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Inquiry Project 1

“Frustrations of conducting a
search on the web”

By: Michalle Meyers

Inquiry Plan
 Create a Focus: Internet Search
 Engage students in a educational
rich assignment, searching the
Internet for web based terms.
 Form educated predictions and

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Inquiry Plan Cont.
 Observations - observe students
interaction with search
assignment, record findings
 Survey/collect more data - using a
free web base survey tool, support
or disprove predictions.
 Disseminate data/review

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Inquiry Plan Cont.
 Follow up inquiry - have
meaningful conversations with
students, focus on searching the
web, narrow down what’s the most
important issue.
 Create an educational experience
for students - intertwine curriculum
with web searches/resources.
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Project Focus/Investigation

How do kids go about searching for

information on the Internet? What are
their frustrations and how can we learn
from them and help eliminate them!

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The Issue: Kids inability to
search the web
 Responses from kids (Survey taken
 Why do I have to look through so
much junk to find what I want!
 What do I type in the search window?
 How do I word things?
 How do I verify my information?
 How do I narrow down my search?
M. Meyers - CEP 806 6
My Ideas
 Prediction - Most  Explanation - As a
high school result of direct
students only observations of
search the students
Internet using searching for
basic techniques. items on the web,
most have no
knowledge of
using advance
M. Meyers - CEP 806 7
My Ideas
 Prediction:  Explanation: As a
Student result of direct
frustrations are observations, most
heightened, thus students get a low
level frustration
giving up, when point when a
Internet searches search result has
are repeated with to be repeated for
little or no the lack of
positive results. pertinent
information. They
M. Meyers - CEPbegin
to ask for 8
Observation 9/4/08

 Observations made when watching

students conducting internet searches
for web terminology.
 Typing of whole questions into search
 Inputting terms to search in the address
window instead of a search engine
 Students getting frustrated
M. Meyers - CEP 806 sifting 9
through lots of search results.
Observation 9/4/08

 Many students taking 40-45

minutes to search 10 web terms.
 Many students using Wikipedia
 3-5 students in each of the four
classes did not finish assignment.
 Some students ask for teacher
approval of search results before
writing their answer.
M. Meyers - CEP 806 10
Observation 9/4/08

 Some students choose the first or

second search result assuming it
was correct because it was “at the
 Some students use more than one
search engine as a result of not
getting desired answers.
M. Meyers - CEP 806 11
 According to the METS (Michigan
Educational Technology Standards)
at what age are students expected
to competently identify search
strategies for locating needed
information on the internet?

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Click one to see if you can
guess where the state
expectation is!
s By the end of 3rd grade.

s By the end of 5th grade.

s By the end of 7th grade.

s By the end of 9th grade.

M. Meyers - CEP 806 13
Congratulation! Continue

 These are Technology Standards and

Expectations for the State of Michigan by
the end of Grade 5!
 Students identify search strategies for
locating needed information on the
 Students discuss the accuracy,
relevance, appropriateness, and bias of
electronic information sources.

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Nice Try but go back
and try again!

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The Survey - 9/8/08
(Created with: Polldaddy)

 The purpose of this survey was to

ask basic questions about how
students perform their internet
 What are their frustrations and
needs when it comes to searching
for educational rich information on
the web.
 8 multiple choice, 1 free response
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Question 1

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Question 2

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Question 3

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Question 4

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Question 5

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Question 6

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Question 7

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Question 8

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Question 9

How can I be more specific?

How to narrow down the search so I don’t get so
much junk!
Finding the right answer, faster.
Where the information comes from.
How to complete a more advanced search
How to verify the material I am finding.
How to get more relevant results.
Ability to clarify and narrow my search.
M. Meyers - CEP 806 25
The most interesting feed
back in my opinion was:
 Question #6 - 56% responded that they
think it is important to learn about web
searching in 4th or 5th grade.
 Does this say: our school district has
high expectations of students skills but
are not effectively teaching those web
 Are teachers engaging their students
with web activities with assumptions
about their skills?
M. Meyers - CEP 806 26
Follow-up to the survey
 Google assignment - completing an
informational worksheet/guide on
searching with Google. Accessing
the website resource pages,
collecting information, applying to
 Basic Search Informational Site
 Advance Search Informational Site

M. Meyers - CEP 806 27

Meaningful Reflection
(Jeff Wilhelm, University of Maine, Orono)

 "Literacy has always been about

using the most powerful cultural
tools available to make and
communicate meaning”.
 “If we or our students don't know
how to critically use these tools to
their fullest meaning-constructive
potential, then we--and they--are
illiterate”. M. Meyers - CEP 806 28
Resources used:
 My four technology classes, (I
currently am not teaching science)
 Polldaddy survey instrument
 Google Instruction
 Article: Literacy by Design: Why Is
All This Technology So Important?

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