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The majority of the reason of the rise in global
temperatures and subsequent climate change is attributed
to human activity:


The idea of planetary network stresses how interrelated everything is on Earth.
Everything that occurs to one element on Earth has an impact on other elements.

Planetary networks refers to the interconnections and

interrelations among the various elements in the natural
environment enveloping and affecting Earth as well as
beyond Earth’s surface. It includes the rain, the wind, the
sun’s rays, gases and other climate-related elements.
A phenomena known as “ global warming “
describes the increase in average global
temperature on Earth’s surface as a result of the
ozone layer’s weakening in the planet’s
atmosphere. The enormous amount of ozone that
remains at the atmosphere where it is created is
sufficient to create a screen for Earth against the
sun’s ultraviolet rays. Green plants growth and
ability to produce food are stunted by ultra violet
radiation, and floating microorganisms at the
base of the ocean food chain are also destroyed.
Ultra violet radiation can also damage the cornea
and cause skin cancer. Earth’s climatic patterns
and weather cycles altered by global warming.
Climate Change refers to the major
changes in the climate that last for long
periods of time. Climate refers to the
prevailing set of atmospheric conditions
such as temperature and humidity of a
place within a span of time. Weather is
the atmospheric condition involving hot or
cold, rainy or dry, cloudy or clear sky and
stormy or calm in a short period of time
(Arzadon 2015).
The Effects of Consumption and Production Patterns of Climate Change

 Production is the process through which individuals generate

and manufacture the goods they need to use, sell, and
consume. Almost all things are made of natural materials,
which are depleted each time they are utilized.
 If production pattern is characterized by heavy dependence on
coal, the problem of climate change will be more aggravated.
China, for instance, has large coal mines and relief on them for
its energy requirements. This makes China one of the most
polluted countries on Earth. Dependence on petroleum in the
manufacture and production of goods makes U.S. produced 23
percent of global carbon emission, while it makes eastern
European countries, including Russia, produce 14 percent of
carbon emission (Harper 2001).
 These simply serve to demonstrate that the more developed the
nation is, the more they contribute to ozone layer thinning,
exacerbating global warming, and climate change.
 The use of economic or consumer goods and resources is
referred to as consumption. Individual, family. Business,
and government consumption can all be classed. It is the
key justification for using our resources. Ecosystems have
a capacity to renew, maintain, and adapt to what is lost,
but they will be destroyed if land resources are used
 According to economic theory, the more we consume,
the more we demand, the more we produce, the more
we extract natural resources, and the more we extract,
the faster the resources degrade. Our environment has
infinite resources, but there is an endless demand for
production and consumptions.
Among the government's attempts to preserve the
environment are the subsequent:

1. The 2005 implementation of the Kyoto Protocol includes aims and

timetables for reducing the emission of greenhouse gases from the
industrialized nations For instance, the United States produces 23%
projected target decrease from 2000 to 2012 of the world's carbon
emissions is 7 percent.

2. The resource efficiency of a product is guaranteed by the emission

certificates, which can aid in enhancing brand loyalty, cutting costs,
and increasing sales. The certification enables the manufacturer to
receive recognition on a global scale. for the merchandise.
3.Carbon offsetting is the process of reducing carbon
footprint by the use of other alternatives like solar or wind
Simple actions you may take to combat climate change include:

1.Saving energy - Saving energy not only helps you save

money but also reduces carbon emissions. also emissions.
For instance, avoid using your phone while charging.

2.Enhance your diet - Try to purchase organic fruits and

veggies wherever possible. natural foods are healthier
because they have less dangerous ingredients, yet The
ecology and climate are also protected by their cultivation.
3. Home water - conservation Most households have clean
water pumped to them that has been treated. utilizes a lot of

4. Recycling - reusing materials can significantly contribute to

halting climate change. utilizes less energy typically.

5. Recycling food - scraps if trimmings, peels, cores, and

leftover food were composted, decrease emissions while
preserving healthy soil.
6.Erect trees - aid in removing carbon from the
atmosphere and regulating the climate.

7. Wherever possible, avoid plastic - almost all

plastics are made using fossil fuels, and almost all
Plastic emits greenhouse gases at many stages of
its life cycle.
8.Mount your bicycle -the bicycle remains the most popular
sustainable mode of transportation.

9.Stay informed and helpful - Encourage groups that hold

businesses accountable for the ecological principles.

10.To share is to care! - If we consume more goods jointly and

own less, we'll need to produce more. Having fewer stuff
means using fewer resources. sharing and trading vehicles
lending, borrowing, and clothing.

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