Organizational Hurdles

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Overcome Key Organizational Hurdles

Managers face four hurdles:

1. Cognitive: waking employees up to the need for
a strategic shift.

2. Limited Resources 3. Motivation: ? 4. Politics: .

The Four Organizational Hurdles to Strategy Execution

Four Key Organizational Hurdles

Riding the "Electric Sewer" to break the Cognitive Hurdle Redirecting from cold spots to hot spots and horse trading to overcome the Resource Hurdle Placing Kingpins in a Fishbowl and atomize the change to jump over the Motivational Hurdle Leverage your angels and consigliere to overcome the Political Hurdle

Break Through the Cognitive Hurdle

Inspire a fast change in mindset that is internally driven of peoples own accord: Ride The Electric Sewer:
To break the status quo, employees must come faceto-face with the worst operational problems. Direct and personal face-to-face experience with poor performance is shocking and inescapable, but actionable. This direct experience exercises a disproportionate influence on tipping peoples cognitive hurdle fast.

Jump the Resource Hurdle

Multiply vale of resources already have Factors that Execs can leverage to free up resources:
Hot Spots Cold Spots Horse Trading

Jump the Resource Hurdle Cont

Hot Spots- low resources but high potential performance gains Cold Spots- high resource input but low performance impact Horse Trading- Trading units excess resources in one area to anothers to fill remaining resources gaps.

Jump the Motivational Hurdle

For a new strategy to become a movement people must recognize what needs to done and act on that sight in a sustained and meaningful way. Tipping point leaders encourage this by focusing on three factors of disproportionate influence in motivating employees:

1. Zoom in on Kingpins 2. Place kingpins in a fishbowl 3. Atomizing to get the organization to change itself.

Knock Over the Political Hurdle

Organizational politics is an inescapable reality of corporate and public life. Even if an organization has reached the tipping point of execution, there exist powerful vested interests that will resist the impending changes

Knock Over the Political Hurdle Cont

To overcome political forces, tipping point leaders focus on three disproportionate influence factors:

1. Secure A Consigliere On Your Top Management Team 2. Leverage Your Angels 3. Silence Your Devils

Knock Over the Political Hurdle Cont

 Secure A Consigliere On Your Top Management Team: A politically adept but highly
respected insider. Knows those that will fight you and who will support you.

 Leverage Your Angels:

Identify your Angels, who will gain the most by the strategies shift, who will naturally align with you. Dont fight alone get the higher ad wider voice to fight with you. Who are you devils? Who will lose the most by the strategies shift? Who will fight you?

 Silence Your Devils:

Challenge Conventional Wisdom

 Transforming the masses uses time and resources.

 Execution by using tipping point leaders to use disproportionate influencers.

Conventional Wisdom Versus Tipping Point Leadership

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