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Opening Prayer
We thank You, Lord, for all the blessings, guidance
and kindness to all of us. We thank You for giving us
strength and knowledge to face the challenges
Lord, let our hearts and minds be open, give us
enough understanding, lead us to the right path
according to Your will. We are praying this in Your
holy name Jesus Christ, Amen.
Lesson 2

1. distinguish the types of Philippine folk
2. describe the features of Philippine folk
narratives; and
3. analyze Philippine folk narratives in terms
of their features.
What are the different folk
narratives in the
 a traditional story,
especially one
concerning the early
history of a people or
explaining some
natural or social
phenomenon, and
typically involving
supernatural beings or
 specific accounts of
gods or superhuman
beings involved in
extraordinary events or
circumstances in a time
that is unspecified but
which is understood as
existing apart from
ordinary human
 a traditional story
sometimes popularly
regarded as historical
but unauthenticated.
 is a genre of folklore
that consists of a
narrative featuring
human actions,
believed or perceived,
both by teller and
listeners, to have taken
place in human history.
 a story from the past
that is believed by
many people but
cannot be proved to be
 is a folklore genre
that typically consists
of a story passed
down from
generation to
generation orally.
 is a folklore genre that
typically consists of a
story passed down
from generation to
generation orally.
1. Hinilawod
2. Ibalon
3. Hudhud
4. Darangan
5. Biag ni Lam-ang
of a Classical
The Sun and the Moon
(Bagobo Tradition)
The Sun and the Moon
(Bagobo Tradition)

Long ago the Sun had to leave the

Moon to go to another town. He knew
that his wife, the
Moon, was expecting the birth of a
child; and, before going away, he said
to her,
A beautiful child it was, with curly hair like
binubbud, with burnished nails that looked like
gold, and having the white spots called
pamoti on its body. The mother felt very sad to
think of killing it, and so she hid it in the big
box (kaban) where they kept their clothes.
your baby is born, if it is a boy, keep it; if a girl,
kill it."
A long time passed before the Sun could come
back to the Moon, and while he was gone,
the Moon gave birth to her baby. It was a girl.
A beautiful child it was, with curly hair like
binubbud, with burnished nails that looked like
gold, and having the white spots called
pamoti on its body. The mother felt very sad to
think of killing it, and so she hid it in the big
box (kaban) where they kept their clothes.
A beautiful child it was, with curly hair like
binubbud, with burnished nails that looked like
gold, and having the white spots called
pamoti on its body. The mother felt very sad to
think of killing it, and so she hid it in the big
box (kaban) where they kept their clothes.
As soon as the Sun returned, he asked the Moon,
"How about our baby?"
At once the Moon replied, "It was a girl: I killed it
yesterday." The Sun had only a week to
stay at home with the Moon. One night he
dreamed that a boy with white hair came to him
from heaven. The boy stood close to him, and
spoke these words:—
"Your wife got a baby, but it was a girl; and she
hid it away from you in the box."
When the Sun wakened from sleep, he was very
angry at the Moon, and the two fell to
quarrelling about the baby. The Moon wanted the
child saved.
"You ought to keep it with you," she urged.
"No, no!" protested the Sun. "I cannot keep it,
because my body is so hot it would make
your baby sick."
"Your wife got a baby, but it was a girl; and she
hid it away from you in the box."
When the Sun wakened from sleep, he was very
angry at the Moon, and the two fell to
quarrelling about the baby. The Moon wanted the
child saved.
"You ought to keep it with you," she urged.
"No, no!" protested the Sun. "I cannot keep it,
because my body is so hot it would make
your baby sick."
"And I cannot keep it," complained the Moon,
"for my body is very dark; and that would
surely make the child sick."
Then the Sun fell into a passion of rage; and he
seized his big kampilan, and slew the child.
He cut its small body into numberless little bits,—
as many as the grains of sand that lie
along the seashore. Out of the window he tossed
the pieces of the shining little body; and,
as the gleaming fragments sparkled to their
places in the sky, the stars came to birth.
Answer the following questions. Put your
answer in 1 whole sheet of pad paper.
1. What kind of folk narrative is the story? What
characteristics of the story make you
think so?
2. How would you describe the characters in the
3. What is the main source of conflict?
4. How is the conflict resolved?
5. What message does the story seem to convey?
The End!
6. The oldest type of counting board that has
survived from the ancient times is the
7. The Chinese abacus is called “Suan-pan”.
8. The Japanese abacus is called “Soroban”
9. Blind children are also taught to use the
abacus as a manual calculator.
10. Collections of shells, pearls, elephant teeth,
sticks, or even coconuts were also use for
II. Direction: Fill the blanks with the

correct answer. Choose the correct answer

from the box below.

Morse Code Cuneiform script Information
Phonetic Technology ICT
Hieroglyphic script Communication Facial

Sign Language    
11. ________________ means the proper use of
technology to help people use information.
12. Your school is the venue of
13. __________________ is a means of
transferring or exchanging information.
14. __________________ is a collection of tools,
skills, and methods that can be used to produce
goods or services, or to achieve an objective.
15. People communicate in different ways. Side
from the human voice, hand signals, and
___________________ are also used.
16. __________________ is a visual language.
Instead of the voice, it uses hand gestures, body
movements and facial expressions to
17. The Sumerians’ writing system is called
18. The Egyptians’ writing system is called
19. The characters in the Phoenician alphabet
represented only sounds, not syllables or words. It
was a ____________________ alphabet.
19. The characters in the Phoenician alphabet
represented only sounds, not syllables or words. It
was a ____________________ alphabet.
20. _________________ represents the letters of
the alphabet, as well as numerals and punctuation
marks, as unique combinations of dots and dashes.
III. Multiple Choice
Instruction: Write the letter of the
correct answer.
1.Primitive people are using different objects and tools to
tally their animals. What is this object that helps them even
though it is heavy to carry around?
2. This device has an essential part in it called punched-
cards that helps create a pattern on fabrics, what do we call
this device?
a. ATM
b. Automatic Tabulating Machine
c. Jacquard Loom
d. Stepped Reckoner
3. It is considered to be the most important counting
device. It is __________.
a. Human hand
b. Joint counting
c. Abacus
d. Calculator
4. A Napier’s Bones that was invented by John Napier can
help us compute the ______________________.
a. Multiplication
b. Square roots
c. Cube roots
d. Both b and c
5. During the early age, people created this device that is
made out of wood, bone or any sticks. It has small notches
and there is an engraved number for each notch. What do
we call this device?
a. Tally knots
b. Tally sticks
c. Tally woods
d. Tally bones
6. In middle ages, people from Western Europe invented
three counting devices, which of the following is NOT
included in the group?
a. Apices
b. Coin-board
c. Line-board
d. Salamis
7. It is a large wooden counting board used by the
accountants and its name came from the word “checkered”.
a. Exchequer
b. Exchqueer
c. Exchickuer
d. Excheker
8. This is another counting that uses knots instead of
notches. It is a ______________.
a. Knotted yarn
b. Knotted rope
c. Knotted strings
d. Knotted cloth
9. During the Ancient times, the Roman and Greeks also made
their own counting devices. Which of the following are those
i. Salamis
ii. Calculi
iii. Hand-abacus
iv. Apices
a.i and ii
b. i,iii and iv
c.i, ii and iii
d. all of the above
10.Slide rule is a device that was used by the engineers to
calculate, the inventor of this device is
a. William Oughtred
b. Gottfried Leibnitz
c. Herman Hollerith
d. Howard Aiken
11. This is another term to call the Soroban.
a. 2/4 Soroban
b. ¼ abacus
c. ¼ style Soroban
d. 1/5 style Soroban
12.How does the Chinese call their version of abacus?
a. Soroban
b. Suan-Pan
c. Shoty
d. Scet
13.It is said that the Abacus is still in use today, in what
place in the Philippines do people still use it?
a. China Town
b. Quiapo
c. Baklaran
d. Cebu
14.Pascaline that was invented by Blaise Pascal was
originally called as __________________.
a. Numerical wheel
b. Turning calculator
c. Manual calculator
d. Wheel number
15.Who is the inventor of the Analytical Engine and
Difference Engine?
a. William Oughtred
b. Gottfried Leibnitz
c. Herman Hollerith
d. Charles Babbage
16.Howard Aiken made a calculator that is about the size of
a room and weigh almost five tons. What is this device?
a. Stepped Reckoner
b. Mark 1
c. Automatic Tabulating Machine
d. Pascaline
17.What are the operation that a Stepped Reckoner can
a. Addition and subtraction
b. Addition, subtraction and multiplication
c. Division, multiplication, and square root
d. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
18.He is considered as the Father of Computers.
a. Joseph Jacquard
b. Herman Hollerith
c. Howard Aiken
d. Charles Babbage
19.Who is this inventor who made a machine to help his
father who is a tax collector?
a. Gottfried Leibnitz
b. Herman Hollerith
c. Blaise Pascal
d. Charles Babbage
20.It is a part of a Jacquard Loom that was used later on in
an ATM machine. What is it?
a. Card
b. Punched-numbers
c. Punched- cards
d. Beda Venerabilis
21.It is used to input letter, numbers, special characters,
function keys, and commands.
a. Scanner
b. Keyboard
c. Mouse
22.It shows images, texts, and programs of the computer on
the screen.
a. CPU
b. Trackball
c. Monitor
23.It inputs images and texts to be captured on the
computer. It works like a photocopy machine.
a. Scanner
b. Compact disk
c. CD/DVD writer
24.It is also called the brain of the computer.
a. CPU
b. Flash drive
c. Joystick
25.This device can store data from the computer. They are
light, small and easy to carry.
a. Hard drive
b. Dot matrix
c. Flash drive
26.In order to take care of our computer hardware we
a. Eat in front of the computer.
b. Avoid hitting our computer.
c. Place some heavy object on our computer.
27.In order to take care of our computer hardware we
should NOT:
a. Avoid hitting, banging, opening, or repairing your
hardware by yourself.
b. Clean your computer.
c. Put magnets and heavy objects on our computer.
28.To properly care for your computer software. We should,
a. Install an anti- virus
b. Backup your files
c. All of the above
29.A license that we should use for our application should
a. legit
b. fake
c. both a and b
30.Which of the following is a peopleware?
a. computer used in a hospital
b. computer used in an office
c. all of the above
IV. Identification.
Direction: Choose your answer on
the world pool. (2 points each)
Atanasoff-Berry Computer Altair-8800
Electronic Number Integrator and Computer Henry Edward Roberts
Bell Laboratories Transistorized Digital Computer
Cuneiform Script Hieroglyphics
EC-130 1951
Atanasoff-Berry Computer Altair-8800
Electronic Number Integrator and Computer Henry Edward Roberts
Bell Laboratories Transistorized Digital Computer
Cuneiform Script Hieroglyphics
EC-130 1951
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