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Theories of leadership


To explain the leadership theories .

To identify the implications of
educational theories for educational
Great man theories of leadership
 Based on the belief that leaders are
exceptional people, born with innate
qualities, destined to lead .
Great Man approach actually emphasis on
"charismatic” leadership.
 leadership was thought as a concept
which is primarily related to male and
Trait theories of leadership
The trait leadership theory believes that people
are either born or are made with certain qualities
that will make them excel in leadership roles.
 That is, certain qualities such as intelligence,
sense of responsibility, creativity and other
values puts anyone in the shoes of a good leader.
Major contribution to trait theories
Five major leadership traits
Five factors personality model and
leadership Judge, Bono, Iles and
Gerhardtl (2002)
The emotional intelligence concept was
introduced in the early 1990's by Daniel
Implication for education leaders
 leadership traits of an individual can be
assessed .
 leaders can get an in-depth understanding
of their identity and the way they will affect
others in the institution.
 leaders/administrator can be aware of
their strengths and weaknesses and thus
they get an understanding of how they can
develop their leadership qualities.
Behavioral theories of leadership
Leaders can be made, not born.
 Concentrate on what leaders actually do
rather than on their qualities.
Different patterns of behavior are observed
and categorized as 'styles of leadership’.
 Pattern of actions used by different
individuals determines leadership potential
i.e. Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire.
Major contribution to behavior theory

Ohio State University (1940s)

( LBDQ or the Leaders Behavior Description
University of Michigan (1950s)
McGregor’s Theory X & Theory Y
Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid
Implication for educational leaders
Behavioural theory promotes the value of
leadership styles .
 It helps leaders evaluate and understand how
their behavioural style as a manager affects their
relationship with the team and promotes
commitment and contribution towards
organizational goals.
 This theory helps to modify the styles of
leadership, and helps them decide how to
behave as a leader, depending on concerns for
people and for productivity.
Contingency theories of leadership
 Argues that there is no single way of
leading and that every leadership style
should be based on certain situations
 Signifies that there are certain people
who perform at the maximum level in
certain places; but at minimal
performance when taken out of their
Major contributions to contingency theory

Fiedler’s contingency theory (1958)

Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory (1970s-

Path-Goal Theory by Robert House (1971, revised in 1996 ) 
Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision-making Model of
Leadership(1973; Arthur Jago added to theory in 1988)

Cognitive Resource Theory by Fred Fiedler and Joe Garcia 
Implication of contingency theory
Different leadership styles suit different
 Contingency planning helps the
organization to respond to uncertainty .
It may identifying possible events that
may occur and by preparing alternative
strategies to deal with them.
Transformational leadership
The central concept here is change and the
role of leadership in envisioning and
implementing the transformation of
organizational performance.
Leaders transform their followers through
their inspirational nature and charismatic
Rules and regulations are flexible, guided by
group norms.
Major contributions to transformational
Burns Transformational Leadership
Theory (1978)
Bass Transformational Leadership Theory
Leadership Participation Inventory by
James Kouze and Barry Posner (1987)
Implication of transformational theory
Studies of transformational leadership
have sought to understand how
educational leaders can develop and
sustain vision.
Empower the followers/teachers,
perceive the importance of
organizational goals, and create a cultural
environment in which transformational
leadership will thrive.

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