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When it comes to OHS in a computer,
it refers to the safety of the people
involved in the computer and
technology industries. The health and
safety procedures are in place for
preventing any hazards or risks
within the respective industry.
What is a hazard?
A hazard refers to anything that could potentially harm
a person or people. This could be something that affects
their health adversely. For example, it could make them
physically ill.
An example of a hazard that could take place in a
workplace with computers would be frayed electrical
cords. These are dangerous as they could electrically
shock anyone that comes close or in contact with the
Safety Measures when it comes to Personal Computers 
A person can take some precautionary measures to protect
themselves from any hazards or safety issues brought upon by
1.Shoes with Rubber Soles
It is advisable to wear shoes that have rubber soles. They would be
non-conductive and lower the chances of getting an electrical shock
or any similar accident
2.Devices that are plugged into their Power Source
It is rather dangerous to work on components or devices that are
plugged into their power sources. There have been incidents where
the device explodes, and people are injured severely. Thus, it is
better to err on the side of caution. 
3.Expansion Cards
When a computer is turned on, the expansion cards shouldn’t be
removed for safety purposes.
4.No Water
Do not keep water close to your electrical devices. A simple
spill can destroy these components for sure but may injure you
in the process too. In addition, water and electricity do not mix
5.Magnets and jewelry 
These can interfere with the working of the electrical
components, so it is better not to bring a magnet close or wear
jewelry while working on a computer. 
What parts of a computer cause OHS Diseases?
Certain components or items that are on or near a computer
contribute to OHS diseases. In addition, they are capable of causing
physical illnesses and, therefore, shouldn’t be taken lightly. 
According to an article, these components or things are usually
because of computer desk chairs and the computer monitor.
However, the CPU box, computer’s keyboard, mouse, and cable also
risk people’s health. 
Some employees work 9 hours a day on computers. As a result,
people in the technology industry or those whose work revolves
around using a computer often should be careful. 
OHS Diseases Related to Computers
Employees who use computers can become victims of high-risk
diseases. The following is a list of diseases that are likely to be
suffered by computer using employees:
•Carpal tunnel syndrome
•Repetitive strain injuries (RSI)
•Headache-comp (Occurs due to eyestrain, poor posture, or
even a bright lighted environment)
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by
pressure on the median nerve. The carpal
tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded
by bones and ligaments on the palm side
of the hand. When the median nerve is
compressed, symptoms can include
numbness, tingling, and weakness in the
hand and arm.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is caused
by repeated use of a body part, such as
your shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist or
hand. For example, you can get RSI if:
you do repetitive activities like
hairdressing, decorating, typing or
working on an assembly line.
A computer screen headache can be dull or
sharp. It is just one of the 
symptoms of computer vision syndrome,
also known as digital eye strain. Other
symptoms include blurry vision and dry
Dry eyes and dry mouth are
collectively described as sicca
symptoms. Sicca symptoms can
impact substantially on a patient's
quality of life, and currently only
symptomatic treatment is available,
such as the use of artificial tears
Asthenopia describes any symptoms associated with the
use of the eyes, typically eyestrain and headache, including
general tiredness or soreness of the eyes or lids.
Asthenopia or eye strain may be a cause of headache and
mild, dull, aching discomfort of the eyes. Because it is due
to muscle strain that occurs while trying to correct 
visual acuity, it is not present on awakening and worsens
with prolonged visual duties.
12 OHS Procedures for
Computer System
Servicing NC II
1.Do not work alone so that there's
someone who can take care of you in case
of emergency.
2.Always power off the computer and
unplug the computer before working on it.
3.Take away any liquid near your working
area to avoid getting electrocuted or
accidentally damaging computer parts.
4.Be careful with tools that may cause
short circuit.
5.Always ground or discharge yourself
before touching any part of the
6.Do not use excessive force if things
don't quite slip into place.
7.Clean the area before and after using it to
maintain sanitation and prevent accidents.
8.Hold the components on the edges and do
not touch the Integrated Circuit (IC) parts.
9.Always wear personal protective
equipments (PPE) in accordance with the
organization's OHS procedures and
10.Make sure that the pins are
properly aligned when connecting a
cable connector.
11.Contingency measures during
workplace accidents, fire and other
emergencies are recognized.
12.Use brush, compressed air or
blower in cleaning the computer
A hazard is any source of potential damage,
harm or adverse health effects on something or
Harm – physical injury or damage to health.
Hazard – a potential source of harm to a
Basically, a hazard is the potential
for harm or an adverse effect (for
example, to people as health
effects, to organizations as
property or equipment losses, or to
the environment).
Mechanical hazards arise from
relative movements between parts
of the human body and objects such
as work equipment or work objects,
which lead to their contact. The
result of this contact can be
accidents that lead to injuries.
Physical Hazards
This is the most common type of
workplace hazards. Examples of
physical hazards include slips, trips,
falls, exposure to loud noises, working
from heights, vibrations,
Chemical Hazards
Chemical hazards are present anytime
workers are exposed chemical
substances. Examples include cleaning
solutions and solvents, vapors and
fumes, carbon monoxide and any other
Electrical Hazard  A
dangerous condition such
that contact or equipment
failure can result in. electric
shock, arc-flash burn,
thermal burn, or blast.
The 5S quality tool is derived from five Japanese terms beginning
with the letter "S" used to create a workplace suited for visual control
and lean production. The pillars of 5S are simple to learn and
important to implement:
•Seiri: To separate needed tools, parts, and instructions from
unneeded materials and to remove the unneeded ones.

•Seiton: To neatly arrange and identify parts and tools for ease of use.

•Seiso: To conduct a cleanup campaign.

•Seiketsu: To conduct seiri, seiton, and seiso daily to maintain a

workplace in perfect condition.

•Shitsuke: To form the habit of always following the first four S’s.

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