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US Culture

US Lifestyle
Official Motto - “In God We Trust”
North America bordering oceans are the Atlantic, Pacific Ocean.
North America is 3rd largest geographic area after Russia and
Largest State : Alaska
Smallest State : Rhode Island
Newest State : Hawaii
Oldest State : Delaware
Most Populated : California
Least Populated : Wyoming
US is divided into 4 regions :
East coast
West coast
Mid west
It is the third largest country in the world with a
population of more than 325 million.
Independence Day : 4th July 1776
Capital : Washington, DC
President : Joe Biden
Currency : US Dollars
Crowded Cities : California,
Washington Texas & New york
✔ New Year's Day
✔ Martin Luther King Jr. Day
✔ Memorial Day
✔ Independence Day
✔ Labour Day
✔ Veterans Day
✔ Thanksgiving
✔ Christmas Day
✔ American football is the most
popular sport to watch in the
United States, followed
by baseball, basketball, and ice
hockey, which makes up the "4
major sports".

✔ Soccer, tennis, golf, wrestling, auto

racing, arena football and
volleyball are also played in the
The 50 Stars on the flag of USA represent the 50 states of United states of America
🠶A smile and a hello are always needed.
🠶Preferring “Handshake” as a first greeting, Hugging is suitable for
family and friends.
🠶Preferred to be called by their first name.
🠶Gifts are for anniversaries, Birthdays and Christmas.
🠶When gifts are given, they are not to be expected by recipients.
🠶When invited for dinner, guests can bring a small box of
chocolates, a bottle of wine, a potted plant or flowers for hostess.
🠶A gift should be open when received.
🠶Dress is semi formal depending on the industry. Technology and
internet companies tend to be business casual, financial and other
industries tend to be semi formal.
🠶Casual Attire is common on Friday in many companies.
🠶The handshake is common greeting.
🠶Eye contact and appeals are important.
🠶Arrive on time is important.
🠶Meetings appear relaxed, they are taken seriously.
🠶If there is an agenda, It will be followed.
🠶Americans are influenced by data and evidence versus opinion.
🠶American eating habits vary by region. West coast
versus southern menus will be different form each
🠶They eat more fried, fatty and canned foods than
other cultures.
🠶The breakfast can include everything but specially
fried eggs and omelets.
🠶Teenagers like hamburgers, French fries and other
fast food. They don't eat fried onions.
🠶They have lunch with lighter, fresher foods.
Commonly sandwiches, salads burritos and tacos.
🠶For some, a prayer before a meal is important.
America has wide variety of religions so this will not
always be the case.
🠶Americans love to eat
snacks and pizza while
watching movies, football
games and free times
🠶Fast food meals are
typically for lunch, not very
much for dinner
🠶They generally drink soda
– its not mineral water, coke
and beer
🠶Being on time is important, It can be Classes,
Appointments, work, Group meetings

🠶Being late = Sign of Disrespect

🠶Arrive early
🠶 Cars, trucks, and vans account for the
highest percentage of commuter
choices across America.
🠶 Though the cost of maintaining a car
is high, the convenience is worth it.
Most people travel by their own cars.
🠶 Private aircraft are also used for
medical emergencies, government
agencies, large businesses, and
individuals, see general aviation.
🠶 Air shipping is typically used only for
perishables and premium express
🠶Public transport offers a variety of
modes to choose from including buses,
commuter trains, streetcars, subways,
cable cars, monorails, and tramways.
🠶It reduces congestion and saves the
United States more than 4.2 billion gallons
of gasoline per year.
🠶Recreational boating is a popular leisure
activity in the U.S. Over 87 million U.S.
🠶Adults participate in recreational boating,
using a boat for (sports) activities such as
fishing and water skiing and/or to travel.

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