UNIT III Architectural Conservation

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Architectural conservation


Investigation tools and techniques

This section attempts to define and explain the types of tools available and place them in a conservation context, prior to
describing their function and use in more detail. In conservation, there are two distinct areas of survey and recording, with a
degree of overlap between them:

1. Metric surveying and recording. This area is used to establish the quantifi able physical disposition of form and space. Base
documentation can be employed in subsequent complementary phases of a conservation project to map historical, technical,
and other data for assessment, analysis, and synthesis of information to create a plan, then inform, guide, and instruct others in
taking conservation action.

2. Diagnostic surveying and recording. This area is used to locate, isolate, assess, or monitor physical phenomena affecting
the heritage asset. Additional documentation can overlay base documentation and further inform the conservation project’s
development in relation to buried or concealed features, deforming or moving components and providing indications about their
condition and performance in time.

Some tools, such as tape measures, levels, and total station theodolites, involve direct handheld or hand-eye relationships with
the operator that are generally simpler to understand and use and are cheaper to operate than indirect tools. Indirect technology
such as radiography or thermography— often from the medical, aviation, or military arena—requires specialized operators and
software as well as expensive equipment whose documentation needs to be interpreted for the conservation team to benefit
from the data.

The following is an overview of the diagnostic indirect tools available for conservation.
Water Optical and Digital Endoscopy:

The simplest way to describe endoscopy is to use the analogy of a periscope: it enables
operators to look through a long, rigid, or flexible tube inside the fabric of a building through
holes as small as 4–5 millimeters in diameter. Until the recent development of tiny digital
cameras with motorized focusing, endoscopy used light-guide bundles of fiber-optic cables to
transmit light into cavities, collect received light, and pass images back to the eye. With range-
finding optics, the equipment can be used to determine the location or dimensions of cavities or
objects, assess the condition of concealed pipes or fixings, or aid the routing of wiring within
composite construction.

Water, Plumb, and Laser Leveling:

To assess the trueness, level and relative levels, and plumb or vertical nature of an element of
construction—for example, subsiding floors, leaning walls, or sagging beams—a variety of levels
can be employed for repeatable measurements. The simplest and one of the oldest construction
tools is the plumb bob. A heavy weight is suspended on the end of a long string or wire, which is
hung vertically from the top of a structure. The base of this pendulum is then suspended in water
or oil to minimize movement. The vertical line can be measured at fixed points against the
structure to determine the lean of the wall. Laser plumb bobs are used in the same way.

The term laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Lasers
emit light in a narrow, well-defined beam within a coherent set of wavelengths, and over short
distances are extremely straight. Used horizontally, lasers can be used to align features,
determine disposition or deflection, and measure angles.
Oblique Angle and Color Filter Photography:

A simple method of finding concealed doorways or window reveals under plastered or

stuccoed walls is to use oblique angle or color filter photography. Oblique angle
photography captures subtle shadow lines of inconsistencies and changes of plane in
plaster surfaces. Color filter, or colored light, photography captures partial and different
reflectances in surfaces and helps to reveal patches and changes in surface under

Infrared Photography and Thermography:

Infrared film photography is being superseded by thermography or thermal imaging, a type

of infrared imaging used to discern concealed openings and other anomalies under the
surfaces of historic facades and internal paneled walls. Because infrared radiation is
emitted by all objects based on their surface temperatures, thermography makes it
possible to “see” variations in temperature caused by different materials, voids, and other
changes of construction.

Magnetometry :

Magnetometer surveys are a type of geophysical mapping technique that relies on the
stability of the world’s relatively static magnetic field. These surveys can detect anomalies
caused by cultural objects interfering with that magnetic field. They can be used to locate
long-forgotten conduit systems, as well as pipes, cables, or remains buried in the ground.
Ultrasound Pulse Transmission:

Ultrasound surveys and testing, or sonography, constitute a diagnostic imaging technique used to measure the
thickness from one side of solid, dense, homogeneous materials and to detect flaws and anomalies in their interiors.
The technique has been used, for example, on the Houses of Parliament, in Britain, to measure the thickness of
corrosion layers on the underside of the cast-iron roof without lifting the panels. It is a nondestructive testing process
utilizing sound frequencies in the 2–10 megahertz range, though for special purposes other frequencies are used; for
instance, lowerfrequency ultrasound (50–500 kilohertz) to inspect lower-density materials such as wood. In France,
the technique is used to assure the quality of quarry stone before processing by searching for concealed cementation
lines and fossil anomalies that may break or cause misalignment of saws during cutting.

Pulse Radar:

Radar is an acronym for radio detection and ranging. When fired at the ground or at a thick masonry structure, long-
wave radiation is partly reflected at the surface, partly absorbed, and partly transmitted through the construction.
Reflections and echoes from this energy are transmitted back to the receiving antennae, and the time delays in
transmission and losses in signal strength are compared to those in the original signal to reveal changes in the data.
When interpreted, radar information can locate and measure the distance between and size of inconsistencies and
anomalies within a structure. The geometry of such concealed or buried objects—for example, wrought-iron cramps
in stone masonry, reinforcing bars in concrete, or ceramic pot fillers in concrete floor construction—can reveal the
nature and sometimes the condition of these materials.

Stress-wave Transmission (impact-echo):

Using transducer technology, surface and subsurface vibrations in structures can be detected and used to determine
anomalies, voids, and other construction problems in otherwise homogeneous construction. First, the heads of the
transducer are placed on either side of a masonry column, for example, or along the side of a historic railway’s
viaduct. The structure is then hit or impacted with a known measured force or drop hammer so that the
superstructure vibrates and measurements can be taken of the signals. If there are asymmetrical patterns in the
signals, estimations can be made of construction voids and their location and depth within the fabric.
Problems with masonry - surface and structural

Swelling accompanied by rupturing of a thin uniform skin both across and parallel to the bedding plane,
usually a condition found on sandstone, but also on granite. Because blistering can be caused by de-icing
salts and ground moisture, it is generally found on a surface close to the ground. Blistering may remain a
relatively constant condition scattered over the masonry surface but, more often, it eventually results in
greater surface peeling (exfoliation, delamination or spalling).


Small pieces or larger fragments of masonry separating from the masonry unit, often at corners or mortar
joints. This may be the result of damage caused by later alterations or repairs, such as use of too hard a
mortar, or by accident or through vandalism.


The hollowing out of an adobe wall just above grade

level. Coving may be caused by standing rainwater or
rainwater splash off the ground. It can also be caused
by salts deposited in the adobe by the evaporation of
Problems with masonry - surface and structural

A term describing narrow fissures from 1/16 to 112 inch wide in a block of masonry. Cracking. may result from a
variety of conditions, such as structural settlement of abuilding, too hard a repointing mortar, or it may be an inherent
characteristic of the masonry itself, such as unfired brick or adobe. Small cracks within a single block of masonry may
not be serious, but longer and wider cracks extending over a larger area may be indicative of structural problems, and
should be monitored.


This condition is indicative of a certain brittleness or tendency of the masonry to break up or dissolve. It may be
caused by an inherent weakness of the masonry and gradual dissolution of the binder, or it may be the result of
external factors affecting the strength or durability of the masonry, such as salts or moisture entering the masonry.


A condition of stone in which the outer surface of the stone splits apart into
laminae or thin layers and peels off the face of the stone. Because of their
layered composition, this may be a natural condition of sedimentary stones
such as sandstone or limestone; and the presence of clay-rich layers can
accelerate the process. When sedimentary stones are used in building, this
tendency to peel off in layers can be exacerbated by improperly laid stones.
Delamination takes place along the natural bedding planes of the stones
when they are laid vertically, instead of horizontally-the correct way-and, as a
result, are exposed to weathering.
Problems with masonry - surface and structural

A whitish haze of soluble salts on masonry generally caused by excessive "pulling" of soluble salts into
the masonry and out through the sudace. Capillary action may pull soluble salts which result in
efflorescence from the ground into the masonry, such as chlorides from salting of streets and
sidewalks in winter and nitrates from fertilizers. In addition, carbonates from lime mortar and air-borne
or water-deposited pollutants in the atmosphere may cause sulfates to be deposited on the surface of
the masonry. Sulfates resulting from the curing and firing process are a common source of
efflorescence in brick. Finally, efflorescence may be a combined salt residue left on the masonry
surface by chemical cleaning, too strong a chemical solution, or improper rinsing. Efflorescence itself
may be more unsightly than harmful, but its presence on an older or historic masonry building often
serves as a warning, indicating that water has found a point of entry into the structure. Once this has
occurred, more serious damage can usually be predicted.


Wearing away of the surface, edges, corners or carved details of masonry slowly and usually by the
natural action of wind or windblown particles and water. Erosion is one of the most serious kinds of
adobe deterioration.
Problems with masonry - surface and structural

The development or existence of small cavities in a masonry surface which may be caused by the
differential removal of individual components of the masonry and may be the result of natural
weathering or erosion of an inherently porous type of masonry. Pitting may also result from a harsh or
abrasive cleaning method. Pitting of concrete can be caused by improper mixing, and usually occurs
during the curing period.

Rising Damp:

The suction of groundwater into the base of masonry walls through capillary action is called rising
damp. Moisture is drawn up into the building walls and released at the interior and exterior surfaces
where a horizontal wet stain or tidemark is left. The moisture often carries with it salts in solution,
which can result in efflorescence and lead to deterioration of masonry, plaster, wood and paint. Rising
damp, often the result of improper drainage, is a problem common to many older masonry structures,
and one that is difficult to solve completely.


The natural disintegration and erosion of stone caused by wind and rain, resulting in granular and
rounded surfaces. Weathering is particularly pronounced on sharp corners, or highly carved or
projecting architectural details. Acid rain water in particular, in contact with acid soluble, carbonate
stone, can be very damaging, increasing the natural weathering rates, and also resulting in noticeable
softening or loss of masonry details.
Repair technique for historic masonry

Refer pdf Masonry repair

Problems with foundation

is movements of the ground followed by footings because of the unreliable or weak ground by carrying loads from the structure or resulting from
soil moisture changes. When the ground movement excesses the acceptable limit, it will result in foundation failure. The characteristic of movement
happened in the natural ground and fill material where the existing building is laid. There are several types of movement that has been recognized as
uniform settlement (or heave), uniform horizontal displacement, extension (or compression) differential horizontal displacement, and differential
Problems with foundation
Bowed Foundation Walls

If your foundation wall is bowing inward, you might also find these additional problems: sagging floors, windows and doors; cracked plaster; and buckled hardwood flooring. Your
foundation wall could be bowing inward for several reasons. The most common cause is massive water build-up on the outside of the wall, which creates hydrostatic pressure.
This pressurized water pushes the foundation wall inward.
Occasionally a foundation wall bows inward due to a large tree root. The root does not need to be pressing against your foundation to cause it to bow inward. A very large tree
root 20 feet away from your foundation can shift the earth as it grows. This in turn pushes the ground between the root and your foundation, causing excessive pressure against
your foundation wall.
If you have a rubble wall foundation, the bowed foundation wall could be caused by moisture entering the interior of the wall. This moisture can erode the mortar in the center of
the wall, causing the fill to settle between the stones or brick. If your outside wall is straight and just the inside is bowed (or vice versa), then this may be the issue.

Structural Cracks: The location of the cracks is as

important as their physical appearance.
Foundation movement often results in crack at
weak points, such as window openings and doors,

Opening distortion: Foundation movement tents to

distort openings and often causes doors and
windows to stick. In some cases the distortion
may also affect partitions, ceilings, floors and the
Floor movement/Uneven Floor The initial effect
between bowing
due to foundation movement and unstable soil
beneath are bulging of the floor. and settlement
Types of remedial work for foundation problems

Remedial procedures depend upon both environmental factor such as soil behavior and the type of foundation.

1. Site Investigation Site Investigation work is very important to collect appropriate information to determine the site
condition. From there, the consultant will make the decision and assumption about the work that need to carry out to
overcome the failures. The steps of site investigation generally consist of the point stated below;

2. Testing and Monitoring Testing and monitoring is very important to identify the accurate ground condition. Site monitoring
is divide into 3(three) categories; Monitoring to establish cause of damage, monitoring to measure rate of movement and
monitoring to check success of remedial action.

3. Shoring Where a building or structure is in poor condition due to settlement, and underpinning has to be carried out to limit
or to arrest resulting movements, external shoring will probably be required. The main shoring members can be of timber,
steel or scaffolding. Where timber is used, swelling and shrinking will take place and provision should be made, in the shape
of hardwood wedges, to allow for any adjustment which will be required.

4. Underpinning Underpinning is the process of modifying an existing foundation system by extending it to or into subsurface
strata that are deeper and more stable than the near surface soil that supports the existing foundation system
Assignment: Underpinning, grouting and shoring with images of techniques - 5 in a group. 100 %
16 marks

Underpinning is a method for repair and strengthening of building foundations. Underpinning methods, procedures and their
applications in strengthening of different types of foundations is discussed in this article. There are situations where a failure in
foundation or footing happens unexpectedly after the completion of whole structure (both sub and superstructure). Under such an
emergency situation, a remedial method has to be suggested to regain the structural stability. The method of underpinning help
to strengthen the foundation of an existing building or any other infrastructure. These involve installation of permanent or
temporary support to an already held foundation so that additional depth and bearing capacity is achieved

Structural Conditions which Requires Underpinning

There are many reasons that make an engineer to suggest underpinning

method for stabilization of the substructure such as:

● The degradation of timber piles used as a foundation for normal

buildings would cause settlement. This degradation of structures is due
to water table fluctuations.
● Rise and lowering of the water table can cause a decrease of
bearing capacity of soil making the structure to settle.
● Structures that are built over soil with a bearing capacity not suitable for
the structure would cause settlement.

Kindly read the article - 6 min https://theconstructor.org/building/underpinning-methods-procedure-applications/14480/

read 16 marks
Disabled access to building: PDF TPS46

Read the following pages only, there are 89 pages in the pdf, dont worry. Take the essentials

1. Ramps (just read one type), Curb cuts, grade changes : page 31, see the images in the
upcoming pages.
2. Page 38 vertical lifts
3. Page 43 inclined lifts
4. Page 44 exterior elevators
5. Page 51 power operated doors
6. Page 54 railings
7. Page 56 signage
Seismic retrofit
Innovative technologies for historic preservation Modern materials and equipment provide
many retrofit options to improve the behavior of structural system, global strength, stiffness or
mitigate the seismic hazards.

Some of the commonly used techniques in retrofitting are listed below:

1. Post tensioning

Post tensioning is considered one of the potentially efficient retrofit options for reinforced
concrete or masonry buildings, providing strength and ductility to the overall structure with
minimal intrusion. Masonry has a relatively large compressive strength but only a low tensile
strength. Hence, it is most effective in carrying gravity loads. However, in-plane shear and
outof-plane lateral loads induce high levels of tensile stress also. Commonly, these induced
tensile stresses exceed the compressive stresses and reinforcing (commonly with steel
members) must be added to provide the necessary strength and ductility. The level of
compressive stresses can be significantly raised by post-tensioning the reinforcing steel and
the more brittle tensile failures avoided. Basically, a core hole is placed down through the
masonry wall and a high-strength steel rod (or tendon) is inserted. The bottom of the rod is
anchored in the floor or foundation. A jack is then used at the top of the wall to place high
levels of tensile force in the rod.

2. Base isolation

Base isolators are used to decouple the building response from the ground motion and in the
event of a major earthquake, base isolation will greatly reduce structural and architectural
damage, mostly by shifting the structure natural period. The two basic types of isolation
systems that have been employed are elastomeric bearings (using natural rubber or neoprene)
and the sliders (Teflon and stainless steel).
Seismic retrofit
3. Composite wraps

Composite wraps or carbon fiber jackets are used to strengthen and add ductility to
reinforced concrete and masonry components without requiring any penetration.
Composite wraps are most effective on reinforced concrete columns (both in
rectangular and circular forms) by providing additional confinement.

4. Micro-piles

Micro-piles are utilized in foundation rehabilitation and seismic retrofitting projects to

enhance the foundation ultimate capacity and reduce foundation deflection.

5. Epoxy

Epoxy is one of the most versatile materials used in structural repair and retrofitting
and it is used as a sealant, adhesive or mortar. One of the major use of epoxy is
providing binding between reinforcement and concrete to restore bond degradation
or provide anchorage for new concrete.

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