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Core Principles of

Fairness, Accountability,
and Transparency
Notions of Competence, professionalism, and

Technical Skills Human Skills Conceptual Skills

Basic necessary skills for a working

Work is done in a spirit of

Human maturity service and love for those
around us

Relational Intelligence
Major ethical Philosophers

• Plato
• Ancient Greek philosopher 428-348 BC
• A student of Socrates
• We find in him drive the absolute truth
• He held that moral values are objective in the since that exist in a spirit
like realm.
• Moral values are spiritual objects
Major ethical Philosophers

• Aristotle
• Born in 384 BC at Stageira in Thrace
• He is concerned with action, not as being right in itself irrespective to the
other consideration
• Aristotle's argued that virtues are good habits that we acquire, which
regulate our emotions.
Major ethical Philosophers

• Immanuel Kant
• Was born at Koniigsberg on April 22, 1724 and a son of a saddler
• Kanthian Ethics emphasizes a single principle of duty.
• Influenced by kant that we have moral duties to oneself and others, such as
developing one’s talents, and keeping our promises to others.
Major ethical Philosophers

• Thomas Aquinas
• Italian Philosopher, theologian, and priest is called the prince of scholastic
• Summa Theologiae and Summa Contra Gentiles, among many other works
• Aristotelian eudaimonism and Christian theology
• That Aristotelian eudaimonism or happiness is understood in terms of
completion, perfection, or well being
• God is the universal good in the concrete and though he is the end of all
things, both rational and irrational creatures, it is only rational creatures
who can attain this final good by way of knowledge
Different Philosophies Implications for
business Principles and practice

• Ethics – is a philosophical term derives from the Greek word Ethos

meaning character or custom
• Ethics are the principles that will tell us the right thing to do or
what things are worth doing.
• Ethics refers to a set of standards governing behavior; it refers to
broader based, value driven rules.
• Ethics is considered a normative science because it is concerned
with the systematic study of the norms of the human conduct.
Comparing classical philosophies in relation
to the business setting

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