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My Ramadan

and Salah
Alima Ashfaq
Objectives of this lesson
• Discuss the importance of the salah.
• Discuss the origins of the salah.
• Explain how students can maximise their salah in
The aim and purpose of Ramadan is to increase
you in taqwa. How will understanding who Allah
is help you achieve this?

Homework: Discuss this question with your family

and make a list of answers to share with the class
next week.
The Purpose of the Salah

• The prayer is a • “The Prophet (s) • Ibn Kathir said,

A Fortress
A Connection

An Answer
connection said during his “Whenever a
between the death-sickness: condition befell the
creation and the "Your prayers! Your Prophet (s), he
creator. It is a prayers! Guard immediately
conversation full of your prayers…. He resorted to Salah.”
emotions. continued to
repeat these words
until he was unable
to talk." Ibn Majah.
• A connection: For the summer holidays Muhammad visited Pakistan with his uncle. Every day he waited for a
phone call from his parents but they never called. He even sent many messages, but they still ignored him. It
seemed they were too busy and he missed them dearly. How do you think Muhammad feels? Imagine if it was
the other way round, how would his parents feel if Muhammad went to a different city to study his degree and
didn’t make an effort to call?
• Now think about your connection with Allah. Do you make regular calls, or are you too busy?
• Your salah is a personal phone call to Allah (s) who provides you with everything. Why do many people refuse to
make the call?
• The final message: Why do you think the Prophet (peace be upon
him) emphasised the salah three times before he passed away?
What would you say to your family if you were on your deathbed?
What is most important to you?
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The Purpose of the Salah

• “The Prophet (s) used to • The Prophet (s) said, “On • “Allah (s) said,

A Personal Bodyguard

pray at night until his the day of Judgment the “Whosoever shows
feet were sore. He was first action that a man enmity to someone
once asked: “O will be asked about is his devoted to Me, I shall be
Messenger of Allah, why Salah. If it is fulfilled, he at war with him. My
do you strain yourself will succeed; but if it is servant draws not near
though Allah declared in incomplete, he will be to Me with anything
the Qur’an (in Chapter disappointed and will be more loved by Me than
48) that you were in loss.” Abu Dawud. the religious duties I have
forgiven of all your sins?” enjoined upon him…”
He replied: “Should I not Sahih Al-Bukhari.
be a thankful servant?”
Sahih Al-Bukhari
• Thank you: How do you say thank you to someone? What do you
do for them? How can you thank Allah?

“Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying). I will remember you, and be grateful to
Me (for My countless favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me” [2:152] 
The Purpose of the Salah

• The Prophet (s) said, “What do you think if there was a


river by the door of any one of you and he bathed in it

five times a day, would there be any trace of dirt left on
him?” They said, “No trace of dirt would be left on
him.” He said, “That is like the five daily prayers, by
means of which Allah (s) erases sin.” Sahih Al-Bukhari.
Why do Muslims Perform Salah
Fill in the blanks from the following sections which remind us of the great
importance of performing salah five times a day. Fill in the blanks.
Salah is the ………………………… pillar of Islam. Salah is the key to
………………………… Salah stops us from doing ………………………… and
………………………… made after salah is accepted.

By missing salah knowingly a person commits a major ………………………… and if

one believes the salah is not necessary he will not remain a …………………………
anymore. Allah has no responsibility towards a ………………………… person who
misses ………………………….. intentionally.
A person who misses …………………………, it is as though she has lost all her
………………………… and her …………………………. People who do not pray their
………………………… will be the enemies of Allah on the Day of …………………………
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How to make the most 1. Make a commitment to read ALL your salah.
out of your 2. Learn the meaning of Surah Al-Fatiha.
salah this 3. Read tarawih with your family.
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• When the • There is, at its • It will bring down
Verse One

Verse Two

Verse Three
Occurrence occurs. occurrence, no [some] and raise up
denial. [others].
• When the earth is • And the mountains • And become dust

Verse Five

Verse Six
Verse Four

shaken with are broken down, dispersing.It will

convulsion crumbling bring down [some]
and raise up

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