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Chapter 3 - Emphasizing Cultures,

Ethics, and Norms

Ethics, and

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Learning Objectives

1. Explain where informal institutions come from

2. Define culture and articulate its two main
3. Articulate three ways to understand cultural
4. Explain why understanding cultural differences is
crucial for global business

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LEARNINGOutcomes (Continued)
OUTCOMES (continued)

5. Explain why ethics is important

6. Identify ways to combat corruption
7. Identify norms associated with strategic responses
when firms deal with ethical challenges
8. Explain how you can acquire cross-cultural literacy

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Informal Institutions

• Originate from socially transmitted

• Part of the heritage that is considered
cultures, ethics, and norms
• Ethnocentrism: Mentality held by a group of
people who perceive their own culture, ethics,
and norms as natural, rational, and morally

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• Collective programming of the mind

• Distinguishes the members of one group or
category of people from another
• Strict one-to-one correspondence between
cultures and nations does not exist
• Subcultures exist in multiethnic countries
• Consists of regional, ethnic, and religious

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Components of Culture

• Language
• Lingua franca: A global business language
➖Dominated by English
• Disadvantage of English dominance
➖Expatriate managers miss cultural subtleties
• Religion

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Classifying Cultural Differences: Context Approach

• Focuses on context
• Context: Background against which interaction
takes place
• Low-context cultures
• Communication is usually taken at face value
without much reliance on unspoken conditions
or assumptions
• High-context cultures
• Communication relies on the underlying
unspoken conditions or assumptions
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Exhibit 3.1 - High-Context versus Low-Context


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Classifying Cultural Differences: Cluster Approach

• Groups countries that share similar cultures

as one cluster
• Underlying idea
• People and firms are more comfortable doing
business with other countries within the same
cluster or civilization

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Exhibit 3.2 - Cultural Clusters

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Classifying Cultural Differences: Dimension

Power distance

Individualism versus collectivism

Masculinity versus femininity

Uncertainty avoidance

Long-term orientation

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Classifying Cultural Differences: Dimension

Approach (continued)

• Societal-level sex-role differentiation

• Masculinity: Strong form
➖Men tend to have occupations that reward
➖Women tend to work in caring professions
• Femininity: Relatively weak form
➖Women occupy positions that reward
➖More men work in caring professions

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Understanding Cultural Differences to Do Global


• Global business activity is consistent with

the context, cluster, and dimension
• Average length of contracts is longer in low-
context countries than in high-context countries
• Many agreements are unspoken in high-context
• Preparation
• Firms are cautious when dealing with countries
from other clusters
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Understanding Cultural Differences to Do Global

Business (continued 1)

• Individualistic societies foster higher level

of entrepreneurship
• Individualist firms aim to differentiate
• Collectivist firms
• Follow each other
• Managers in high masculinity societies
• Assertive, decisive, and aggressive

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Understanding Cultural Differences to Do Global

Business (continued 2)

• Managers in high femininity societies

• Less visible, intuitive, and seek consensus
• Managers in low uncertainty avoidance
• Rely more on experience and training
• Managers in high uncertainty avoidance
• Rely more on rules

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• Principles, standards, and norms of conduct

that govern individual and firm behavior
• Reflect in formal laws and regulations
• Code of conduct: Set of guidelines for
making ethical decisions

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Views on Ethical Motivation of Firms

Positive view


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Schools of Thought for Managing Ethics Overseas

• Ethical relativism
• All ethical standards are relative
• Ethical imperialism
• Absolute belief that there is only one set of
ethics, and one possesses it

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Exhibit 3.4 - Managing Ethics Overseas: Three


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• Abuse of public power for private benefits

usually in the form of bribery
• Causes misallocation of resources
• Slows economic development
• Discourages foreign direct investment (FDI)

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Fighting Corruption

• Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

• Bans bribery of foreign officials
• Enacted by the US Congress in 1977
• Makes exceptions for small grease payments to
get through customs abroad
• UN Convention against Corruption
• Corruption can be eradicated if:
• All countries criminalize bribery
• All firms resist corruption

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• Prevailing practices of relevant players that

affect the focal individuals and firms
• Influence the way in which firms respond to
ethical challenges

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Exhibit 3.6 - Strategic Responses to Ethical Challenges

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Implications for Savvy Managers

• Managers should:
• Enhance their cultural intelligence
➖Cultural intelligence: Individual’s ability to
understand and adjust to new cultures
• Be aware of the prevailing norms and their
transitions globally

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Phases in Acquisition of Cultural Intelligence

• Recognition of pros and cons of one’s cultural mental software
• Appreciation of people from other cultures

Knowledge (cross-cultural literacy)

• Ability to identify symbols, rituals, and taboos in other cultures

• Good practices based on awareness and knowledge of other

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Exhibit 3.7 - Implications for Action

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Key Terms

• Ethnocentrism • Power distance

• Culture • Individualism
• Lingua franca • Collectivism
• Context • Masculinity
• Low-context culture • Femininity
• High-context • Uncertainty
• Cluster
• Long-term
• Civilization
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Key Terms (Continued)
KEY TERMS (continued)

• Ethics • Defensive strategy

• Code of conduct • Accommodative
• Ethical relativism strategy
• Ethical • Proactive strategy
imperialism • Cultural
• Corruption intelligence
• Norm
• Reactive strategy

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• Informal institutions come from socially

transmitted information and heritage
• Language and religion are the components
of culture
• Approaches to understand cultural
• Context, cluster, and dimension

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(continued 2)
• Managing ethics overseas is challenging
• Strategic responses to ethical challenges
• Reactive, defensive, accommodative, and
• Managers should enhance their cultural
intelligence and be aware of prevailing

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