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 I am proud to be a GNITIAN because it helps me in bringing the better
version of myself. The finest thing of GNITS is the student body takes
the initiative and try their best to make the work successful. Its roots
the cultural values into the joints of students liver.
GNITS helped me in a living life with standard and moves and
guiding me in coping with lorong decisions i have made. One of the
reason every GNITIAN proud is its placements. It has the best placement
cell department which helps women in acheiving the aspirants. As a
GNITIAN, I Cherish these lessons throughout my life.

Contributions To The College

As a GNITIAN one of my Contribution to our department are i have participated in many

electronic related events like technical events like idea pitching, robotics workshop,and many

The Second one is i contributed much as a volunteer by volunteering in many events. This
volunteer service gave me a really good experience and I hope to a contribute to our
department as a committee member one day.

3 Best Lab Activities I like the
 1) SWOC
2) Pecha Kucha
3) 6 Thinking hats
 The SWOC defines the strength, weakness, opportunities, challenges. This is my first lab activity in lab.
When my mam gave this task then i started thinking about me in these three to four domains then I got
to know some of my strengths, weakness and I went to sage straightly and explained about it. Then my
confidence levels increased.
 Pecha kucha is new to me. I just searched about different core companies and i got to know more about
these companies, Then I explained this each company within 15 seconds through PPT and I hope many of
them gained some new information through it.
 By 6 thinking hats I understood what was bad, good on the decision making and what were the outcomes
on a specified problem. From the task i understood by different colours i.e 6 colours I explained the
topic which gives different domains like peace, management, emotions etc.
4 Things I wanted to do as a B.Tech
The four things that I could not do in my btech are hangout with friends like trips
because my parents does not encourage these kind of activities.

 I could not participate in many cultural fests which are conducted in our
college because I am not that much Interested in that domain.

 I wanted to participate in several debates that are conducted by the

management in our college but I could not do because of little bit of stage

 I want to explore different things out of academics but i could not manage
the time.

• In Forward days I would like to improve in these activities and I will also
participate in all the activites maximum that are conducted in our college
that makes me a better student and it also improves my communication skills.

5 Best Suggestions to Improve the
Existing ESS Lab Activities
 1) JAM : It is called out just a minute, where I can project myself within
a minute or where I can explain a particular topic so that my
communication skills will be improved.
 2) GROUP DISCLISSIONS: These activities should be conducted so that
they will be interactive and we can communicate with all of them.
 3) Debates:- If Debates are conducted we will explore more about a
topic to be winner in debates and we will get a picture on how to take a
side for particular topic.
 4) Conduct activities where students should not feel any stress
 5) If any vocabulary activity is conducted then I can say that vocabulary
and Speaking skills can be improved

6.People who Influence me…
FATHER ~ First and foremost thing is my father, because he always encourages me in doing things whatever
I want. He worked hard day and night to get a good job. That influenced me to work hard where I can also
become a good professional in life

MOTHER ~ My mother who taught us in schooling always encourages when I am in drepression mode and she
always helps in every thing that I want to do.

ENGLISH SIR ~ My English sir who taught us in schooling always encouraged me regarding studies and as well
as about the carrer. That impacted be a lot in my life.

BROTHER ~ He is my inspiration because even though be studied in a government school he worked hard
and became software engineer in a reputated company.

RAMYA(FRIEND) ~ My friend in diploma, whenever I get disappointment in marks, she always encourages me
and she stood in all my worst times.

COLLECTOR ~ When I am in schooling our district collector arrived as a guest in our school, I was impressed
by her way of talking and her hardwork and then I decided to be in a good position like her in my life.
7.Seven Aspects that one should know about me...
The 7 aspects that you should know about me are
ACADEMICS ~ I proudly say that I am good at academics, I also got a
appreciation certificate in it. And I am an active student in class.
CO-EXTRACURRICULAR ~ Apart from Academics I am very much
interested in extra curricular activities like dance, games and tech quiz
AREA OF INTEREST ~ I am having much Interest in exploring the things,
so whenever I get new topic, I search about it via google, through
teachers, books to get complete Idea on it.
HOBBIES ~ 1. Dancing 2. watching news 3. Watching TV 4. Exploring
new things on current affairs.
UNIQUE QUALITY ~ I doesn't want to copy the same thing that others
do, I always create my own path in my decision.

UNIQUE QUALITY ~ I doesn't want to copy the same thing that others
do, I always create my own path in my decision.
FUTURE ASPIRANTS ~ Want to attain a good goverment job like
ISRO or any other government jobs.
Name - Bollam Sowmya
Date of Birth - 04-04-2002
Father name - B.Srisailam
Mother name - B.Sridevi
Gender - Female
Address - Raigadda, Wanparthy.

8.Distinct Qualities in me that helped to achieve certain

The Eight distinct qualities in me are

HARDWORK ~ I think that I am kind, where I can work hard to get sucssced in a
particular task.This was learnt from my father.
DISCIPLINE ~ Whenever You are disciplane then everything will be come to your place
this words said by my principal, So I am not only hard worker and I am a quite
disciplined girl.
SELF CONFIDENT ~ Even though I am having little bit of stage fear, my confidence will
always come in first place to do a task.
SELF MOTIVATED ~ I try to motivate myself in any tough situations.

OVERTHINKER ~ Sometimes I think little over for given situation, But sometimes it
helped me like if I think it before, I Stop doing some mistakes that rectified by
CARE FREE ~ I do not care, what other thinks about my path/carrer or my decision. I
always choose my own path.
DECISION MAKER ~ Giving choice to others and listening to their objection made me
a good decision maker.
TEAM LEADER ~ As I myself treat as a team leader in a given task, and motivate
others to complete it within given time so that it helps me developing
leadership qualities.
9.New words that I have learnt in this semester..


Batty Insane,Silly Sane

Callous Obdurate,Unfeeling Compassionate,Tender

Deride Mock,Taunt
Knave Dishonest,Scoundrel
Ravage Destroy,Ruin
Sneer Scorn
ABILITIES ~ I would rate upto 8 out of 10 for my abilities, i gained these abilities
through experience and learning.I am good at some things which are I am capable of.

SKILLS ~I would rate upto 9 out of 10 for my skills, but I would like to improve my
skills to perform better than before.

KNOWLEDGE ~ I rate myself 8 out of 10 for my knowledge.i am enthusiastic to

improve my knowledge.





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