Telecoms Final Project

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Lesson 10
MODULE 1: Network installation and

• To apply concepts learn during the sessions into a real context situation.
• To propose ideas to improve NC at school.
• To explain the structure of the final Project.
Final project!
Module 1: Network installation &
What’s it about?

Type of Project:
Oral presentation

Improving the Network of my School

01 Structure
• This is a group project.

• The groups will be from 4 up to 6 students.

• Each of the students from the group must

participate from the project and its design.

• Select a connection network from the school which you

02 consider is necessary to improve, such as, office telephones,

internet, computers laboratory, etc.

03 Collect diagnostic information:

• Collect diagnostic information: devices used, ask people if the network works properly or how, could
be improved, determine steps to follow, select tools and materials to be used during the process.

• Elaborate an improvement proposal: diagnostic and needs, mention work steps, list materials, and
tools to be used, benefits of the recommended changes.
Working on the project

04 Prepare a Power point with all the information you


05 In the next slide you will find a chart. Fill the next chart with
your ideas for your project
Name of the “Improving the network of my school”
Number of For example:
students in the There are 6 students in this group.
Resources & What do you need? (computers, printers, etc)

Students’ role • Groups should assign roles to each member, such as a timekeeper to meet the deadline, language
facilitator to review grammar structure, material keeper to store work properly, and a leader to
supervise overall presentation.
Working on the project

06 Finally, present the project in front of the class. Explain why you
chose a certain network and refer about your proposal.

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