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My favorite book

,,From idea to money’’

Napoleon Hill
,,Money has never been a big motivation
for me, just a way to keep score. The real
pleasure is playing the game.’’
Something about the author
Oliver Napoleon Hill which is among the 10
best-selling self-help books of all time. Hill's
works insisted that fervid expectations are
essential to improving one's life. Most of his
books were promoted as expounding principles
to achieve "success".
Hill is, in modern times, a controversial figure.
Accused of fraud, modern historians also doubt
many of his claims, such as that he met Andrew
Carnegie and that he was an
attorney. Gizmodo has called him "the most
famous conman you've probably never heard of".
"From Idea to money" is a personal development book written by the American author of
motivational literature Napoleon Hill. The work, perhaps the best known and best-selling in
the world in terms of financial success, was first published in 1937. The writer was inspired to
create it by the advice of Andrew Carnegie. Napoleon Hill's "From Idea to Money" is not just
another motivational book .It is rather a manual that gradually guides you on the path to
success. The 13 steps in the book are essential to having financial freedom. The program,
which consists of several suggestions and successful examples, which have been applied by
people who have become rich and well-known, can put you on the right track. That's if your
goal in life is to become financially independent. And to have as many successes as possible.
The personal development book reveals to those who really want to know the secrets of
hundreds of famous and influential Americans. From all times. This writing tells you that if you
think and act like them, you can become like them. Being a real inspiration in any era, the work
"From idea to money" will continue to be read. Proving that his 13-step formula for making
money will never change.
6 essential ideas from the book From idea to money

1)The book From Idea to Money is a synthesis of the way of life

and mentalities of over 40 millionaires who recounted their
way of evolving in business.

2)Their main common element is a well-defined goal (desire,

dream) and an intense desire to succeed.

3)Do your best, don't give up and start as soon as possible.

Don't wait for the right time to arrive to get started.

4)If you do not see wealth in your imagination, you will never
see it in your bank account. If you do not believe in it, it will not
materialize in your life.

5)Successful people always learn and gain knowledge based on

their goals and business.

6) To become a successful person, it is not the grades that

matter, but the amount of money.
1)The starting point of all achievements is desire.
Keep this in mind at all times. Weak desire brings
poor results, just as a small fire produces a small
amount of heat.
2)When defeat comes, accept it as a sign that your
plans are not working, rebuild those plans, and move
once again toward the coveted goal.
3) The path to success is the path to continuous
accumulation of knowledge.
4) There is a difference between wanting something
and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for
something until they think they can get it. The setting
of the mind must be to believe, not just to hope or
5) The only limitations you have are the ones you
impose on yourself.
6) Time will never be "right." Start where you are and
work with all the tools at your disposal and you will
find better tools as you go along.
Quotes that I liked
1)If you lend someone $ 20 and you never see that person
again, that's probably worth it.
2) Money cannot make us happy, but it can comfort us when
we are not.
3) Anyone who says that money can't buy happiness simply
doesn't know where to shop.
4) Happiness does not consist in owning money but in the
joy of success, in the enthusiasm of the creative effort.
5) No one accepts advice; but everyone would accept
money: so money is more valuable than advice.
6) If you don't help yourself, no one will
7) A bench is a place where you can borrow an umbrella
when the weather is nice and ask for your umbrella back
when it rains.
In conclusion I can say that

It is not for nothing that Napoleon Hill's book "From

Idea to Money" was called "The Father of Motivational
Literature." It contains so much wisdom and ideas
gathered over many years that it has helped countless
people get where they want to go. But with one
requirement. To follow step by step the successful
formula that others have applied so that they become
rich and victorious.

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