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Just an

Can you briefly tell us..
1. something about yourself? • Which tenses would you use to answer
2. What goals are you pursuing at the the questions?
moment? • Are these questions general or specific?
3. Why is this job/study programme
you applied for important to you?
4. What kind of life do you see
yourself leading ten years from
1. Why did you choose this university?
This question is a good opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the university.

Start from general towards more specific reasons.

Mention reputation, lecturers, something that sets them apart from the rest of similar
universities(google it)

The university question is another good opportunity to show that you’ve really thought
about the course and gone to the effort of finding a university whose approach to the
subject you agree with. You can even name specific modules that set this university’s
course apart from the others offering the same subject.
2. Why did you choose this academic
• Because I genuinely enjoy it..
• Because it fits in perfectly with my career aims…
• Because I want to help…
• I think I can get a maximum value from these studies…
3. What do you consider to be your greatest

How about your greatest strength?

How about your weaknesses?

NB!- the key is to turn them into a neutral angle.
• Tom Bailey is a promising young man. Some
might think that he procrastinates, but the
truth is that it is his perfectionism that
sometimes prevents him from meeting
deadlines. His diligence in research is
famous among his peers, and though he can
occasionally be absent-minded, his
Read the two descriptions. approach is systematic. Apart from this, Tom
Are the character traits in bold is a cultured and articulate individual who is
positive, negative or both? able to express himself clearly and with wit.
What picture do these Nevertheless, he remains focused and
descriptions portray? humble despite his impressive academic

• Although Mr. Anderson has been with us for

only a short time, he often acts on his own
initiative. Mr Anderson is a highly ambitious
individual, and, unfortunately, that has made
him a rather impatient and opinionated
person, traits that do not make him a team
player. On the other hand he has proven
himself observant and persuasive, and that
has driven up sales.
• In an interview situation, what
would you say if you didn’t hear
the question or if you needed
more time to think?
4. “Walk me through your Resume”
This is a good opportunity to recap everything you had
previously said- strengths, career aims, what you can contribute,

• Interviewers want to know about the skills

and experiences you have that qualify you
for the job/position you’re trying to land.
• Hit the highlights related to the job,
university or company you’re applying for.

• This question is an opportunity for you to

share your career story and showcase the
value you bring to a company, so your
answer should focus on these aspects of
your past experiences.
Opening phrases
I am interested in applying for the job of…/ to the
university/academic course..
In connection with…/ with regard to…

I saw your advertisement in/on/for…

I have heard about…

Main part- include only relevant info, as the
details are in your CV.
I have been working for/at/in…
I am currently/presently working/learning…
At present I am…
I have previous experience working for/at/in…
I am fluent in/able to//familiar with/experienced in…
I acquired valuable skills, such as…
As my CV shows.../as you can see from my Curriculum vitae..
Some of my interests include…
I consider myself to be…
I am responsible/hard-working person…
I believe I am suitable for this position/ subject/ programme
Closing part

Please contact me if you I look forward to I appreciate your

have any more questions
regarding my CV your response… time…
Describe someone you know using vocabulary given.
Also provide evidence of these by mentioning something
that person does or has done which supports these qualities.
• Strive hard to succeed
• Be a quitter -Choose a phrase/adjective, then find two or
• Narrow-minded three synonyms

• Studious • “ Marry strives hard to succeed in her new

job, which makes her very dedicated and
• Set long-term-goals reliable.”
• Have strong motivation
• Conscientious
• (in)competent
• Take risks
• Diligent
• Knowledgeable
• meticulous
Interview etiquette

1 2 3 4 5

Proper interview
etiquette is
Make eye Pay Be Look
important. contact as attention attentive  interested
Remember to
greet the you
receptionist, your
interviewer, and
everyone else you your points
meet politely,
pleasantly, and

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