2 x1

Ws   k x22  x12 

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 49

Lecture 10, Act 2
Work & Energy
 A box sliding on a horizontal frictionless surface runs into a fixed spring, compressing it a distance x1 from its relaxed position while momentarily coming to rest.
 If the initial speed of the box were doubled and its mass were halved, how far x2 would the spring compress ?

x2  x1 (b)
(a)  x2  2 x1 (c) x2  2 x1

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 50

Lecture 10, Act 2
 Again, use the fact that WNET = K.
In this case, WNET = WSPRING = -1/2 kx2
and K = -1/2 mv2

so kx = mv
2 2
In the case of x1 x1  v1

v1 x1


Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 51

x v
k Lecture 10, Act 2
So if v2 = 2v1 and m2 = m1/2
m1 2 2m1
x 2  2v 1  v1
k k

x2  2 x1

v2 x2

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 52
Problem: Spring pulls on mass.
 A spring (constant k) is stretched a distance d, and a mass m is hooked to its end. The mass is released (from rest).
What is the speed of the mass when it returns to the relaxed position if it slides without friction?

m relaxed position

m stretched position (at rest)

m after release

m back at relaxed position

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 53
Problem: Spring pulls on mass.
 First find the net work done on the mass during the motion from x = d to x = 0 (only due to the spring):

1 1 1
Ws   k x22  x12    k 0 2  d 2   kd 2
2 2 2

m stretched position (at rest)

m relaxed position

vr i

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 54

Problem: Spring pulls on mass.
 Now find the change in kinetic energy of the mass:

1 1 1
ΔK  mv 22  mv12  mv r2
2 2 2

m stretched position (at rest)

m relaxed position

vr i

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 55

Problem: Spring pulls on mass.
 Now use work kinetic-energy theorem: Wnet = WS = K.

1 1 k
kd 2  mv r 2 vr  d
2 2 m

m stretched position (at rest)

m relaxed position

vr i

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 56

Problem: Spring pulls on mass.
 Now suppose there is a coefficient of friction  between the block and the floor
 The total work done on the block is now the sum of the work done by the spring WS (same as before) and the work done by friction Wf.
Wf = f.Δr = - mg d


m stretched position (at rest)

m f = mg relaxed position

vr i

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 57

Problem: Spring pulls on mass.
 Again use Wnet = WS + Wf = K

Wf = -mg d

1 1
WS  kd 2
K  mv r
2 2

1 2 1 2 k 2
kd  mgd  mv r vr  d  2 μgd
2 2 m


m stretched position (at rest)

m f = mg relaxed position

vr i

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 58

Recap of today’s lecture

 Review
 Work done by gravity near the Earth’s surface
 Examples:
 pendulum, inclined plane, free fall
 Work done by variable force
 Spring
 Problem involving spring & friction

Physics 111: Lecture 9, Pg 59

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