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◦Fiction came from Latin word fictus which
means “to form”, to form words based from the
◦It is a literature created from the imagination, not
presented as fact, though it may be based on a
true story or situation.
What are to be Included in Writing a
◦ Character. In fiction the characters need to be richly drawn to
draw you into the story and make you care enough to keep
reading and to remember them. Introduce them to your readers
by providing description as to how they look like and what are
their actions.

◦ The central message. In fiction, it is a moral or an emotion.

“Figuring it out as you write” is the approach in writing a theme.
What are to be Included in Writing a
◦ Plot. It contains a clear sense of movement. This gives a sense of motion of
what you are reading and end up somewhere new. It contributes why people
keep reading up to the end. You need to take the reader along a very clear
action from question to conclusion.

◦ Setting. It refers to the time and location in which a story takes place.

◦ Style. This is a broad category that covers everything from writing dialogue
to what voice to be used.
What is Journal?
◦ Journal is a note where we write down our daily
events and happenings in life. It is also a collection of
one’s thoughts or observation written over time about
a particular topic.
◦ However, in this lesson, we are going to explore a
type of journal that is fictional. It is called as
“Fictional Journal”.
What is Fictional Journal?
◦ Fictional Journal is a record of sequential events that can
be used to describe the feelings or events of the character
and his/her point of view towards a subject or a situation. It
also shows your thoughts on a daily basis which serves as a
creative exercise. The format of fictional journal is the same
on the format of non-fictional journal. It still gets the reader
directly into the character’s head and it provides a built in
framework for plot.
Why Do We Need to Write a Fictional
◦ Fictional Journal allows us to perceive the world in an entirely
different perspective. It serves as a compilation of things and
actions which exist in our imagination. Through writing it, we can
change the events in our lives in a way we want it to be. It also
makes us creative. We can be creative because as writers of our
own fictional journal, we can play words. We will go beyond the
usual words that we used in our everyday life as well as the actions
and scenes of the characters.
Why Do We Need to Write a Fictional
◦ Thus, it specifically gives us benefits such as follows:
◦ Improve Our Writing. A good way to improve our writing skill is to write a lot.
Writing fictional journal provides us the opportunity to improve because the style of
writing is on daily basis. In addition, any creative ideas we record in our journal can
be expanded later.

◦ Explore Our Thoughts. Keeping our journal can help us record all the thoughts that
we have on daily basis.

◦ Give Meaning to Our Life. Fictional journal can determine our dreams and
aspirations. Things we write in our journal justify how we value life and our
perspective about it.

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