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Theme: Analyzing the social marketing

At the end of this presentation, the
students should be able to:
Determining research needs and options
Research terminology
Research needs in the planning process
Steps in developing a research plan
Mapping the internal and external environment
Ethical considerations when choosing a focus for
the plan
Marketing/social marketing
Marketing research is the systematic design,
collection, analysis and reporting of data and
findings relevant to a specific marketing
situation facing the organization.
1.Research characterised by research objective
 Exploratory research
 Descriptive research
 Causal research
2.Research characterised by stage in planning process
Formative research
Pretest research
Monitoring research
Evaluating research
3.Research characterised by source of information
Secondary research
Primary research
4.Research characterised by approaches to collecting
primary data
Key informant interviews
Focus groups
Experimental research
Observational research
Ethnographic research
Mystery shoppers
5.Research characterised by techniques

Refer Kotler and Lee (2008, pp. 73-83)

When research is used in the planning process?
Steps in developing a research plan

1.Purpose: What decisions will this research help inform? What

questions do you have that you need this research to help answer?
2.Infomational objectives: What specific information do you need
to make this decision and/or answer these questions?
3.Technique: What is the most efficient and effective way to gather
this information?
4.Sample size, source and selection: How many respondents
should you survey? Where will you get your respondents?
How do you select your sample?
5.Pretest and Fielding: Who will pretest the survey
instrument, conduct the research and when?
6.Analysis: How will data be analysed?
7.Report: What information should be included in the report
and format of reporting?

Refer Kotler and Lee (2008, pp. 85-88)

The microenvironment: Internal
 Resources
 Service delivery capabilities
 Management support
 Issues/priorities
 Internal publics
 Current alliances and partners
 Past performance
Conduct “Strengths” and “Weaknesses” analysis
The macroenvironment: External
 Cultural forces
 Demographic forces
 Natural forces
 Economic forces
 Political/legal forces
 External forces
Conduct “Opportunities” and “Threats” analysis
Ethical consideration when
choosing a focus for the plan

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