Thermo Dyana Mics

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The branch of science which deals with

the quantitative relationship between
heat and other forms of energies is
called thermodynamics.
Some Important Terms Related to
(i) System It refers to the part of universe in which
observations are carried out.
(ii) Surroundings The part of universe other than the
system is known as surroundings.
(ill) Boundary The wall that separates the system from
the surroundings is called boundary.
(iv) Thermodynamic equilibrium A system in which the
macroscopic properties do not undergo any change
with time is called thermodynamic equilibrium.
(v) Thermal equilibrium If there is no flow of heat from
one portion of the system to another, the system is
said to be in thermal equilibrium.
Types of Systems
(i) Open system The system in which
energy and matter both can be exchanged
with the surroundings.
(ii) Closed system The system in which
only energy can be exchanged with the
(iii) Isolated system The system in which
neither energy nor matter can be
exchanged with the surroundings.
Thermodynamics Properties
1. Intensive Properties
Properties of the system which depend only on
the nature of matter but not on the quantity of
matter are called Intensive properties,
e.g., pressure, temperature, specific heat, etc
2. Extensive Properties
Properties of the system which are dependent
on the quantity of matter are called extensive
properties, e.g., internal energy, volume,
enthalpy, etc.
State of System:
When microscopic properties have definite
value, the conditions of existence of the
system is known as state of system.
State functions: When values of a system is
independent of path followed and depend
only on initial and final state, it is known as
state function,e.g., Δ U, Δ H, Δ G etc.
Path functions: These depend upon the path
followed only, e.g., work, heat, etc.
Thermodynamic Process
It is the operation which brings change in the state of the
Thermodynamic processes are
(i) Isothermal process: In which temperature remains
constant, i.e., (dT = 0, Δ U = 0).
(ii) Isochoric process: In which volume remains constant,
i.e., (Δ V = 0).
(iii) Isobaric process: In which pressure remains constant,
i.e., (Δp = 0).
(iv) Adiabatic process: In which heat is not exchanged by
system with the surroundings, i.e., (Δq = 0).
(v) Cyclic process: It is a process in which system returns
to its original state after undergoing a series of change.
Some more important terms:
Reversible process: A process that follows the reversible
path, i.e., the process which occurs in infinite number of
steps in this Way that the equilibrium conditions are
maintained at each step, and the process can be reversed by
infinitesimal change in the state of functions.
 Irreversible process: The process which cannot be reversed
and amount of energy increases. All natural processes are
Internal Energy (E or U) :
It is the total energy within the substance. It is the sum of
many types of energies like vibrational energy, translational
energy. etc. It is a extensive property and state function.
Its absolute value cannot be determined but experimentally
change in internal energy (Δ) can be determined by
ΔU = U2 – U1 or ΣUp – ΣUR
First Law of Thermodynamics:
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
although it can be converted from one form to
the other.
Mathematically, ΔU = q + W
where, ΔU = internal energy change
q = heat added to system
W = work added to system
Sign convention:
(i) q is + ve = heat is supplied to the system
(ii) q is – ve = heat is lost by the system
(iii) W is + ve = work done on the system
(iv) W is – ve =work done by the system
Work (W)
If the system involves gaseous substances and
there is a difference of pressure between system
and surroundings. Work is referred as pressure –
volume work (W=pV).
Expression for Pressure – Volume Work
(i) Work of Irreversible expansion against
constant pressure B under isothermal conditions
W = – pext ΔV
(ii) Work of reversible expansion
under isothermal conditions
⚫ Heat Capacity of a System
⚫ Heat Capacity (c) of a system is defined as the amount of
heat required to raise the temperature of a system by 1° C.
⚫ 1. Molar Heat Capacity
⚫ It is the heat capacity 1 mole of substance of the system.
⚫ 2. Specific Heat Capacity
⚫ It is the heat capacity of 1 g of substance of the system
⚫ q = mc Δ T.
⚫ where, m = mass of substance
⚫ c = specific heat or heat capacity
⚫ Molar heat capacity, at constant pressure,
⚫ Molar heat capacity. at constant volume
⚫ cp – CV = R (R = Molar gas constant)
Enthalpy (H)
⚫ It is the sum of internal energy and pV-energy of the
system. It is a state function and extensive property.
⚫ H = U + pV
⚫ Like U. absolute value of H also cannot be known, ΔH is
determined experimentally.
⚫ ΔH = H2 – H1
⚫ For exothermic reaction (the reaction in which heat is
evolved), ΔH = -ve whereas for endothermic reaction (the
reaction in which heat is absorbed), ΔH = +ve.
⚫ Relationship between ΔH and ΔU
⚫ ΔH = ΔU + Δp Δ V
⚫ or ΔH = ΔU + Δn(g) RT
⚫ Here, Δn(g) = change in the number of gas moles.

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