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Have you called anyone to reserve a hotel or

make an appointment to your friend to meet
What do you say first to the receptionist?
What kind of glossaries do you need to
By: Rudin Sianturi, M.Pd
It is a kind of expression used to make an or
some appointments to meet or to do
something with another person (The time and
place has been agreed together before).
Membuat Janji adalah sebuah ekspresi yang
digunakan untuk membuat sebuah atau
beberapa perjanjian bertemu atau
melakukan suatu hal dengan orang lain pada
waktu tertentu (waktu yang telah ditentukan
dan disepakati bersama)
It is a kind of expression used to
make an or some offerings to your
parents, older people, friends etc.
The offering is not only about having
lunch or dinner, but it can be every
thing that you want to offer to them.
For example, offering to go to a
mall, watching a cinema, and so on.
It is a kind of language
expression used to book or
reserve a hotel, a table in a
restaurant, ticket for flight/train,
and so on. In this situation, you
can not do this through filling in
the requirements by the link
The Expression of Making an
Can I join you for the party tonight? I will
come at 7 pm.
Can I call you after dinner?
How about tomorrow?
How about after school?
I would like to make an appointment with
You can use my car tomorrow.
Approving an appointment
 Okay
 Sure
 Certainly
 That must be great
 That would be fine
 It’s a deal
 I don’t mind
 Don’t be late
 Why not
 No problem
 Roger that
Cancelling an appointment
I’m sorry because I will have planning
I wish I could, but I will go with my
Sorry… I am busy.
I can’t make it.
That is not a good time.
The Expression of offering
Shall I open the window?
Would you like having dinner at my place
Do you want a cup of tea?
I will watering the plants, if you like?
How about another piece of cake?
May I give you a hand?
Can I help you?
Can I something for tonight dinner?
Do you want to come to my house?
Accepting an offering
Thank you very much
I’d love to
With pleasure
Yes, please
I really appreciate it
That would be nice
I’d love some
Thank you, I’d like…
Refusing/Declining an offering
The Expression of Booking/Reservation
Accepting a booking
Refusing/Declining a booking
Example dialog making an appointment 1

Jack: I will have a party tonight, at 8 pm

after dinner. Would you like to join with
Kyra: Sorry, Jack. I have to study for my
exam. How about after that at 9 pm?
Jack: That will be fine.
Kyra: Oke… see you there.
Example dialog making an appointment 2

Ana: I will have a presentation

tomorrow. Would you like to help me
preparing the materials after school?
Jane: Sorry, Ana. I wish I could, but I
have to take my mother to see a
Ana: How about tonight?
Kyra: I don’t know. I think that I can’t
do that. Sorry.
Ana: That’s okay.
Terima kasih
Students’ Performances
1. Rociani – Hafidzoh K
a. The intonation is still slow.
2. Chaliza – Syifa Putri
3. Novi – Rismay
a. Fluency and Pronunciation and I
4. Zahra Vanya – Denny S
a. Fluency and Intonation
6. Adam M – Nur Ahmad (P,
7. Ali – Surya (
8. M. Rafa – Alen
9. Aay – Yuliansyah
10. Nasywa - Soffany

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