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dr. Rifki Zakaria, Sp. T.H.T.K.L

Literature Review
Anterior Epistaxis

• Epistaxis is defined as acute haemorrhage from

within the nasal cavity including the nasopharynx.
• It is a common condition ranging in severity from a
single short-lived episode to a less common life-
threatening haemorrhage.
• The majority of cases are self-limiting and do not
require medical intervention.

McLarnon, 2015

5-10% of the population experience an episode

of epistaxis each year. 10% of those will see a
The reported incidence of an episode during a
lifetime is approximately 60%

60 %
McLarnon, 2015
Anatomy of The
Lateral Nasal Wall

1. Superior
2. Media
3. Inferior

Netter, 2016
Blood Supply of The Nose

External Carotid Artery

-Greater palatine
-Ascending pharyngeal
-Posterior nasal
-Superior Labial
Internal Carotid Artery
-Anterior Ethmoid
-Posterior Ethmoid

Netter, 2016
Kiesselbach ‘s

1. Greater Palatine
2. Superior Labial
3. Anterior Ethmoid
4. Sphenopalatine
Netter, 2016

1. Local
2. Systemic

McLarnon, 2015
Etiology – Local Factor

1. Vascular
2. Infectious/Inflammatory
3. Trauma (most common)
4. Iatrogenic
5. Neoplasm
6. Dessication
7. Foreign Bodies/other

McLarnon, 2015
Etiology – Systemic Factor

1. Vascular
2. Infection/Inflammation
3. Coagulopathy

McLarnon, 2015
Intial Management :
• ABC’s
• Medical history/Med
• Vital signs—need IV
• Physical exam
 Anterior rhinoscopy
 Endoscopic rhinoscopy
• Laboratory exam
• Radiologic studies

Porter, 2002

1. Control active bleeding

2. Look for location and cause of bleeding

Modul Utama Rinologi, 2015

Most anterior epistaxis is mild
cases and can often stop
themselves without the need for
medical help

Nguyen, 2018

-Anamnesis riwayat penyakit, tentang perdarahan, riwayat trauma, penggunaan

obat2an, kebiasaan merokok/ alkohol Syok hipovolemik, penderita tua, risiko perdarahan Resusitasi cairan
-Pemeriksaan Klinis/ Laboratorium profus

Identifikasi lokasi perdarahan (rinoskopi anterior, nasoendoskopi rigid/ fleksible):

-Lokasi perdarahan tidak jelas 

-Evaluasi dan terapi kausa untuk mencegah

Tindakan lokal menghentikan perdarahan: kekambuhan
-kauter (kimiawi/ elektrik) Berhasil -Edukasi &self care penderita untuk mencegah
-tampon hidung ( anterior & posterior) kekambuhan

Tidak berhasil Tidak ada perdarahan lagi

Tampon hidung ulang

 Berhasil Angkat tampon
48-72 jam

Perdarahan tidak berhenti Perdarahan berulang

Gangguan faal perdarahan Identifikasi kausa

Intervensi pembedahan:
-Septum koreksi
-Ligasi arteri karotis eksterna
-Ligasi arteri maxillarisinterna Berhasil
-Ligasi arteri sfenopalatina
-Ligasi arteri etmoidalis
Embolisasi arteri maksilaris & cabangnya
Radiasi (kasus-kasus malignansi)
Kasus HHT (Laser, fibrin glue, nasal obliterasi)

Konsultas-rawat bersama Hematologis-onkologis:

Koreksi gangguan koagulopati:
-FFP -vit K
-cryprecipitate -trombosit
Penatalaksanaan dengan fibrin glue
Initial Management
• Application of direct pressure to the septal area
continuously for at least five minutes, and for up to 15
• Tilting the head forward prevents blood from pooling in
the posterior pharynx, thereby avoiding nausea and
airway obstruction.
• Hemodynamic stability and airway patency

Modul Utama Rinologi, 2015


1. Anterior Tampon
2. Chemical Cautery
3. Electrocautery
4. Absorbable Hemostatic

Modul Utama Rinologi, 2015


Anterior Nasal Pack


Merocel Tampon

• Cautery : sinechia, septal perforation

• Anterior Nasal Pack: sinechia, rhinosinusitis, sindroma toxic shock
syndrome, eustachius tube dysfunction.

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