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Unit 3

Customer Service

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 1


Customer service is defined as the

ability of knowledgeable, capable, and
enthusiastic employees to deliver
products and services to their internal
and external customers in a manner
that satisfies identified and unidentified
needs and ultimately results in positive
word-of-mouth publicity and return
business. (Robert W. Lucas).
Unit-3 Customer Servcie 2
Customer Service
Customer service is a series of activities
designed to enhance the level of customer
satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a
product or service has met the customer
expectation. Its importance varies by product,
industry and customer. Although the goal of
providing customer service may vary
depending on the focus of the organization,
such as retailing, industry, or service- all
organizations provide some degree of
customer service. (Jamier L.Scott)
Unit-3 Customer Servcie 3
Characteristics of a Customer-Focused
Customer- focused organizations:
1) Have internal customers
2) Have external customers
3) determines and meets the needs of its internal and external
4) Information, products, and services are easily accessible
5) policies are in place to allow employees to make decisions in
order to better serve customers.
6) the management and systems support and appropriately
reward employee’s effort to serve customers.
7) Reevaluation of the way business is conducted is on going and
results in necessary changes and upgrades to deliver timely,
quality service to the customer.
8) Build relationship through customer relationship
management (CRM) programs.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 4

Learning Organizations
A customer- focused company emphasizes
providing service excellence and an
environment in which customer needs are
identified and satisfied.
 To achieve the objective of becoming a
customer- focused, a company has to
become a learning organization.
 A learning organization is an organization
that uses knowledge as a basis for
competitive advantage. (Peter Senge)

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 5

In a learning organization
1) Employees are provided with on going training
development opportunities so that they gain and
maintain cutting- edge skills and knowledge while
projecting a positive can- do customer focused
2) Systems that can adequately compensate and
reward employees based on their performance
are present.
3) Systems and processes are continuously
examined and up dated.
4) A proactive approach of anticipating customer
needs is necessary and becoming common.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 6

Six components of a customer-
The six components that make up the customer
service environment are:
1. The customer

2. Organization culture
3. Human resources
4. Product/ deliverables
5. Delivery systems
6. Service

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 7

Service Culture
 Culture includes the values, beliefs, norms,
rituals, and practices of a group or
 Any policy, procedure, action, or inaction on
the part of your organization contributes to
the service culture.
 many companies are product centered and
view customers from the stand point of what
company products or services they use.
 Successful organizations are customer-
centered and focus on individual needs.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 8

Typical Elements of Service Culture
1) Service philosophy or mission
2) Policies and procedures
3) Management support
4) Products and services
5) Delivery systems
6) Employees roles and expectations
7) Training
8) Motivators and rewards

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 9

Tools for Service Measurement
 In a customer- oriented environment, it is important
to constantly gauge service effectiveness.
Techniques or tools available for customer
service data collection:
 Employee focus groups
 Customer focus groups
 Mystery shoppers
 Customer satisfaction surveys
 Customer comment cards
 Profit and loss statements or management reports
 Employee exit interviews
 Walk-through audits
 On-site management visits

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 10

What Customers Want?
 Customers expect effective, efficient service and value for
their money.
 What customers want is value for their money and effective,
efficient service.
 Customers also expect certain intangible things during a
service encounter.
 Seven common things that customers want and expect
1) Personal Recognition
2) Courtesy
3) Timely Service
4) Professionalism
5) Enthusiastic Service.
6) Empathy
7) Patience
Unit-3 Customer Servcie 11
Effective Communication for Effective Customer Service

 Communication is a key element that make the relationship

between service personnel and customers successful.
 Elements of two-way communication that facilitate-
performance of job efficiently, goodwill, and customer
loyalty for company and provide service excellence.
 Questions that need to be answered to deliver an excellent
service includes:
 How to avoid negative communication and use positive
communication to serve the customers in an excellent
 How the content and delivery of feed back (either verbally
or non-verbally) affects service provider’s relationship with
 How assertive service can help in solving problems while
aggressive service may escalate them?

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 12

The Importance of Effective Communication

Customer service professionals have the

power to make or break the organization.
A service provider is the front line in
delivering quality service to customers.
A service provider’s
 appearance,

 actions or inactions, and

 ability to communicate say volumes about the
organization and its focus on customer
Unit-3 Customer Servcie 13
The Importance of Effective

A service provider should continually strive

to project a polished, professional image and
make a customer’s visit or conversation a
pleasant and successful one.
 A key element in making interactions with customers
successful is to recognize how you tend to
 Ask a variety of people for their feedback because
each person will likely have a different perspective.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 14

Ensuring Two- Way Communication
 Two-way communication involves the sender and the
receiver who each contribute to the communication process.
 Part of the process is deciding which is the best channel to
ensure clear message delivery.
 As a customer service professional, you are responsible for
ensuring that a meaningful exchange of information takes
 Through effective two way communication, you can perform
your job more efficiently, generate goodwill and customer
loyalty for the organization, and provide service excellence.
 Be aware of all the elements of two-way communication and
the importance of each. (See the communication process)

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 15

Avoiding Negative
Use positive words or phrases, rather than
emphasizing the negative.
Your choice of words or phrasing can often
lead to either satisfaction or confrontation
or it can destroy a customer- provider
Customers do not want to hear what you
can’t do; they want to hear how you’re going
to help satisfy their needs or expectations.
Focus your message on how you can work with
the customer to accomplish needs satisfaction.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 16

Avoiding Negative Communication
Don’t use vague or weak terminology.
 Instead of “I'm not sure…” or “I'll try…” SAY,

“let me get that answer for you…”
or “I can do…”
 Do not use of global terms (inclusive expressions such
as always, never, everyone, all).
 Be careful about “Verbal Finger Pointing,”
especially if your customer is already upset.
 Avoid expressions like you didn’t follow the directions I
gave you.“
 This is like pointing your finger at someone
people are likely to react powerfully and
negatively to this type of treatment.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 17

Words and Phrases that Damage Customer Relationships

1) You don’t understand.

2) You’re wrong or mistaken.
3) Aren’t listening to me.
4) You don’t see my point.
5) Listen to me. Hold on (or hang on) a second.
6) policy says (or prohibits)…
7) What’s your problem?
8) That’s not my job (or responsibility).
9) You are not being reasonable.
10) Do you understand?
11) Global terms (always, never, nobody).
12) Endearment terms (honey, sweetie, sugar, baby).

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 18

Words and Phrases that Build Customer Relationships
1) You’re right.
2) Thank you.
3) May I…?
4) you considered…
5) How may I help?
6) I’m sorry ( I apologize) for…
7) I was wrong.
8) However, and or yet (instead of but). I understand (appreciate)
how you feel It’s my (our) fault.
9) Situation, issue, concern (instead of problem) Would you
10) I appreciate…
11) Use of customer’s name.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 19

Communication Positively
1) Plan your messages
2) Greet customers warmly and sincerely
3) Use customer- focused language
4) Listen carefully and respond
5) Be specific
6) Use positive “I” or “we” messages
7) Use “small Talk”
8) Use simple language
9) Paraphrase

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 20

Communication Positively
10) Communicate to your customer’s learning
 Visual (Seeing) – Focus on images or pictures, amount of
stimulus, lighting, colors, etc
 Aural (Hearing) – Focus on words or language, voice level,
sound pitch, speed of message, etc
 Kinesthetic (Touching) – Focus of experience of practical
applications, proxemics (space), room arrangement, etc
11) Ask positively phrased questions
12) Ask permission
13) Agree with customers
14) Elicit customer feedback and participation

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 21

15) Address pet peeves (Potential Irritants)
 Disinterest in serving
 Excessive wait times
 Unprofessional service provider appearance
 Lack of cleanliness (environment or service provider)
 Abruptly putting someone on telephone hold without their
 Failing to answer telephone within four rings
 Eating or chewing while dealing with a customer
 Lack of knowledge or authority
 Poor quality of service
 Condescension (taking an air of superiority to the customer)
 Rudeness or over familiarity
16) Body language
17) Action
18) Appearances

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 22

Assertive Versus Aggressive Service
The two modes of dealing with customers
create very different service experiences.
 The manner in which you nonverbally or verbally
approach, address, and interact with customers may
label you as either assertive or aggressive.
1) Assertiveness assists in solving problems;
 Assertiveness means that you project an
image of confidence, are self-assured, and
state what you believe to be true in a self –
confident manner.
 An assertive person states [verbally and
nonverbally], “Here’s my position. What’s
your reaction to that?”

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 23

Assertive Versus Aggressive Service

2) Aggression escalates and cause relationship

 Aggression involves hostile or offensive behavior in the form
of a verbal or even physical attack.
 Aggressive people send messages verbally and nonverbally
that imply that they are superior, or in charge.
 An aggressive person sends the message, “Here is my position.
Take it or leave it”
 Recognize your own level of knowledge, ability, and authority in
any situation.
 If you do not send a message of confidence and competence
through your personal demeanor while showing respect for your
customer, the customer-provider relationship can quickly be

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 24

Nonverbal Communication
In Mehrabian's study, it was found that in
communication between two people:
 55 percent of message meaning (feelings) is
extracted from facial and other body cues,
 38 percent is taken from vocal cues, and

 7 percent is received from the actual words used.

Background, culture, physical conditions,

communication ability, and many other
factors influence whether and how well
people use body cues.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 25

Categories of Nonverbal Cues
Body Language
 Eye Contact
 Posture
 Facial Expressions
 Nodding of the Head
 Gestures

Vocal Cues
 Pitch
 Volume
 Articulation
 Pauses
 Semantics

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 26

Categories of Nonverbal Cues
Appearance and Grooming
Effective hygiene :
Regular washing and combing of hair,

 Bathing,
 Brushing teeth,
 Use of mouthwash and deodorant,
 Washing hands and cleaning fingernails is basic to
successful customer service.
 Spatial Cues
 Intimate space (up to 2 feet)
 Personal space (2 to 4 feet)
 Social space (4 to 12 feet) and
 Public space (greater than 12 feet).

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 27

Miscellaneous Cues
Personal Habits
 Touching the customer
 Scratching or touching parts or your body.
 Using pet phrases or speech patterns excessively
 Talking endlessly without letting the customer
 Talking about personal problems.
 Complaining about your job, employer,
coworkers, or other customers.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 28

Miscellaneous Cues
Follow- Through

Unproductive Non Verbal Behaviors

Pulling an ear, or
Playing with hair can send annoying
or negative messages to customers.
Unprofessional handshake

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 29

Miscellaneous Cues
 Nervous mannerisms or signals that you are
anxious, annoyed, or distracted and lack
confidence should be avoided.
 Playing with or putting hair in your mouth,
hand-wringing, throat-clearing, playing with
items as you speak (pencil, pen, or other object),
biting or licking your lips, or drumming your
fingers can all send annoying and/ or negative
Holding hands near mouth

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 30

Advantages of Customers- Focused Behavior
1) Image is enhanced
2) Customer loyalty increases
3) Word-of-mouth advertising increases
4) Complaints are reduced
5) Employee morale and esteem increase
6) Financial losses decrease
7) Employee- customer communication

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 31

Customer Service Foundations

8)First Impressions Matter

9)Courtesy Counts

10)Attitude Is Everything

11)Effective communication makes

the difference

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 32

Positive First Impression
First Impressions Matter……
 People see you first, hear you second
 Wear appropriate clothing for the type of work you do.
 Make sure you are groomed –
 your hair and fingernails shall be clean and neat;
 your face, body, and teeth shall be clean;
 your clothes shall be clean and pressed;
 your shoes shall be polished;
 your hair shall be styled; and
 your overall image shall be professional.
 Put all that together, and you present a groomed look.

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 33

 Say please, thank you, and you’re
 Say excuse me and I’m sorry

 Use a person’s name when you know

 Say it with a smile

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 34

Attitude Is Everything
Appreciate the good in yourself and in
Believe in yourself
Believe you can make a difference
Keep an open mind; do not stereotype

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 35

Effective Communication
STEP 1: Saying What You Mean and Meaning What You Say

Choose the right words

Make sure your tone fits the
message you are sending
Add welcome words to your
Keep business conversations

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 36

Effective Communication
STEP 2: What You Don’t Say: Nonverbal Communication

 Actions speak louder than words

 Smile often

 Make eye contact

 Maintain good posture

 Get enough rest

 Keep your energy level steady

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 37

Effective Communication
 STEP 3: Putting Words Together: Grammar Usage

Reflect your company’s personality

Speak clearly

Use everyday language

Avoid using slang, jargon, company

terms, and technical language

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 38

Effective Communication
STEP 4: Asking the Correct Questions and Answering the Questions

 Keep your questions simple

 Ask open questions when you need information

 Ask closed questions to control the conversation

 Before answering a customer’s question, make

sure you understand it
 Try to give more than a one word answer

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 39

STEP 5: When the Customer Says No
 Listento the customer’s objection
 Acknowledge the objection

 Follow up with a question

 Consider the customer’s answer

STEP 6: Listening Actively

 Focus entirely on your customer
 Listen completely

 Remain objective; do not judge

 Listen for what is not said

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 40

Relationship Building

STEP 1: Establishing Rapport

Be friendly
Be interested

Be sensitive

Be trustful

Find common ground

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 41

STEP 2: Interacting Positively with Customers
Be helpful
Be committed

Be a problem solver

Be credible

Believe in your products

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 42

STEP 3: Identifying Customers’ Needs
Ask questions
Summarize customers’ needs

Recommend appropriate
Handle objections

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 43

STEP 4: Making the Customer Feel Valued
Go out of your way for your
Validate customers’ decisions

Instill positive feelings

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 44

STEP 5: Maintaining Ongoing Relationships
Remember your customers
Learn customers’ names

Remember something about your

Learn your customers’ preferences

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 45

Thank You !!!

Unit-3 Customer Servcie 46

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