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Safety and Health at Workplace

Hazards at Workplace
Definition #1

Occupational hazard
• a source or a situation with a potential to
cause human injury, ill health, damage to
property, damage to the environment or
combination of these.
Definition #2

Occupational disease
• a disease or disorder that is caused by the
work or working conditions.
Types of hazards

1. Physical hazard
• Environmental factors that can harm workers
without necessarily touching them.
• Examples – noise, heights, radiation, pressure
Types of hazards

2. Chemical hazard
• Hazardous substances that can cause harm to
health (examples: skin irritation, blindness) or
physical impacts (examples: corrosion, explosion).
• Examples – pesticides, lead, mercury, plumbum
Types of hazards

3. Biological hazard
• Biological substance that poses a threat to
workers health.
• Examples – virus, mould, blood
Types of hazards
4. Ergonomic hazard
• Physical conditions that may pose risk of injury to the
musculoskeletal system (muscles, ligaments, tendons or
nerves of the wrists) resulting in a musculoskeletal
disorder (MSD).
• Examples – poor workstation setup in the office,
manual handling
Types of hazards
5. Psychosocial hazard
• Hazard that can cause adverse effect on worker’s
mental health.
• Sources:
(i) Work organization factor: working hours,
technological change, workplace violence
(ii) Personal factor: work-life conflict, substance abuse

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