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• “Our guest must not only focus on ensuring stability of the State and
the security of our nation. Our ultimate goal must be the safety and
well-being of our people.”
- Benigno S. Aquino III
• National Security Policy & National Security Strategy - are guide of all
national security efforts in both public and private sectors towards the
attainment of the nation's national security goals and objectives.
• National Security Adviser / National Security Council - shall spearhead
the formulation of the National Security Policy (NSP) and National
Security Strategy (NSS) in coordination with all concerned departments,
agencies and instrumentalities of the government including
government-owned and controlled corporations & regional offices.
• President of RP – primarily responsible for the management of our
national security & decision making.

1. Governance

2. Delivery of Basic Services

3. Economic Reconstruction & Sustainable Development

4. Security Sector Reform

Foundation’s of National Security
“ We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of almighty God,
in order to build a just & humane society & establish a government that
shall embody our ideals of aspirations, promote the common good,
conserve & develop our patrimony & secure to ourselves and our
posterity the blessings of independence and democracy, under the rule
of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality & peace.”

- Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

Constitutional Mandate
• Pursuit independent foreign policy based on national sovereignty &
national interest
• Definition of national territory consistent with new international
• Renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy
• Freedom from nuclear weapons
• Right to self-determination
• Civilian supremacy over military
• Concept of a citizen army
• Role of Armed Forces as protector of the people and the state
Elements of National Security
1) Socio-Political stability
2) Territorial Integrity
3) Economic Solidarity
4) Ecological Balance
5) Cultural cohesiveness
6) Moral-Spiritual Consensus
7) Peace & Harmony
Socio Political Stability

• Achieve peace & harmony among all Filipinos regardless creed, ethnic origin and
social status.

• Follow rule of Law under constitutional democracy and respect for human rights

• Government is accountable to the people

• Practice good governance by performing efficiently and effectively

Territorial Integrity

• Territory of the country is intact & under effective control by


• Prevent illegal foreign incursions of resource exploitation of our

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEC)

• Secure all land and sea within Philippine defined territory

Economic Solidarity

• Build strong economy where economic and business enterprise are

owned by Filipinos who will defend, protect and improve it not only
now but for future generations.
- END -

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