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Theme: creating a product platform

At the end of this presentation, the students
should be able to:
 Understand the three levels of product
 Understand product and branding
Definition “Product”

A product is anything that can be offered to a market to

satisfy a want or need. It isn’t, as many typically think, just a
tangible offering, like soap, tires, or hamburgers. It can be
one of several types: a physical good, a service, an
experience, an event, a person, a place, a property, an
organization, information, or an idea (Kotler and Keller
Three levels of product
 Core product –the benefit the target audience wants and
expects in exchange for performing the behavior.
 Actual product –is the specific behavior you will be
influencing your target audience to “buy
 Augmented product –includes any additional goods
(tangible objects) and services that you may develop,
distribute, sell, or just promote.
Examples of three product levels:
Core Product Actual Product Augmented Product
(Benefits) (Desired behavior) (Tangible object/service)
Savings someone’s life Become an organ donor National Organ Donor Card
Protection from physical Call for help if you are Help line for domestic
abuse being abused abuse
Natural immunities for Breastfeed exclusively for In-home nurse
infants and mother child the first 6 months consultation
Reduced levels of carbon Conserve electricity Lightbulbs with the
dioxide in the air ENERGY STAR label

Brand–is a name, term, sign, symbol and/or design that

identifies the maker or seller of a product (e.g. ENERGY
Branding in social marketing is not as common. We
encourage focusing on branding in social marketing as it
helps create visibility, and ensure memorability.
examples of a few brands which names
have been used to identify programs and
Nutrition : 5 A Day
Pet Waste : Scoop the Poop
Schoolchildren: Walking School Bus
Water conservation: Water-Use It Wisely
Energy conservation: ENERGY STAR

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