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Did you ever have your
pants fall down?
Does this look like a
belt to you?
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour
of God, that ye may be able to withstand in
the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about
with truth...”
Ephesians 6:13,14
What is truth?
“To say of what is that it is not,
or of what is not that it is, is
false, while to say of what is
that it is, and of what is not that
it is not, is true.”
“It is a matter of the highest importance and
interest to us that we understand what truth
is, and our petitions should go forth with intense
earnestness that we may be guided into all
In Heavenly Places, p. 140
1. The phrase
“Begotten Son” in John
3:16 refers to Jesus.
2. As time passed by and as
people developed liberal
way of thinking, God
modified His
commandments to become
more lenient and/or
3. The first Catholic mass
in the Philippines happened
in the Islands of Mazaua, in
4. Ferdinand Magellan and his
men were actually polyglots
that’s why they were able to
understand the natives when
they came here in the
What is truth?
 The Word (John
 The Law (Psalms
 Jesus (John 14:6)
 No Lies (1 John
Why should the belt be
worn at all times?
What happens when you
take your belt off?
 Keeps us from spiritual
 Keeps us from spiritual
 Keeps us from falling.
How do we put
on the belt of truth?
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour
of God, that ye may be able to withstand in
the evil day, and having done all to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about
with truth...”
Ephesians 6:14
“Let us be on our guard against
untruthfulness, which grows
upon him who practices it. I say
to all, Make truth your girdle. Be
true to your faith. Put away all
prevarication and exaggeration.
Never make a false statement.
For the sake of your own soul
and the souls of others, be true
in your utterances.”

Manuscript Releases Vol. 20, p. 30

“In the ancient world girding oneself is done in
preparation for strenuous activity. Thus, in an errant
world, it is foundational to be girded with God’s truth --
that Word that He has proclaimed.”
The Moody Bible Commentary
ACTION! y tm
e !

What if...
dili diay ko magbelt?
Bisan walay bakos-
bakos, anad na man
ko makipaglaban.
“Without truth, there is no righteousness.
Without truth, sin reigns. Without truth, there
is no justice. Without truth, there is no
If you have lived your life full of
dishonesty and lies, the hardest
pill for you to swallow is the truth.
Does having more
knowledge of the
truth gives a person
an edge over those
who are lacking?
Does knowing the
truth already secures
us a place in
Do I have no chance
to acquire the belt of
truth if right now I
am overpowered by
the schemes of the
When should I
loosen the belt of
truth girded upon my
The truth will set
us free...
from the
of sin.

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