Biliary Atresia

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MUGOL, Charmayne C. Moises, Jemerson B.

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Operative view of complete extrahepatic biliary atresia.

Biliary atresia, also known as "EXTRAHEPATIC DUCTOPENIA" and "PROGRESSIVE OBLITERATIVE CHOLANGIOPATHY" is a congenital or acquired disease of the liver and one of the principle forms of chronic rejection of a transplanted liver allograft. As a birth defect in newborn infants, it has an occurrence of 1/10,000 to 1/15,000 cases in live births in the United States. In the congenital form, the common bile duct between the liver and the small intestine is blocked or absent. The acquired type most often occurs in the setting of autoimmune disease, and is one of the principle forms of chronic rejection of a transplanted liver allograft. Infants and children with biliary atresia have progressive cholestasis with all the usual concomitant features: pruritus, malabsorption with growth retardation, fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies, hyperlipidemia, and eventually cirrrhosis with portal hypertension. If unrecognized, the condition leads to liver failure -but not kernicterus, as the liver is still able to conjugate bilirubin, and conjugated bilirubin is unable to cross the blood-brain barrier. The cause of the condition is unknown. The only effective treatments are certain surgeries such as the kasai procedure, or liver transplantation.

SYMPTOMS DIAGNOSIS Initially, the symptoms are indistinguishable from neonatal jaundice, a common phenomenon. Symptoms are usually evident between one and six weeks after birth. Besides jaundice, other symptoms include clay colored stools, dark urine, swollen abdominal region and large hardened liver (which may or may not be observable by the naked eye). Prolonged jaundice that is resistant to photo therapy and/or exchange transfusions should prompt a search for secondary causes. By this time, liver enzymes are generally measured, and these tend to be grossly deranged, hyperbilirubinaemia is conjugated and therefore does not lead to kernicterus. Ultrasound investigation or other forms of imaging can confirm the diagnosis. Further testing includes radioactive scans of the liver and a liver biopsy. Biliary atresia seems to affect girls slightly more often than boys. Within the same family, it is common for only one child in a pair of twins or only one child within the same family to have it. Asians and African-Americans are affected more frequently than Caucasians. There does not appear to be any link to medications or immunizations given immediately before or during pregnancy. AND

TREATMENT If the intrahepatic biliary tree is unaffected, surgical reconstruction of the extrahepatic biliary tract is possible. This surgery is called a Kasai procedure (after the Japanese surgeon who developed the surgery, Dr. Morio Kasai) or hepatoportoenterostomy. This procedure is not usually curative, but ideally does buy time until the child can achieve growth and undergo liver transplantation. If the atresia is complete, liver transplantation is the only option. Timely Kasai portoenterostomy (e.g. < 60 postnatal days) has shown better outcomes. Nevertheless, a considerable number of the patients, even if Kasai portoenterostomy has been successful, eventually undergo liver transplantation within a couple of years after Kasai portoenterostomy.

Recent large volume studies from Davenport et al. (Ann Surg, 2008) show that age of the patient is not an absolute clinical factor affecting the prognosis. In the latter study, influence of age differs according to the disease etiologyi.e., whether isolated BA, BASM (BA with splenic malformation ), or CBA(cystic biliary atresia). It is widely accepted that corticosteroid treatment after a Kasai operation, with or without choleretics and antibiotics, has a beneficial effect on the postoperative bile flow and can clear the jaundice; but the dosing and duration of the ideal steroid protocol have been controversial ("blast dose" vs. "high dose" vs. "low dose"). Furthermore, it has been observed in many retrospective longitudinal studies that steroid does not prolong survival of the native liver or transplant-free survival. Davenport at al. also showed (hepatology 2007) that short-term low-dose steroid therapy following a Kasai operation has no effect on the mid- and long-term prognosis of biliary atresia patients.

QUESTIONS: 1.What is the other term for Biliary Atresia? 2.What is the option if the atresia is complete? 3.What is the procedure if the intrahepatic biliary tree is unaffected? 4.Who is the Japanese surgeon? 5.Beside Jaundice, give atleast one symptom of Biliary Atresia.

1.EXTRAHEPATIC DUCTOPENIA 2.Liver Transplantation 3.Kasai procedure 4.Dr. Morio Kasai 5.clay colored stools, dark urine, swollen abdominal region and large hardened liver

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