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Visible light rays


In the 1660s, English physicist and
mathematician Isaac Newton began a series of
experiments with sunlight and prisms. He
demonstrated that clear white light was composed of
seven visible colors.

And In 1665, Isaac Newton, then a young scientist at

Cambridge University in England, took a glass
prism and held it up to a beam of sunlight
streaming through the window. He saw the
sunlight that passed through the prism spread out into Mathematician Isaac
the colors of the rainbow - Newton
What is the visible light
The visible light spectrum is the segment of the
electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can
view. More simply, this range of wavelengths is called
visible light. Typically, the human eye can detect
wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometers .
what is the source of visible light ?

source:The Sun is the dominant source

for visible-light waves our eyes receive.
The outer-most layer of the Sun's
atmosphere, the corona, can be seen in
visible light.
How does visible
light work?

rods and cones convert the light hitting the retina into
an electrical impulse that is carried from the eye to the
brain via the optic nerve. Then the occipital, temporal,
and parietal lobes of the brain process the information
and interpret the image being seen.
Roger Bacon, also known by the scholastic
accolade Doctor Mirabilis, was a medieval
English philosopher and Franciscan friar who
placed considerable emphasis on the study of
nature through empiricism.

is the first person who marked that spectrum

shows in a glass of water

Roger Bacon
what are the colors of visible
light and what are they
Dispersion of visible light produces the colors red (R),
orange (O), yellow (Y), green (G), blue (B), indigo
(I) ,and violet (V). It is because of this that visible light is
sometimes referred to as ROY G. BIV.
Violet - shortest wavelength,
around 400-420 nanometers with
highest frequency. ...
•Indigo - 420 - 440 nm.
•Blue - 440 - 490 nm.
•Green - 490 - 570 nm.
•Yellow - 570 - 585 nm.
•Orange - 585 - 620 nm.
•Red - longest wavelength, at
around 620 - 780 nanometers with
lowest frequency.
Uses of visible light
Fibre optic communication

A visible camera sensor is an imager that collects

visible light (400~700nm) and converts that to an
electrical signal, then organizes that information
to render images and video streams. Visible
cameras utilize wavelengths of light from 400~700nm,
which is the same spectrum that the human eye
Electronic divices
Modern science has incorporated
the visible light spectrum into
many electronic devices in use
today. Every device that has a
viewable screen creates and
emits visible light, which your
eye perceives as a picture. Such
technologies include LCD
computer monitors, cell phone
screens and TV screens.
What's the reason that we
can see rainbows ?
When sunlight hits a rain droplet, some of the light is
reflected. The electromagnetic spectrum is made of light with
many different wavelengths, and each is reflected at a
different angle. Thus, spectrum is separated, producing a
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