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• Doctorate in Occupational Safety and Health
• Senior Lecturer (Faculty of Engineering Technology)
• Research interest: Commuting accident and post-injury
• Competency:
• ISO 45001: 2018 (Lead Auditor)
• ISO 39001: 2012 (Lead Auditor)
• OSH Coordinator
Online etiquette

• Be punctual
• Wear proper attire
• Find a comfortable and proper place to attend class
• Switch off microphone (except during Q and A session)
• Response immediately when require feedback from lecturer
• Be in place at all time during class
• Inform lecturer before class if could not attend class (WhatsApp)
Eras in the development of OSH

• Starting 1911

Inspection era Unsafe act and unsafe condition era

Industrial hygiene era Noise era Safety management era
OSH era Behaviour-based era and human era
Inspection era
• Management of companies concentrated heavily on cleaning up
terrible physical conditions that existed by eliminating physical
hazards and cleaning up working areas.
The unsafe act and unsafe condition era
• Most accidents are caused by people rather than conditions.
• 88% of accidents are due to unsafe acts and remaining percentage is
due to unsafe condition.
• Approach:
o Cleaning up physical condition
o Try to teach and train workers on the safe ways of thinking
The industrial hygiene era
• Concentrating at the physical conditions
• Focus on the behaviour of workers
• Monitoring environmental conditions
The noise era
• Began when a worker in a plant in USA claimed that his hearing loss
was related to his job.
• Before that, loss of hearing had not been considered as compensable
because deafness did not impair earning power.
• Concentrate on:
o Protect workers from any hearing loss
o Protect company from paying for the hearing loss that occurred elsewhere
The safety management era
• Started in 1950s
• Focused on:
oSetting policies
oDefined responsibilities and clarifying the role of authorities
oScope extend to not only on workers injuries on the job, but also on fleet
safety, property damage control and off-the job safety.
• In the year 1961, frequency of accident rates had dropped from 15.12
to 5.99 (Source: National Safety Council)
The safety management era
• Therefore, safety professionals began to think about professionalism:
oAttempting to better define the function and scope of the position
oDeveloping curriculum for formal education to prepare a potential professional
oEvolve a professional certification program
The occupational safety and health era
• In 1970S
• OSHA 1970 required safety professionals to concentrate on :
o Removing physical conditions mentioned in the standard
o Documenting everything that was done
The behaviour-based era and human era
• Use principles of human behaviour in safety programmes.
o Require workers participation
o Positive reinforcement instead of focusing on correction
o Workers’ perception on organization
What is “system”?
• According to the System Theory, a system consists of 4 components:
What is “management system”?
• A way to organise activities
• Concept - Deming cycle
What is “OSH management system”?
• A set of interrelated or interacting elements to establish and implement
OSH policy and objectives, and to achieve those objectives.
• OSHMS is part of the organization’s overall management system to
manage OSH risks.
Why do we need to manage OSH?
Benefits of OSHMS
(1) To guarantee compliance with existing legislation

(2) To improve OSH performance (examples: total number of injuries,

accidents and death related to work)

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