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Aims, Goals and Objectives of Education

UNIT – 4
Lieutenant Colonel
Muhammad Afaq Durrez, TI(M)
PhD Scholar EPM, AIOU
Quote of the Day

“The function of education is to teach one to think

intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus
character – that is the goal of true education”

(Martin Luther King)

Conceptualization Stage (Aims)

• Significance of Aims, Goals and Objectives

• Classification of Aims, Goals and Objectives
• Nature of Aims (Expected life outcomes)
• Examples of Aims
• Value Pattern (Philosophical position)
• Social Organization (Relation to society)
• Social Roles
• Life Styles
• How to write and Aim (Start with “to enable…., to involve…”
Conceptualization Stage (Goals)

• What is goal and its nature (More specific to aims)

• Nature of Goals
• Some examples..
• To acquire a concept of research proposal
• To identify an educational problem
• Goals are more explicit in nature
• Statements of goals may be long or short (Depends)
Conceptualization Stage (Objectives)

• Objectives are stated in behaviourial terms (Cognitive, Affective,

• Some examples of behavioural objectives
• To be able to write a summary
• To explain the theory of relativity
• To complete a 100 item question paper
Sequencing Aims, Goals and Objectives
Taxonomies of Educational Objectives


Taxonomies of Educational Objectives
Cognitive Domain (Blooms Taxonomy)

• Knowledge
• Comprehension
• Application
• Analysis
• Synthesis
• Evaluation
Affective Domain

• Krathwohll, bloom and Masia elaborated on this domain

which includes five categories of objectives dealing with
values, attitudes, feelings, appreciations and other
affective dimensions of learning
• The categories are arranged in hierarchical order
according to the degree of internationalization


Affective Domain
Psychomotor Domain

• According to Simpson (1972) psychomotor skills range from manual

tasks to complex issues
• The major categories are listed from the simplest behaviour to the
most complex


Psychomotor Domain
The Development of Objectives

• Main approaches to setting educational objectives

• The teacher centered approach

• Content centered approach

• Behaviour centered approach

• Behaviour and content approach

Writing Behaviourial Objectives

• It should state, what the student should be able to do at the end

of the learning experience (i.e. should specify the required
(terminal (or end) behaviour)
• It should state the conditions or constraints under which this
behaviour is to be exhibited
• It should give a clear indication of the minimum standard of
performance that is considered acceptable
• Relevant educational taxonomies may be used for guidance
Critique of Models of Objectives

• Criticism of behavioural objectives model

• The process model
• Humanistic model
• So how will all these be synthesized???

• Propose a Pakistani Model (Pros and Cons)

Thank You Very Much
Tutor and Resource Person

Lieutenant Colonel
Muhammad Afaq Durrez, TI(M)
PhD Scholar EPM, AIOU

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