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Question Attempting

 Question# Why does South Asia remain the least

integrated region in the world? What lessons can
SAARC draw from the EU and ASEAN experience in
regional integration?
Step-1 (Identifying the Key-Words)

Question# Why does South Asia remain the least integrated

region in the world? What lessons can SAARC draw from
the EU and ASEAN experience in regional integration?

Self-Assessment: Your knowledge with reference to above key-words?

Step-2 (Structuring Your Answer)



Step-2 (Structuring Your Answer)

(Quote/Statistics/Questions/Rephrasing )

Unresolved political conflicts, raging rifts over natural resources,

ethnocentrism fueling hatred amongst the regional populace, all such elements
indicate diminishing regional integration in the South Asian region. On the
other hand, South East Asia and the Europe through their regional
organizations are enhancing their intra-regional cohesiveness by venturing and
collaborating on different political, economic and social grounds. SAARC can
embark on such a successful trajectory if it follows the trail of European Union
and ASEAN in terms of their initiatives, institutional frameworks and
contemporary agreements.
Step-2 (Structuring Your Answer)
Body Opening Sentence
Supportive Arguments
(01 Paragraph- 01 Idea) Conclusive Remarks

Lingering bilateral conflicts in South Asia

The South Asian region is marred with bilateral conflicts. Relations between the two
nuclear states i.e. Pakistan and India are worsening over distribution/claims of territories
and natural resources. Frictions over territorial disputes could also be traced between India
and Nepal over a northern-strip of border, and on the Durand line hovering over the concept
of “Greater Pashtunistan” between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Furthermore, government to
government contacts are diminishing owing to security issues arising either from the alleged
state sponsored terrorism or movement of rebels. Overall, the state of political integration
amongst the SAARC members is taking a nose-dive.
Step-2 (Structuring Your Answer)
Body Opening Sentence
Supportive Arguments
(01 Paragraph- 01 Idea) Conclusive Remarks

Morbid Regional Insitutions

Stagnant Diplomatic Interactions

Lack of socio-cultural Collaboration

Step-2 (Structuring Your Answer)

(01 Paragraph- 01 Idea)

Focusing on Economic Integration:

i. Successful implementation of Free Trade Area (FTA) – EU and ASEAN

ii. Adopting the essence of “Single Market” from the EU

iii. Learning from the ASEAN Economic Community- AEC

iv. Regional Monetary initiative- Case of European Central Bank

Step-2 (Structuring Your Answer)

(01 Paragraph- 01 Idea)

Focusing on Social Integration:

i. Adopting Regional Educational and Health Policies- EU’ Case

ii. Enhancing People to People contact- Schengen Zone

iii. ASEAN AEC-2025 and People’s connectivity

Step-2 (Structuring Your Answer)

Note: Don’t introduce any thing in CONCLUSION!

Undoubtedly, SAARC has been dysfunctional owing to above mentioned

issues. Nevertheless, the efforts and successful attempts of the European Union
and the ASEAN to unite their regional members can act a blueprint for
SAARC to follow. As enshrined above, the emphasis needs to laid on political
and economic integration, and later on towards social-integration. SAARC has
an untapped potential that needs to be revitalized for the growth of the region.

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