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Virtue Ethics
Virtue ethics are theories that emphasize the role of
character and virtue in moral philosophy. It
challenges the idea that ethics should focus solely
on justice and autonomy. The ability to cultivate the
right virtues will be affected by a number of factors
beyond a person's control.
•father of western logic and a philosopher.
•Moral Virtue
- disposition to behave in the right
- primarily through habit and
practices rather than through reasoning and
•He emphasized that virtue is practical, and
that the purpose of ethics is to become
good, not merely to know.
Telos is the ancient Greek term for an end, fulfilment, completion,
goal or aim; it is the source of the modern word 'teleology'.
• Aristotle defines the telos for humans as Eudaimonia. The best condition
possible for humans is happiness through leading a meaningful and
virtuous life. He distinguishes between a means and an end. A means
always has another end, while a final end has no further means.

• Aristotle's telos, or final cause, is the idea that there is a purpose or goal
for everything. For example, the purpose of an eye is to see. The purpose
of a knife is to cut. The purpose of a hammer is to hammer things.
• Aristotle states that telos is the same for every human being and that it is aristo
universal and intrinsic. The only way that you can achieve it he says it by tle de
Telos fine
human actions but not all human action are good he believes that there are
good and evil human actions.

• Human telos is not just to think rationally, but to think rationally in

service of a final end. Aristotle defines the telos for humans as
Eudaimonia. The best condition possible for humans is happiness through
leading a meaningful and virtuous life. He distinguishes between a means
and an end.
Virtue as a Habit

• Virtues are habits of the soul by • Virtues are habits. That is, once they are
which one acts well, for the sake of acquired, they become characteristic of a
what is fine and noble. As Aristotle person. For example, a person who has
puts it, virtuous actions express developed the virtue of generosity is
correct (right) reason. They are often referred to as a generous person
acquired through practice and because he or she tends to be generous in
habituation. all circumstances.
Happiness as virtue
• Happiness (or flourishing or living well) is
• For Aristotle, happiness is not pleasure,
a complete and sufficient good. This implies:
honor, or wealth, but an activity of the soul
in accordance with virtue. Happiness is
A B related to virtue by means that virtue is
something that he/she likes to do like vices;
that it is desired for that it is not desired for it makes him/her happy.
itself, the sake of anything
else, • Aristotle thinks happiness is the highest
good because, according to Aristotle,
C D happiness is the full development and use of
our intellectual capabilities. Happiness is
that it satisfies all that it is stable. about being pleased and self-sufficient so
desire and has no evil you don't have to rely on others.
mixed in with it, and

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