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Topics to be covered.

 Introduction to python.
 How to install python.
 Starting with python.
 Basic data types in python.
 Variables operators in python.
 Operator precedence.
 Conclusion.
Introduction to python.

 Python is an object-oriented language, which

means that it lays more emphasises on the
data/objects rather than the procedures. Real time
objects are considered and worked on in this
language. Python was conceptualised in the late
1980’s and it’s implement was started by guido van
rossum in 1989 at CWI (centrum wiskunde and
informatica), which is a national research institute
for mathematics and computer science.
How to install python.
For installing python follow these steps:
Obtain a python distribution: you can down load different python distributions from for this chapter ,we have download. For this chapter ,we have downloaded
python 3.6.5.

Python installation process: after downloading the python distribution ,the first and foremost thing is ton
install the software. Double-click on the downloaded installer software. Click on the run in the dialog box
and the installation process starts. Keep following the instructions and keep clicking on the next button.

the python interpreter is usually installed in a standard location /usr/local/bin/python3.6 on those

machines where it is available. Putting /user/local/bin in your unix shell’s search path makes it possible to
start it by typing the command: python 3.6.

on windows machines, the python installation is usually placed in C:/python3.6, though you can change
this when you are running the installer.
Starting with python.

You can start work in python in two ways:

 In interactive mode.
 In script mode.
Interactive mode.

 In interactive mode the commands are

executed line is giving the output at the same
time. In this mode the command is typed in
front of python command prompt (<<<). For
example, if you type 3+6 next to the python
prompt, it will give you result as 9.
Working with script mode.

Python shell can be used in two ways , i.e ,

interactive mode and script mode. Script mode
enables us to create and edit python resource is the normal mode where the scripted and
finished files are run in the python interpreter. In
script mode, a file can be created and saved for
future reference. The complete script is written in
an editor such as notepad in windows and then
the interpreter is invoked with a script parameter.

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