Ted Talk-2

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India is a developing country with rich brains but

unfortunately, they brain drain.

- Anonymous
Hello everyone, Thank you for having me.
Myself Hariom Chaudhary standing in front of
you to talk about ‘Brain Drain’.
What exactly is brain drain?

Brain drain is a colloquial term popularised in 1960s which describes large-

scale migration of skilled human capital that causes a country to lose its
innovative capabilities and limits its economic growth.

Brain drain is a major problem for our country. Every year India losses 17
billion dollars due to this.
Let’s see some
important and
eye opening
People have given up their Indian citizenship since 2016
Millionaires have left India since 2014
Entrepreneurs have left India since 2014
India ranks 1st when
it comes in migration
of rich and highly
educated people.
By this study we get
to know that, every
day 4,000 people are
leaving India.
But why are these people going out ?
But why are these people going out ?
• A major reason why India’s young, skilled labour force leaves is in search of better
rewards for their effort and talent.
• We say that our society is cosmopolitan but the truth is our culture is closed and
reluctant towards foreigners, whereas the western world welcomes the talent with
open arms.
• Issues like casteism, racism etc still persists in our country.
• The average income per capita is much more In developed countries compared to
developing ones. Climbing up the ladder in indian corporate world is a arduous task.
Satya Nadella ( CEO of Microsoft )

Sundar Pichai ( CEO of Alphabet Inc.) Shantanu Narayen ( CEO of Adobe )

But how can we
stop or prevent
Brain Drain ?
Brain drain is taking place at a very fast rate in developing countries.People
get disenchanted with low rewards available for their qualifications and
experience, which compels them to migrate to developed countries in search of
greener pastures. But ultimately, the most effective long-term approach that
countries should adopt to stem their brain drain is to discourage citizens from
leaving in the first place, by giving them various reasons to stay. So, here are
some of the ways to arrest brain drain in our country
1. Provide better job opportunities irrespective of caste, creed, race or
2. Promote people on merit alone.
3. Provide attractive salaries to highly qualified people on the basis of
their qualifications and experience.
4. Improve the quality of our universities and bring them at par with
universities in Europe and America.
5. Provide adequate research facilities.
6. Do away with the quota system atleast at higher educational degrees
and higher class jobs.
Thank you for hearing me out. You have been
a great audience.

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